Jasizzle For Rizzle

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Jasizzle For Rizzle


In the Guinness Book of World Records under the Raddest Fuckin He/Him Alive
Without fail, the strategy is ALWAYS "if we do stuff Republicans want they'll totally vote for us"
Oh so instead of trying to improve shit and get people on the left to vote for him Biden is going after right wing voters. Cool. Cool cool cool.
all of my sniffware, adtech and geotrack apps have combined billions of dollars worth of data and infrastructure to determine that I would like to buy the coffee maker i bought last month
I feel like the core question with everything the Democrats do is "if we fix this, what do we campaign on next term?" They run full fear based campaigns and them making the bad guys less effective doesn't get donations
It's almost like ensuring that the worst people can't have their reach minimized was the goal, and he's glad Musk reshaped Twitter to explicitly maximize reach for only the worst people.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Dorsey calls X the "freedom site" after Musk turned it into a haven for Nazis and techbros. Dorsey was butthurt BlueSky didn't get picked up by the "right people"
It's almost as if they're just bad faith taking cases to push their policy agenda. Hrmmmmmm
john fogerty, producer: this song about a louisiana riverboat man is almost perfect but it’s missing something, try it in a bugs bunny brooklyn accent john fogerty, vocalist: big wheel a keep on toynin proud mary keep on boynin john fogerty, producer: that’s it, that’s the take
Musk particularly will never face any meaningful consequence because of Rich Guy Pass but it will be curious to see how far Tesla will fall before Musk decides to cut bait or if he'll just ride it into the ground.
It would free you from the tyranny of seasoning on your food though
genuinely it's so cool that the party response in this election cycle to "i can't afford groceries anymore" is 100% gonna be: - "you're lying." - "MY hedge fund is trending upward so the economy is doing fine." - "you are a foreign agent doing FUD to america" - and "then let them eat cake"
People: We can't afford rent. We can't afford groceries. We can't afford healthcare. We can't afford insurance. This guy: Look at all these haters trying to Sabotage Joe Biden
to my fellow depressed perfectionists: it’s actually okay to half-ass things. doing it half-ass is better than not doing it at all.
ITS ACTUALLY TRUTH TUESDAY! Don't listen to the imposters! Today we're sharing TRUTHS!! Let those truths run wild!!!
I'm kinda digging Dodge trying to make EVs fun but God damn this video was cringe
Why to please his simps? They're goldfish brained morons he can just keep making up shit and never even coming close to doing it and they'll tell him what a genius he is
Musk is a pissy soft skinned bitch and Trump has openly mocked him in public more than once Also I can't see him dropping any sum of money to help Anyone that isn't himself. Just because Trump was included in his Unbanning Nazis initiative doesn't make them pals
"they had to refresh several times before that particular ad showed up next to the Nazi content we removed" will be very convincing I'm sure
Idk co-working etiquette but I feel like the booths are for private conversations? Is the expectation you say nothing outside of the booth?
for the last time: i don't read to be seen. i don't read to flirt. i don't read to celebrate libraries or support indie bookstores. i read so that when the CIA uses their telepathy ray on me i'm thinking about some made-up guy in 19th century Russia
The Thirstiest Thing A Man Can Do Is Readwww.bustle.com Both men and women say reading is a "green flag," and now, to attract dates, men are sharing photos of them with the books they're reading.
Unfortunately they are too self absorbed to actually realize they fucked up and are all probably rich enough to walk away with no real personal consequences outside of mild embarrassment
Idk if I have any followers here but if I do what are your thoughts on corn in chili
That's all it takes for right wingers. Notable people owning the libs is enough. There is no concern for actual opinions or policy. Just saying the current thing to make the libs mad.
Lmao the dude that has spent the last year being the most extremely online radicalized alt right loser just has nuanced views that don't align with all of his actions and statements
Same. The instant messaging era with the early generation social platforms felt truly fun.
Anything that keeps people off the Nazi site is a good thing imo
everyone's parents: You will get more conservative as you age me at 43: Children Should Be Allowed To Vote Monthly On Which Congressperson To Leave Upside Down At The Gas Station
They're doing us a favor by making the site so absolutely unusable. If you ever feel like overlooking that it's just Musk and his Nazi Pals now, you go to find a local event and it's completely unusable reminding you it's not a place you want to be