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Just trying to escape twitter
Reposted byAvatar Amy
One thing that I think is going to be different about this election is you will be able to say, "Project 2025 says they are going to feed gay people to lions for sport" and voters are going to assume it's true
Reposted byAvatar Amy
This is the shit I was talking about. Kamala could absolutely dog walk Trump and Vance in the general IF the Democrats did their fucking jobs and introduced her to the public and demonstrated a plan for how to deal with the misogynoir tinged shitstorm headed her way should she become the candidate.
If you're going to go with Kamala, the convention has to be to reintroduce Kamala to the public. You're not going to send the first Black woman candidate into the general election as the first candidate that got no convention introduction to the public. WTH are people thinking here?
Reposted byAvatar Amy
I’m not going to pretend Biden’s as sharp as he used to be but Seth Moulton is one of the most Just Some Guy-looking people in Congress.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Really hope we can dispense once and for all with the notion that Trump voters are suffering, misguided, and misunderstood when they’re being so vocally and insistently like “we want ethnic cleansing.”
I've seen a lot of one-offs of people holding these signs, but what is truly chilling is a sea of these being held up by delegates.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
We *always* look back on forced migrations—e.g., the "Trail of Tears"—in history as humanitarian disasters, dark times when we lost our way. America has more recently been a place where refugees flee toward for safety and freedom. What happens when there is nowhere to go?
It's just incredibly fucked up that one of the two major parties is demanding the largest forced migration in human history -- the sort that historically result in mass death -- yet since Saturday, the arbitrators of civility have told us that to call this what it is would be fomenting violence.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Reposted byAvatar Amy
The kind of mass deportation Trump/Vance promise ALWAYS involves mass death, kidnapping & de-nationalization of citizens, turning sweet kids into traumatized orphans & wrecking communities. ALWAYS. It’s a crime against humanity and they’re running on it. Unfathomable cruelty: that’s their promise.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
people in active hypothermia strip their clothes off, people who are drowning try to drown their lifeguards, panic is an extremely effective motivator for choosing motion, but not a good motivator for making progress.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
I ain't read this because WaPo, but VOTE FOR BIDEN IF YOU WANT CHANGES TO THE SUPREME COURT. Voting for Biden is the first, necessary step to bringing this rogue and lawless branch to heel. Only the first, but absolutely necessary.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
This site is such a relief, can't take the doomerism on the other one anymore. (Hi guys!)
Reposted byAvatar Amy
a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
Reposted byAvatar Amy
He’s elderly and he doesn’t express himself as well as he used to, but the dementia/cognitive dysfunction allegations are clearly bullshit
Reposted byAvatar Amy
The reason is that big pubs fired almost all the women on those beats
For reasons I do not understand, most of the mainstream press reported that Trump “softened” the gop position on abortion based on a platform that declares abortion should be illegal in all 50 states
Stop Soft-Pedaling the GOP’s Extreme The party’s platform on abortion and LGBTQ rights is just as radical as ever.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
If your actual concern was that Biden was physically or mentally unfit, this presser is a strong data point the other direction. I cannot help but suspect that was not most people’s actual concern
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
I can't take the vibe on the other site, please tell me people aren't dooming so hard here.
Doing my semimonthly pop in over here to see if the vibes are as meltdown-feral as on that other site.
Hi guys! Long time no see.
Also we have the Sphere, hello!
It seems that because pyramids and cathedrals and stuff are nice tourist destinations and whatnot, people seem to have convinced themselves that they're the results of a good society. But like,, why is devoting enormous resources to useless projects a good thing???
Reposted byAvatar Amy
im just glad that the crypto companies can't afford ads anymore, in that respect we *all* won the super bowl
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Biden on Kissinger: He had many wrong things to say and wouldn’t shut up about them, the end.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
fyi in case you are wondering "may his memory be a blessing" is the standard jewish response to death but there's another, special one just for evil bastards, "may his name be erased"
I kind of feel like today you guys should come back to twitter for one last hoorah.
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Ron DeSantis has some kind of reverse autism. He's so neurotypical that absolutely no one can stand him. Distilled norminess. He's like if someone built a mall in the Uncanny Valley
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Biden got the water turned back on in Gaza. Something Trump never would have done
really does seem to be some movement here
Reposted byAvatar Amy
The US media could be doing much better covering the current conflict, but concerns about a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza are pretty front-and-center on the front pages of the NYT and WaPo. Not what I'd expect to see given the reactions here! And nothing like the immediate post-9/11 period
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Ruling Labour party loses the national elections in New Zealand today, bringing the right into power:
Reposted byAvatar Amy
Reposted byAvatar Amy
you should care whether you’re doing evil more than you care about whether your enemies are doing evil
Reposted byAvatar Amy
while certain people dig in to die on the hill of Hamas as anti-colonial resistance, actual Hamas bosses are absolutely shitting themselves and trying to disavow their own atrocities