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How do I make a Bluesky account (she/her) ily ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
I'm old enough to remember when Oreo handed out packs of cookies with pronouns on them at NYC's 2019 Pride as a partnership with NCTE (National Center for Transgender Equality) so The Federalist ran a whole essay slamming NCTE (National Council for Teachers of English)
One of the things that's been notable about examining the relationship between search engines, news outlets and anti-trans hate has been how frequently outlets recycle outrage material throughout the year to keep stories active. This 2/7 story about Oreo is a reaction to their packaging from June.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
me in 2014: ok sure society is facing a lot of problems right now but surely the people in charge will do everything in their power to address them me in 2024:
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Since the entire national media is doing "Reverse Emails" all over again, here's a brief sample of the things that should be front page, above-the-fold, five-alarm fire news:
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
In general an encouraging thing to me about bsky is that people on here seem much more savvy to the fact that there are bad actors online doing propaganda stuff like this and they need to be proactively dealt with.
Oh good, the "accounts sharing exclusively white Western aesthetic as 'culture' alongside fascist dogwhistles" accounts that everyone falls prey to because 'ooh pretty pictures' is now on here. We had a good run I guess.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
When conservatives tell you who are they are, believe them! "I would rather kill a member of your family than temporarily lose my ability to patronize restaurants" like THIS IS WHAT THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE
the thing about Bethany is that when she’s not busy killing her own mother, she might try to kill yours
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
searching for any product on amazon dot com is just like this now
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
All can be true: 1. Concerns about Biden age are legitimate - he'd be president at 86! Ds would go crazy in reverse situation. 2. But coverage is wildly disproportionate; both men are elderly & showing their age. 3. Most importantly, only one makes outlandish false statements & threatens democracy.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
The NYT is cashing in their reputation as the paper of record to get Trump elected because it will help their profitability. You are not required to help them with this. Today is a great day to cancel your subscription.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
“being a deeply unpleasant freakish asshole to everyone” continues to pan out poorly in local politics
Only one Moms for Liberty member showed up at Brevard County school board meeting to discuss The Kite Runner and Slaughterhouse-Five She "did not speak and eventually snuck out of the room. The books were not banned."
Moms for Liberty Completely Collapses in Former Moms for Liberty appears to be slowly imploding.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
social media in a post-twitter world is much easier to compartmentalize. When you are posting some art or humor you do it on Bluesky and when you are posting something which would be helped by 6 angry and pedantic Germans nitpicking you, you do it on Mastodon
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Sadly, I fear our beloved Super Bowl, once an event where you could hear elaborate performances of the National Anthem and watch fighter jet flyovers, has become a government psyop
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
It is 2016: a Republican official lacking enough evidence to prosecute a Dem Presidential candidate instead casts vague aspersions, which the media treats as a bigger issue than the clearly authoritarian tendencies of the GOP candidate. It is 2024:...
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
PSA! Not even joking. Don’t even *handle* lilies and then go home & pet your cats
It's almost Valentine's Day so it's my yearly reminder that lilies are DEADLY to cats. Every single part of the lily. Even the tiniest sniff of pollen will send a cat into kidney failure within an hour. Lilies are a death sentence. If you have cats DO NOT have lilies in your home!
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
"This really shines a spotlight on his greatest vulnerability" say spotlight operators
Full court press!
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
A queer teenager from Nebraska, where lawmakers passed a ban on gender-affirming care last year, responds to Pamela Paul. "I fear for my future. I fear for my friends and their future."
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Gamers will bitch and moan and boycott and it's actually effective. Which is why we should bitch and moan and boycott more. Start with NYT.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Randomly finding artists on BlueSky that you used to follow on Twitter is like playing a new Pokemon game without a guide. Step out into the tall grass and oh hey it's Vulpix.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
it's cool that the presidential race has moved on from such boring topics as "policy" and is now about which candidate has the least holes in their brain.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
This fact-check from ABC News is what I've been asking for from the NYT for literally years now. Our health care is held to an impossibly-high standard while politicians banning it are allowed to lie lie lie.
Researchers dive into common gender-affirming care youth misconceptions, Health care providers who specialize in this field say there is a lot of misinformation about what gender-affirming care for transgender minors means.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
"How am I supposed to explain a trans person to my kids" My parents had to explain what a blowjob was because I asked what the president was in trouble for. You are WEAK. You DISGUST me.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
we know at this point that piracy is a service issue Spotify is a shitty company and treats artists horribly, but it is a convenient place to Just Listen To Music and most folks use it rather than bothering to pirate mp3s streaming gets worse and more expensive instead? yo ho ho, motherfuckers
as predictable as clockwork: chasing Wall Street's need for improved quarterly returns at ANY cost, streaming companies are going to steadily make their services shittier and more expensive then when users inevitably migrate back to piracy they're going to blame absolutely everything but themselves
Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly * Netflix believes that it's difficult to compete against the free entertainment piracy offers. Not only that, it's growing rapidly too.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
New users, do this! Even if you previously never thought about alt text, adding it will soon be second nature. Isn’t it awesome when being considerate & thoughtful & inclusive is second nature? Wouldn’t it be great if there were a toggle switch for that in life? Anyway. Alt text toggle! Use it!
What a great feature! Everyone should go toggle "require alt text before posting" on under "Accessibility" in the Settings menu.
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
I do hope we get the ability to mute/block keywords here soon
Reposted byAvatar Aracelerii
The speed at which this particular thing was accomplished calls into question the treatment of all the other transparently awful tech abuses that go mostly unaddressed.
AI-Generated Voices in Robocalls Are Now A month after the mysterious Biden calls in New Hampshire, the FCC can now go after robocall scammers that use AI voice clones.