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Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
it is a wild week for sports being played in unfamiliar countries, with cricket in the United States, baseball in the United Kingdom, and Stanley Cup Final hockey in Canada
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
normal poster: posting is fun poster's madnes: posting is important poster's rabies: posting is the only thing that's important
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
people sometimes ask me, bluesky user, what exactly is Swolecialism? well, the theory is sometimes complex but this is praxis:
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
I wrote about Joe Biden's responsibility for Joe Biden, and the fact that many self-proclaimed realists in politics actually have no long term theory of change.
The Left Is Not Joe Biden's Problem. Joe Biden Without a theory of change, nothing changes.
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
imagine how good it would feel to have your whole body taken apart, have each piece carefully cleaned, and then be put back together. powerwash my skeleton in the driveway. lay all the parts out to dry on a towel in the sun. oil all the hinges while you're at it
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
it's super weird that America seems to be trying to memory hole 2019-2021 as hard as possible when I remember having to hear about 9/11 from politicians almost every day from 2001-2016
The New York Times marks a grim milestone with a front page bearing not a single image: just names, one after the other.
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
I’ve been waiting to do this for months
Why would people not think we’re in a recession? Microsoft cutting 5 digits of jobs and their stock price going up isn’t “good economy”.
Harris Poll: 56% of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession--and most blame Biden: 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year (up ~24% in 2023 & >12% this yr) 49% believe unemployment at a 50-yr high (it's been under 4%, a near 50-yr low). 📈sociology polisky
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Exclusive Harris poll for the Guardian shows 55% believe economy is shrinking, in troubling sign for president’s re-election bid
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
Fuck, this is spot on from “Brother, we are talking here about the end of the rule of law. This strike is very much in support of law, and the principles that underlie its ethical legitimacy.”
What Will You Do If the Election Is Stolen? It's negligent not to plan a general strike. Just in case.
I’m unemployed and getting desperate. Got suggested a specific prompt for generating a cover letter, clearly the missing link to a job, so I tried it. It was so unusably bad it was worse than doing literally nothing. Now add slightly depressed because I used enough water to fill a pool for trash.
i have to confess something. i have never, ever not once used chatgpt for anything and its literally unimaginable to me that anyone would. people everywhere whose taste and opinions i would normally trust will be like "yeah i use it for x" why? what would compel you to do that? don't answer this
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
OK here's the deal: 1. SB 1497 would make oil companies pay into a fund for the trillions of dollars in harms they have caused to California. 2. It is at a critical point now where it can quietly die behind closed doors one week from today unless we all make a very big deal of how important it is.
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
KENTUCKY DERBY ODDS: 2-1 The War of 1812 3-2 Outside Agitator 5-1 Sapiosexual Ogre 5-1 Tommy Lee Jones 10-1 Unfrosted, only on Netflix 10-1 Gunch 20-1 Health Code Violation 20-1 Jesus of Nazareth 20-1 eXistenZ 50-1 AI Models are not qualified to discuss prompts related to gambling
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
Eric Adams is amazing because when he won every media person was leaping over each to go “this is the normal sane leadership that the political left doesn’t understand normal sane Americans crave” and then every day since that Eric Adams has been like “Leprechauns are real and I’m going to cook one”
If you've ever found yourself missing the "good old days" of the web, what is it that you miss? (Interpret "it" broadly: specific websites? types of activities? feelings? etc.) And approximately when were those good old days?
Oh my god it’s just called fuckin Twitter. Just call it Twitter it’s so exhausting.
This is Brian Jaques erasure.
i firmly believe that farmer boy by laura ingalls wilder is the most delicious book in literary history
Revenge of the Nerds was a prophecy and a warning.
Nerd culture in the early 2010s was a weird time, I remember the time I talked to a guy who had recently graduated from MIT at a party and told him my dad was an engineer too, and, you know, I’m something of a nerd myself, and he DREW OUT A LOGIC PUZZLE for me to solve and said “Prove it.”
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
Today's Old Man Yells At Cloud post: no one ever sang God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch until after 9/11. It was a sweet idea for like a month, then immediately became jingoistic and war-adjacent. Irving Berlin would hate it, it's been 23 years, and it's time to let it the fuck go.
Just to set the stage properly based on this and the other article today, asking AI about property law is equivalent to asking your washing machine.
"Imagine, for example, asking your washing machine whether it’s safe to wash a beloved item of clothing on a certain setting—literally, asking it out loud or via an app." Right, now imagine that the generative AI, BECAUSE it's generative AI, gives you an answer that's pure garment-ruining bullshit.
Generative AI Is Coming To Your Home Generative AI is transforming home appliances into smarter, more personalized helpers. GE's app offers AI-generated recipes, while Samsung's tech learns from user habits.
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Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
Lieberman final words: “I wish I had stopped more good things from happening”
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
RIP Joe Lieberman, you were stupid and also a bad person
Fits on a plate = one serving.
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
this story from today's Ask A Manager is killing me
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
[the mushroom cloud grows as those around me pray and say their goodbyes] college basketball analyst: don’t need a three here
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
I take a girl home. We go to the bedroom. She takes off her clothes. “I don’t know how to use that,” I say. “I don’t think I can use that here. Hmm, I don’t want to do that right now.”
Reposted byAvatar Badfinger
We've just decided to throw out all the lessons we've learned in the past. Like "RIP your grandma, but I'm different" is the ethos of 21st century America.