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Deputy editor at Foreign Policy, China nerd, gaming nerd, reads a lot
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
McEntee for those of you who don’t know is a wildly misogynistic alpha male TikTok influencer who posts on an account called “Date Right Stuff.” He’s also a failed college quarterback who entered politics through via a Fox News job he got from his industry dad and a viral trick shot YouTube video.
Here's the announcement from Heritage that they've hired McEntee for their PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT. They note that McEntee headed up the Presidential Personnel Office for Trump at the end of his last administration. This is not complicated people.
Former PPO Director John McEntee Joins Project 2025; Personnel Database Launches | The Heritage WASHINGTON—John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is joining the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior ad...
as I said to a former friend of hers, I think mental illness is the generous explanation here, but it reads more to me like curdled resentment and 'jokes'. the 'aliens' here aren't actual aliens, they're non-white people
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
I just counted home page stories. The Daily Caller has five anti-Biden and six pro-Trump stories. The New York Times has seven anti-Biden stories and three that give this style of both-sides treatment to Trump. The Times really is sprinting off a cliff to satisfy their nepo-publisher’s vendetta.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
It can’t be repeated enough: transphobia is a warning sign for fascism. The rights of trans people are a canary in the mine, and when they’re assaulted it means we are all under assault.
formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety)
formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety)
one of the classic 'bought a libel action, didn't realize what would happen' examples
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
very much reflective of the lack of any real survival instinct among journalists that they think the big story today is whether biden will step down
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
They are incapable of imagining anything really happening, especially to them. Covid broke through that which is why there’s a deep desire to forget about it.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
I've said this before but I decided a long time ago a lot of anti trans nonsense is driven by middle aged bores who get a little thrill from saying "penis" over and over
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
many things make me angry about the supreme court but one of the biggest things is just that none of those cowards in the gang of six will ever take real questions from the public
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
people you know go missing, and you never find out what happened to them
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
life under authoritarian regimes is like war: most Americans don’t know that it’s often really normal and boring, up until the rarer, horrible moments when it isn’t
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.
My friend and colleague Ken White has written a great thread describing some (but far from all) of the enormous problems with today's decision by Chief Justice Roberts granting Donald Trump criminal immunity on grounds never before accepted by any court. Today's decision threatens the Republic.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
all presidents so far have only done gentle, kind things, and definitely not bugged the offices of their opponents, or chanted "lock her up" at rallies, or stolen nuclear secrets, or done a coup, or trafficked drugs to contras, or sabotaged ceasefires and hostage negotiations, or tortured anyone
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
It's not the worst of it, but what I may be actually angriest about (right now) is Roberts' smarmy smugness and dismissiveness in the final two paragraphs of section IV and the whole of section V. "Fear mongering," "extreme hypotheticals," "our perspective must be more farsighted," and this.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
Honestly, one thing that the elite-focused accounts of the American Revolution and its aftermath obscure is the extent to which ordinary people were *pissed off* and took matters into their own hands.
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
josh keating gave up doing 'if it happened here' because it just became the reality
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
The Roberts court knows that it's safe to hand unlimited power to abuse or kill political rivals to the president even when a Democrat holds the office because Democrats wouldn't do it
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
"Interviews, diaries, love letters, and declassified documents describe a two-front war: one on behalf of the United States and one within the armed forces, similar in some ways to the experiences of the African Americans and Japanese Americans who served."
Over the weekend, our CEO & Co-Founder joined the folks over at "Foreign Policy" to talk about the lives, loves, and legacies of the queer members of "The Greatest Generation."
The Greatest Generation Had Queer Veterans, Biden’s pardon of gay soldiers is just one part of acknowledging untold stories.
have to note that this position would be insane from a left perspective *even if it were true that Trump was a normal Republican.* A normal Republican president is far, far worse than an infirm Democratic president.
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
Both the “black jobs” remark and using palestinian as a slur are hopefully clarifying as to actual Trump’s ideology and worldview, in contrast with the imaginary trump some people have built up in their heads as the memory of his administration has receded
Reposted byAvatar BeijingPalmer
very angry to see Jamelle Bouie so regularly speaking sense. Very rude of him to keep writing and saying things that are just objectively correct