Andrew Blackwell

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Andrew Blackwell

Making a documentary about cryptography, the internet, and the NSA. Prev, Supervising Editor of NYT Op-Docs
@nytopinion. Author of "Visit Sunny Chernobyl.” Signal: nudibranch.99
For all the terrified Democrats squealing that Biden has no chance, please just stop your sobbing. We absolutely can win.
This is an excellent thread.
Look, I’ve made it a practice to not care about individuals pirating my books, and to make my books available DRM free everywhere possible, for a lot of reasons, including my not actually caring and also not having any executive function.
Heard this too. Just utter bullshit. Trump: “Any election I don’t win is rigged. Immigrants poison the blood of our country. We will root out the vermin.” Democrats: “He’s saying dangerous things.” CNN: “Both sides are responsible for the political climate in this country.”
Scott Jennings on CNN right now saying this is on Dems for saying Trump will end democracy on the US. And Bash and Blitzer are like, yes, we have to tamp down the rhetoric on both sides. Absolute marks. Jesus Christ.
In my global inequality class I show this video on Argentine citizens holding ex-dictators accountable for crimes. "Escraches" were a big tactic, involving protests at their homes, embarrassing them in front of their neighbors, & not letting them live normal lives.
Do you remember folks were picketing Supreme Court Justices' homes a couple of years ago? They're back! At Justice Roberts' home today. Short thread with video on Twitter:
Video: Opinion | Atención! Murderer Next What to do when your neighbors have carried out crimes against humanity.
HILF (homie I’d like to flatter)
somebody confused "pride" for "shamelessness"
That shirt is certainly a choice
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
A requiem for Andy Byford's ambitious $40 billion "Fast Forward" plan to improve and expand NYC transit after the 2017 "Summer of Hell"—finally at death's door thanks to Gov. Hochul's "indefinite pause" on congestion pricing — by
Hochul's Congestion Pricing 'Pause' Kicks Long-Awaited Transit Fixes to the Next Crisis - Streetsblog New York Kathy Hochul's congestion pricing "pause" threatens the commitments New York leaders made to the transit system after years of neglect.
Tuned in to 24/7 late last night when I couldn’t sleep, and caught the end of this and was *transfixed*
Now playing (08:20 PM PST): "Godland" (2022) By Hlynur Pálmason Runtime: 143 min.
New: in an experiment, we paid a freelancer on Fiverr $365.63 to make an AI-generated news site. It scraped websites like ours and other tech sites, used ChatGPT to reword them, then blast them out easily. An entire ecosystem designed to ripoff journalism
I Paid $365.63 to Replace 404 Media With Paying a freelancer on Fiverr to create a plagiarizing ChatGPT-powered news site revealed an industry of middlemen and services trying to game Google Search.
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
He’s got my vote 🌳
On days like today, as I pass from shaded sidewalk to unshaded, I feel like I could defeat Adams next year on a platform of just “I’ll cut the police budget and use all the money to plant trees everywhere. Like, everywhere. Cover the city in shade.” (And start building a big sea wall.)
Hi! The Onion is bringing back our Writing Fellowship. The fellowship has produced some of the biggest names in comedy, at The Onion and elsewhere. It was a casualty private equity. We are reviving it. The program is six months long and includes health insurance.
The Onion Fellowship at The Onion
I don't know how many more days I can be 10/10 mad about congestion pricing but I gotta be honest, it is not showing signs of abating
You may have opinions on COVID19 origins, but Eddie Holmes brings the evidence. He's one of the world's top scientists working on viral emergence. This is worth, actually required, reading for anyone interested in the subject. There will be a quiz afterwards.
The Emergence and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 | Annual The origin of SARS-CoV-2 has evoked heated debate and strong accusations, yet seemingly little resolution. I review the scientific evidence on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and its subsequent spread throug...
This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
This quote from Representative Don Beyer, a car dealer (!!!), on Kathy Hochul's congestion pricing fuckup is 🧑‍🍳 💋. "It's like taxing cigarettes or alcohol. You tax things you don't like, and incentivize things you do like. And we don't like congestion."
NYC libraries are facing a $58 million budget cut that could force most branches to reduce service to just 5 days a week. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN! @NYCMayor & @NYCCouncil: #NoCutsToLibraries
Make a Movie Milder: Spoons Out
Make a Move Milder: Low-Cost Food for the Moderately Wealthy