Bobson Dugnutt

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Bobson Dugnutt

fka @QuintusHaterius on Twitter
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AHAB stands for assigned harpoon at birth
Reposted byAvatar Bobson Dugnutt
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
I love the type of post that’s like “if you ever go into a room and forget what you were there for, you’re probably neurodivergent”
Reposted byAvatar Bobson Dugnutt
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
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Roberts: wait Bruen says WHAT? Fuck fuck fuck I gotta stop voting on shit when I’m drunk. Okay. You can do this Johnny. You went to Harvard. Let’s parse our way out of this mess. Fuckin’ Thomas, I should have known better.
When someone says they went to [RIVAL UNIVERSITY] I give a little shrug and say “well, nobody’s perfect!” It has never gotten a laugh and I will never stop
what are your own personal "we're not trying to air condition the whole outside"-isms. Mine are saying that hot sauce has lots of vitamin C and that barely cooled beers are OK to drink because they are "cask temp"
Very disappointed to see some of you violating the collective unspoken agreement that this is the site where you don’t have to think about Liz Bruenig any more
Reposted byAvatar Bobson Dugnutt
This future is bleak but it is *not* written, no matter what the doomer crowd wants you to believe. You, yes *you*, have power to help so that it doesn’t come to pass.
Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-constitutional’ vision for second Russ Vought, the former president’s budget director, is laying the groundwork for a broad expansion of presidential powers.
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If any of Samuel Alito’s neighbors want to custom-order a sign that says “Samuel Alito Is A Corrupt Piece Of Shit With No Business Being A Supreme Court Justice And Should Resign Immediately” I will personally pay for the printing and graphic design
Reposted byAvatar Bobson Dugnutt
This is my favorite photo of my friend's shih tzu, Tucker.
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if Yoshimi were truly confident in her beliefs she would confront the Pink Robots in the marketplace of ideas
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Another example of how a tremendous amount of this sort of “activism” in the present is actually just incredibly anti-social and reactionary behavior that their perpetrators try to pretend is morally righteous bc they cloak it in “leftist” language
What’s in your basket In your baaaasket Laundry Laundry Laundraaay ayy ayy
Avatar are you on 3 Body Problem yet? Feels like your jam
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Imagining Donald Trump over the centuries morphing into a Mari Lwyd type figure dressed up in a crudely framed talking heads Big Suit and tie and you go around to people's houses reciting "big strong men with tears in their eyes" and they give you candy to make you go away
The AG’s approach to this case was absolute thug shit. It was literally, and I am not exaggerating, “here is a subpoena, turn over all of these documents by tomorrow” and the nonprofit was like “please give us 30 days” and the AG responded by immediately trying to shut them down
NEW: An El Paso judge blocks Texas AG Ken Paxton's efforts to demand migrant client records from a Catholic nonprofit, writing that Paxton's actions suggest that his “true motivation" is to "prevent Annunciation House from providing [its] humanitarian and social services."
El Paso judge blocks Ken Paxton’s efforts to subpoena Annunciation Ho… The judge questioned Paxton’s true motives to investigate the shelter, saying there is “a real and credible concern” the state has a predetermined goal of shutting down Annunciation House.
Early Dune books: how can an oppressed people resist a tyrannical ruler without succumbing to the ruler’s excesses and ultimately becoming that which they despise Later Dune books: would you still love the emperor of the galaxy if he was a worm
Latinx Nuclear Submarine Operators for Biden
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HOLLYWOOD, FOR YEARS: hmm dune has the bones of a great franchise, but, ah, the jihad stuff. political/cultural dynamite. how do we work around that. DENIS VILLENEUVE'S AGENT: hey you guys are never going to believe who denis thinks the fremen are
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there is a really primal desire on the editorial level for a civil conservative voice and while that's good in theory there should really be some reflection about why every single one of the voices they find is fundamentally dishonest, because there *is* no civility in american conservatism
I think this shift started a little earlier (at least where I grew up, there was minimal bullying in the early aughts) but also I watched Dazed and Confused for the first time last year and my main reaction as a mid-millennial was “holy shit every character in this movie should be in double jail”
(and zoomers conversely underestimate the extent to which bullying kids over sexual orientation or race was just widely accepted in society and tolerated by authority figures in the 80's, 90's and 00's)
We regret to announce that Ezra Klein has succumbed to NYT Brain. While any case of NYT Brain is a tragedy, we are heartened by the fact that Ezra held out for over three years, and believe we may be able to use the lessons learned to test a new inoculation therapy on Jane Coaston
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Every two weeks a judge in a different state bangs a gavel, announces "it is the finding of this court that the accused, Donald Trump, is an absolute turbo shithead" and then fines him an amount roughly equal to a MLB team's entire payroll. This is expected to continue for months.
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I've met people named Hamburger who own McDonald's franchises
Just a profoundly stupid asshole
A Beautiful Mind is about how guys want to be fixed by Jennifer Connelly
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Ron DeSantis hinged his entire campaign on being a performative asshole who made peoples life worse, I enjoy his suffering