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Don’t miss this Dublin people 👌
I'm doing a screening of All You Need Is Death next Tuesday 8 PM at the Circular in Dublin 8 - Q&A with the greatest living podcaster after - everyone gets a chance to win a signed framed A4 poster. Shares appreciated! Tickets here:
All You Need Is Death Screening & Join us for a chilling screening of "All You Need Is Death" followed by an exclusive interview with the director!
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
If you’re in Dublin get yourself to this!!
I'm doing a screening of All You Need Is Death in Dublin Tuesday 23 July at the Circular, details in the alt text. Win a signed framed A3 poster for the movie (only one I own!) and stay for the post-screening chat with as it will be epic. €10 entry! Scan the QR code to pay!
if it's not from the champagne region of france then it’s just called sparkling fascist tears
The Irish government is asking people to take a survey on climate change action. If you live in Ireland, this affects you. Please take the survey. It's pretty detailed, but it'll be time well spent. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Climate Conversations
Damn it I have been trying to get excommunicated for years but it’s not what you know it’s WHO you know, level playing field my arse
How centrism descends into fascism
It’s not Friday But will this should make you a tiny bit happy 🍄🍄‍🟫
It's Friday, friends. Can I be tiny happy at you for a minute? This #SciArt zine I (finally) made will be in my store soon. Test print is shiny & full of nerdiness, & I love it. Journal of Video Game Botany no.1 is on fungi that appear in AC Valhalla, & 2 will be the flora of Horizon Zero Dawn 🌿🎮💖
Today is the birthday of artist Billy Graham (July 1, 1935-April 4, 1997), most known for his work at Warren Magazines, and his runs on Luke Cage: Hero For Hire, Black Panther, & Sabre.
this is perfect, lol
Apparently people have started referring to Rowling as Enoch Blyton. Seems appropriate in multiple ways.
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
🔔🔔 This is just a great movie on multiple levels and highly recommend - I’m lined up for a long awaited re watch!!!
Gonna do some self promotion today for no good reason, just because. My folk-horror movie ALL YOU NEED IS DEATH is on VOD right now, it's about a cursed Irish folk-song that destroys the lives of those who transcribe it. It's on Prime:
All You Need is A young couple, who are a part of a mysterious, secret organization, travel at night with the desire to discover forbidden knowledge. They believe that living, modern alchemy is contained in old, forg...
Estimated power usage per request, in watt-hours Basic Google search: 0.3* Chat-GPT: 2.9 Bloom: 4 Google AI: 8 Stable Diffusion: 11.5 One full cellphone charge: 22 *(this figure is from 2009 and I’ve seen research now estimating it at 0.04 Wh)
Stone Henge is in fact part of a huge ritual landscape, the scope of which we’ve only really started to understand. A shocking number of its features were destroyed when the army used Salisbury plain as a huge shooting range during WW2. Corn starch is among the lesser indignities it’s suffered, imo.
Who defines what "a credible threat to the state" is? What's the evidentiary burden that must be met to justify this sanction? Is there a right of appeal? Is the decision made by a court or a politician who may be swayed by electoral considerations of the "legitimate concerns" variety? #Ireland
public service announcement on behalf of chaos and death: have just seen that All You Need Is Death is now available via Sky Store 🙂
Happy Fathers day to all the moms doing double shifts forever ❤️
Happy Bloomsday! Which appropriately is also Father’s Day this year. If you don’t like the idea of reading Ulysses, or your tried and bounced off, you should listen to the unabridged full-cast recording of the book made by RTÉ in 1982, which is miraculous.
‎Ulysses - James Joyce on Apple ‎Arts · 2020
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
14.06.2017 Grenfell Tower I remember passing the tower on the tube, a few days after the fire and the whole carriage gasping out loud. A monument to greed and political incompetence. My 72 neighbours. Never forget.
Someone told me last night about this astonishing Irish work of art where the sewing machines of women working in a sweatshop in Bangalore were replicated in a gallery in Dublin, unseen women doing their work half a world away.
The Red Thread - Kerry The Red Thread was a performative installation of sewing machines in the Complex, Ireland, operated remotely - and in real time - by workers in a clothes factory over 8,000 kilometres away, in Bangalo...
memo to elon and chaya: you should have a kid, or kids, because you want to love them and watch them grow and become whoever they are, which is a thing quite independent of you. Having children to "outbreed the left" is some weird sick shit and your kids will grow up and hate you.
Fact 👇
I have teenagers. You want to judge me, you're going to have to take a number & wait in line.
"All Eyes on Gaza" Spotted in New Orleans