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skeeter etc.
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
something truly magical about how even other Tesla drivers hate the Cybertruck guys
Reposted byAvatar brien
Against the advice of friends, family, and even my expensive legal council, I have agreed in principle to debate a playa straight
Reposted byAvatar brien
In fairness this is everywhere within 20-30 miles of Boston now. First thing I just saw when I opened Instagram a minute ago.
Medford is a city a few miles north of Boston. Growing up for me it was picture whatever area you're thinking of when you imagine the "Boston" genre of movie is like. Except now the average home price is like $900,000.
Reposted byAvatar brien
fifteen percent off? i spit on fifteen percent off. you insult me and my family with fifteen percent off
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
Imagine if this weekend had gone differently
Reposted byAvatar brien
"As someone who knows a little something about getting shot and just generally wearing out my welcome,"
CNN reporting that 50 Cent may make an appearance during the Republican National Convention
Reposted byAvatar brien
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
Reposted byAvatar brien
This is like when an ice cream place names their large size, “Yum Yum Gimme Some,” and you have to say it.
Reposted byAvatar brien
It's so obvious it's barely worth mentioning, but the right believes political violence and punishing their enemies and violent protest is for them to do to the left, and it is an affront to the natural order if done to them. That's it. The hypocrisy is part of the thrill.
Reposted byAvatar brien
I’m at the TJ Maxx. I’m at the HomeGoods store. I’m at the combination TJ Maxx and HomeGoods store
I just think it would be nice if our country's hardworking postal workers got an extra day off
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
"why isn't there a white history month" the cubs are playing the cardinals. it's white history month right now
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
the Archaeological Institute has excavated a salary from ancient history for this job listing
Reposted byAvatar brien
JERRY: She's a ten! But the mole… ELAINE: That's it? A mole?? JERRY: A ten can't have a mole! GEORGE: A nine…? A nine could have a mole… [Maya Angelou enters, applause] MAYA ANGELOU: See to the slickness of your floor, Jerome. Easily I could slip coming through the door as swiftly as I've just done.
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
i'm old enough to remember when we could criticize the democratic candidate without people assuming that meant that we wanted the republican to win. just kidding that's never actually happened in my lifetime
Reposted byAvatar brien
If this is carrots it might be the thing that finally breaks me
Reposted byAvatar brien
You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
Reposted byAvatar brien
Reposted byAvatar brien
easy to chalk the stuff in france up to some vague platitude about ~voting~ but it feels to me like more proof that you have to give people something to vote FOR, and that socialism remains better equipped to beat fascism than liberalism does! just one gal’s opinion
Reposted byAvatar brien
sorry satirists!! looks like my bad faith readings of your work have exposed a shameful lack of moral clarity!!!
Reposted byAvatar brien
TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct