2 of the 3 icy hot stuntaz are now senators
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
i'm rewatching interstellar before it leaves netflix and this is some "what the bleep do we know" nonsense garbage ugh
michael rappaport believes he was the protagonist of copland
loving watching the rich devour everything and being unable to stop it. neat!
man in bucket hat vaping, oil on canvas, 2024
you know what i love? those little mini-trailers before the trailer that tell you what trailer you're about to watch. we should add another layer, make mini-mini trailers with even shorter durations and faster cuts, to make sure we know what mini-trailer is coming up next
had a dream the other night about a demonic, monstrous, sentient pelican named Lauren Agnes. absolutely love the experience of having a human brain, a+ stuff in there
a small thing i'm grateful to steve albini for is introducing me to espresso & tonic as a delightful hot-weather drink via a tweet one or two summers ago
prey is a hall-of-fame game
Stolen from a colleague…
what a country, man. the one thing all the schools reliably teach is what to do in a mass shooting, and if you learn it, the cops call you a terrorist
They do though. They _all_ know how to barricade themselves because school shooter drills were what the cops recommended instead of literally any kind of law enforcement that might prevent school shootings.
most people won’t make it past the inflammatory framing and opening and social media peg to see this tho
Lisa Fithian, a longtime activist and trainer for left-wing protesters whom the police called a “confirmed professional agitator,” worked alongside protesters who stormed Hamilton Hall at Columbia University Tuesday night, video footage captured by The New York Times shows.
The 63-Year-Old Career Activist Among the Protesters at Videos show Lisa Fithian, whom the police called a “professional agitator,” working alongside protesters who stormed Hamilton Hall.
Cops in America's biggest city are beating, stomping, gassing, and clubbing kids protesting a moral atrocity, to protect a university's money and property. That's happening right now. We're not the ones engaging in accelerationism. The fast track this country is on is to fascism, not communism.
I do think it’s really fucking weird that some social commentators are trying to find whatever reason to explain why protests are bad and students have shitty motives instead of just accepting that genocide is bad and people don’t like it.
I mean I’m just going to say that the idea that this is about fostering a safe and comfortable learning environment for all students seems kind of suspect
Police snipers on the roof at Ohio State watching the encampment.
Wild that they didn’t want to call the national guard on the tiki torch Charlottesville types who were yelling Jews will not replace us.
when our great grandkids learn about the collapse of *waves at everything around us*, this is the stuff they'll be zeroing in on, while we just sit here and let history wash over us i really like the idea of making yellow submarine beatles party in dd2 and then dubbing it over with yellow submarine audio but i am too lazy to execute this and don’t know anyone else to tell this to
another turning point, a fork stuck in a toad
is jesus mad at the gay whales
Cool how if you want to install an ADA-mandated elevator inside a subway station you have to do years of community input and environmental reviews justifying it, but if you want to fill the same subway station with guys holding M16s doing constitutionally-dubious searches its just "i've got a hunch"
is boeing cursed???? did they disrespect a mummy
john "all cops are bad" rambo
all these beautiful 4k walking in videos on youtube are doing to take on a new desperate and precious connotation when there is no more snow or outdoor plants
the Tyler Perry AI story seems amazing because his take seems to be "i am concerned this will result in a great many loss of jobs, because i saw its capabilities and immediately stopped creating jobs." i have a suggestion