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Reposted byAvatar caudillross
"The most remarkable thing about Saturday’s shooting is not that Trump was the target of an attempt on his life, but that, because the Secret Service was on hand and dispatched Thomas Matthew Crooks right quick, there was only one fatality."
Crooks & Liar: Notes on the Trump Rally What we felt and why we felt it.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
This is galling: Media accounts are noting that both Trump and Dems are attacking the other as a grave threat to democracy. But Dems base this on what Trump and his allies *say in their own words.* Trump makes shit up. Media isn't making this clear. 1/ (new piece)
Trump’s Ugly New Post-Shooting Rant Instantly Wrecks His “Unity” Donald Trump’s idea of unity: Everybody just needs to unify around putting him above the law. The media must resist getting played by his scam.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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RNC Convention To Open With Shredded Classified Documents Ticker-tape Parade!
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Judge Cannon’s decision to dismiss the case against Donald J. Trump on the eve of the Republican Convention will go down as one of the biggest illegal campaign donations in history.
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Have we done this one yet
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
As Chekhov said, if you put a gun in the first act, you're doing a very weird production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown."
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
I withstood the era of people telling me I should read Hillbilly Elegy because of where I'm from. Now I'm living free and easy in the era of people hating J.D. Vance, and I never lifted a finger.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
"Pointing out that our guy is a threat to democracy is dangerous and we would like this to stop." Sounds like everyone is in agreement then.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
I feel like it's important that people click on every link that is about Project 2025, because if numbers go up, then the publications get a positive feedback loop and write more about it
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
I have pre-dug my own ditch to expire in to obtain a 5% savings in my premiums
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
That thing we all watched in January of 2021 was just the three-hour tv pilot. What the supreme court did this week was greenlight the series.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
Last night we saw the Liar getting halfway around the world while the Truth was still putting on his shoes.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
tweeted this four years ago and it pretty much sums up my feelings on this shit
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
The thing that also fucking sucks is Biden is a bit stronger now and Trump is not only lying nonstop but speaking even more incoherently than Biden now but my guess is most outlets will have written their headlines at 9:02pm. This is just a fucking nightmare for everyone but Trump's media team.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
Tonight’s debate is a wonderful opportunity for the news media to pretend (for 3 hours in prime time) that everything is fine rn and not at all a goddamned hair-on-fire emergency for democracy.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
The NYT can't decide if it wants to be Newsmax or Buzzfeed, but it definitely doesn't want to be the NYT anymore
They’re not our besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. How much of ourselves do we owe our “medium friends”?
The Vexing Problem of the ‘Medium Friend’ They’re not our besties, but they’re more than just acquaintances. How much of ourselves do we owe them?
Avatar Your words have placed you among my favorite people.
Some of my best friends are words on a screen.
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
this is the most monday ass snake I've ever seen
Reposted byAvatar caudillross
I wrote about our nation's cult of supremacist bullies, who we're constantly told are better than we think, even as they prove themselves worse than we can imagine. The moral emptiness of moral authority they demand, and how their pig president reflects it.
The Moral Our country's self-professed moral authorities haven't only failed to be as good as they claim to be. They've proved themselves worse than many of us are able to imagine.