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Writer, dreamer, muse and mystery. Rock and Roll girl.
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My friend's paid up hotel nights are ABOUT TO RUN OUT. SHARE, DONATE, PLEASE. 💸💕
URGENT MA NEEDED TO KEEP DISABLED TRANS WOMAN HOUSED 💞💸💕 My friend is facing imminent homelessness and is currently living in a hotel that she can't afford. She needs $1200 for the next months' stay at a hotel, 150 for food, and 60 for med Pic for attention. Continued with pay links in next skeet.
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The LeGuin Award continues to have excellent taste in its shortlist! 2024 list just announced. Congratulations,,, and the others on the list! A mix of stuff I've read & liked & new to me stuff to add to the TBR.
Ursula K. Le Guin — 2024 Prize for Fiction (Shortlist)
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I don't like seeing Lego at $60/800 still, if you can toss a few bucks his way to help somebody get rent and electric covered, this is important community work. Way more important than dunking on self absorbed authors with a clique to protect and an axe to grind tbh.
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living in this country is like being awake on the table
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Oh by the way, this a great time to read writers with roots in Appalachia who aren't J. D. Vance. I grew in North Carolina, my novel concerns New Orleans, Alabama, & Atlanta, but it's a way better read for y'all than HILLBILLY ELLEGY. Get it from my neighborhood bookstore here. Y'all welcome.
None But the Righteous a book by Chantal Lyrical, riveting, and haunting from its opening lines, None But the Righteous is an extraordinary debut that signals the arrival of an unforgettable new voice in contemporary fiction "[A] profound de...
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Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
One thing I don’t understand is why, when people are outraged by some injustice or affront — like book bans — they don’t first look to see who is already tracking the issue, who’s already working on education + organization. “We need to do something!” People *are*. Find them. Help them.
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My birthday is in 38 days🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 The goal is to fill this up BEFORE 8/1 which will cover everything for my bday month so I don’t have to worry about anything 🥰 which is exactly what I deserve 😘 #LeoSeason ♌️♌️
Throne | Happy Birthday Princess 👑 | My Send Princess Jade gifts via Throne. Browse Princess Jade 's favorite products listed on their Throne Wishlist via
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Just put my bank account to -$20 in order to get a small bag of cat food and a quarter tank of gas. Partner has just enough in her account to cover work lunches for now. Could use some help. 🟢 🔵 ⚪️ #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #Helpsky 💸💕🆙️💰
Pay $LizTheGM on Cash Instantly exchange money for free on Cash App
Let's get this rent & debt paid down👇🙏
$1625 OVERDUE JUNE & OVERDUE JULY BILLS + SOON TO BE DUE AUGUST RENT - URGENT! Chronically ill. Disabled living w/ disabled dad. Artist. Writer. Sales are best but RN 163 ppl $10 each covers things & help their health. Pls RS/QS. Pls do what you can. #HelpFolksLive2024
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#MutualAid req: i have chronic respiratory failure & am sick w/ my 3rd covid infection while still recovering from spine surgery. i could use help w/ my monthly oxygen bills + grocery store gift cards: additional wishlist items: #helpsky 💕💸 #MAV
Throne | Brain frog | My Send brain frog gifts via Throne. Browse brain frog's favorite products listed on their Throne Wishlist via
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stealing bc fuck x: Begging yall to care like this when it's a third grade classroom instead of an ear
👇 Let's help cover these meds please!
$50/$140 and thank you so so much. If I can raise the rest by tomorrow, I will not have to pay extra for going to the pharmacy.
Mutual aid is good Pass it on💖
mutual aid is good pass it on 💖
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Shannen Doherty always got a bad rap, imo because she wasn’t easy enough to push around Here’s Mara Wilson telling on her 😉
When I was 12 I went to Danny DeVito’s New Year’s Eve party. I’d found some girls my age, but wanted my little sister to have fun, too. Then I saw this woman on the dance floor squat down to my sister’s height, say “Hi, what’s your name? I’m Shannen!” and take her by the hand to dance with her.
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[JULY 13 UPDATE] Disabled Blk Trans Enby 🚨THREE DAYS REMAINING🚨 $2,200 needed by 7/15 22 ppl donating $100 44 ppl donating $50 88 ppl donating $25 DONATE 👉🏿 / #DisabilityPrideMonth #HelpSky #BlackSky #MutualAidRequest 💕💸 🆙💰
And we thank you. They do help!
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This is absolutely malpractice.
"the Biden campaign said it was pausing all messaging to supporters and working to pull down all of its television ads as quickly as possible, the campaign said." I know these people are incompetent jackasses but "let's just let Trump speak unopposed" is borderline deliberate sabotage
Biden says 'everybody must condemn' attack on Trump, hopes to speak with ex-president President Joe Biden says “everybody must condemn” the suspected assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
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Update on where we are in fundraising for this month. Since we kicked off a week ago, 50 of you have become new monthly donors (THANK YOU) and there have been 159 total donations!!! Please help us reach $10,000. We're so close.
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I am sure this state is only going to remain more calm and normal towards trans people after tonight. 💕💸💞🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧♿
We need to get back on raising funds for the van so we can get these trans kids out of NC! We've been receiving just enough money to hover in place covering my day-to-day medical needs for weeks, but not making much progress! 💕💸💞💜⚒️💜🏳‍⚧♿🏳‍⚧💕💸💞
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Here is a hummingbird
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Hey, a reminder I give people every now and then: a friend of mine got blackout drunk and emailed Bush on the night of the 2000 election and said “I’m going to kill you and you’ll never find me.” Six hours later he was in cuffs and it cost him thousands in legal fees and he’s still on a list.
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The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
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we are not doomed but an uptick in violence wouldnt be surprising at all stay safe
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also while i'm pissed, leftists On Here need to stop talking shit about online mutual aid. if you're in a position to judge people asking for help, consider yourself lucky. if you think it's diluting the meaning of mutual aid, you're overlooking the hands-on work many of us do in our communities.
all I'm going to say about politics rn is: do not stop talking about Project 2025, even as Major News Events push it out of the headlines
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My name is Karam Anwar, and I am from #Gaza . It breaks my heart to ask for help, but with prices soaring and my and my father's jobs being lost due to the war,we are struggling to provide for our daily needs.Your kindness can make a world of difference.Thank you. #SupportGaza 🍉🤍
Hope for karam and his Family in gaza, organized by Karam ‏#### Hi, I'm Karim ‏I'm a young man from Gaza, living with my mother, father, and t… Karam Anwar needs your support for Hope for karam and his Family in gaza