Chris Vogel

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Chris Vogel

He/Him. Grad student, educator, researcher, writer, editor. China and gender. A queer historian and a queer historian.
Still the funniest tweet ever as far as I'm concerned.
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Youtuber, walking away from a car accident, blood gushing from their shoulder where their arm used to be: so with all that being said
I love how easily three-quarters of the characters in Street Fighter 3 are like..."He's a weird little guy! And he doesn't really have a backstory! And you'll never see him again!"
If I were running against Donald Trump, I would never let this picture not be on television somewhere. This is the real Donald Trump - a tired old baby unaccustomed to not being rewarded for his tantrums.
He always liked to dress up his bigotry in 'common sense' and 'just telling it like it is' with a self-righteousness that made me want to punch him. Good riddance.
today they’re mourning an old racist who died in canada (yeah he hated the gays and trans people too naturally) and these are the best existing pictures of him circulating
Now that gifs are on Bluesky: 1. Type your name in the search bar 2. Scroll down until it gets weird 3. Post your discoveries here (Gif: Some kind of small, furry rodent, against a mountainous, forested background, standing on a wooden railing and screaming 'CHRISTOPHER!!')
Now that gifs are on Bluesky: 1. Type your name in the search bar 2. Scroll down until it gets weird 3. Post your discoveries here (Gif: the singer Adele crossing her eyes)
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
This remake took too many liberties
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
The Cass Report is a masterpiece in double standards. The reality is that plenty of widespread medical interventions are supported by equal or worse quality evidence, but they only attack trans care for it. Here’s an example:
Project MUSE - Adolescent Medical Transition is Ethical: An Analogy with Reproductive
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
Somebody said JK Rowling is literally beefing with people she knew when they were 9 years old because they think people are entitled to to rights and dignity and for me that really made it clear for me that she does not live a single day of unfettered joy and you know what, good.
My grandmother came to my brother's birthday party the year I got my brother Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's cut. My brother got excited and went "Deus Ex!" and my grandmother, scandalized, shouted "Day of SEX?"
Tell me something funny about someone important to you who’s passed on. Anecdote, factoid, excellent one-liner—dealer’s choice.
Anti-trans queer people somehow don't get this. They don't see transphobia as the thin edge of the wedge - do they really think that when the TERFs are done with the trans people they'll call off the crusade? If compassion for someone else's plight doesn't move them, self-interest ought to.
I'm a lesbian! There's a reason trans people belong under the queer umbrella no matter their sexuality, and it's because transphobia is, at the root, the same normativity policing that endangers cis queer people. Trans rights are queer rights are human rights.
The smallest possible unit of a population is 1 person, so by this logic, Richard Dawkins, Brain Genius seems to be suggesting that in a practical sense, he doesn't exist. I plan to take him up on that.
I have a joke about limerence but I'll only tell it to my favourite person.
YOU have a joke about DARVO
I have developmental concerns about this kid if after two years they're still just toddling. By now the child should be able to kill AND walk.
guns don’t kill people; this singular armed toddler does
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One day, Taylor Lorenz is going to figure out how to get mad about things that haven't happened to her, specifically, and oh boy is that going to be special
You know, I actually don't want to hear a lecture from Taylor about platforming harmful ideas
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
For Slate today I wrote about the urgency and importance of seeing Nex's transmasculinity at a time when all the mainstream seems to speak about are "lost daughters" and "troubled girls. Nex Benedict was transmasculine. Like me. Please. Let him be visible now that he's dead.
A Trans Teen Died After Being Bullied. This Is Why I Can’t Look I’m haunted by who he was, and who he could have been.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
I wrote about Taylor Lorenz, ambulance chasing in the face of trans trauma, and why articles about dead trans kids should probably actually be about those dead trans kids. It's a lot to say but I might as well fucking say it all:
I Don’t Care About Your Nex Benedict, Taylor Lorenz, and why trans trauma is not your goldmine.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
Beth Bourne lied to her doctors for months about having gender dysphoria. Eventually she was approved for gender-affirming surgeries, forever proving that if you lie to your doctors for months you can convince them you have gender dysphoria. has more for Assigned Media:
Moms 4 Liberty Chair Who Faked Gender Dysphoria Expresses Shock At Gender Dysphoria Dx — Beth Bourne lied to her doctors for months and eventually managed to secure a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and get approval for gender surgeries.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
This weekend I spent more time than I should have talking about Taylor Lorenz. On Assigned this morning, Alyssa Steinsiek is asking people (including me) to refocus on the queer students who are telling their stories about the school Nex Benedict attended before his death.
Listen to Owasso Students, Not Chaya Raichik or Taylor Lorenz — Arguing about who’s platforming Chaya Raichik is a distraction from the voices we desperately need to hear from after the death of Nex Benedict, those of young people at Owasso's public schools.
Taylor Lorenz is apparently labouring under the impression that you can't report on a hurricane without grabbing a crowbar and helping to tip down a few houses.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
if you don’t have to ask yourself questions like “can i legally use a bathroom in this airport during my layover?” while planning travel, you probably shouldn’t be insisting that it’s important to hear out the people who have made it necessary for others to do so.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Vogel
Congrats to Taylor Lorenz and the Washington Post for getting LibsOfTikTok to 2.9 million followers today! Keep platforming those monsters, folks! The system works!!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
FFS it's not as if it's hard to find out what Chaya Raichik's views are without sitting down with her *for an hour* so she can generate more propaganda. You can actually just go see what she's already said and report on *that*. Her opinions are not secrets that need to be coaxed out of her.
I don't need someone to ask a fascist, terrorist transphobe what she thinks about the death of Nex Benedict, and I especially don't need someone to do that in a way that's entirely on the bigot's terms. She's happy. We know how she feels. Journalists, take the fascist boot out of your mouths.