Dan Ancona

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Dan Ancona


Standing athwart history yelling, WTF. Don Draper-tier ad writer. (minus the misogyny and most of the deeply internalized commitment to personal suffering)
Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
The populist, working man ticket will be led by a Manhattan real estate mogul who owns a bunch of exclusive country clubs, and a Yale grad, ex-venture capitalist whose rise was funded by Bay Area billionaires.
Got up at 5:45 am out here on the east coast; had a lovely work out and was feeling generally good and then read these graphs. Thanks @vox.com 😳🥺
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Both the “black jobs” remark and using palestinian as a slur are hopefully clarifying as to actual Trump’s ideology and worldview, in contrast with the imaginary trump some people have built up in their heads as the memory of his administration has receded
Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
Incredible to assert something like this for which there is no evidence, and for which in fact there is strong evidence that you’re wrong, and you include said evidence *in the same fucking sentence*
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
Great day in the morning to everyone breathing free air on this, the 80th anniversary of the greatest antifa rally Earth has ever known. Happy antifa day, y'all. 🎉🗽
Amazing, surprising news!
I don’t know who needs to hear this but the election results in India is giving me life this am. Never ever let the arrogance of fascists fool you - they are not invincible. Never give up hope. F*** the fascists. 🇮🇳❤️🙏🏻 www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
louder for the Dems in the back who shouldn't even be in the room because they did shit like advise Kerry to ignore the swiftboat stuff
Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
Go with "It's a sad day for America to have a major party nominee be a criminal and rapist (bait), especially when we're getting good news that we've added 20 million new American jobs since I took office (hook). That's why I'm ordering Trump be denied security briefings (bait again)"
Getting increasingly easy to see how @propublica.bsky.social was able to walk around corporate media to break the original Clarence Thomas corruption story. Open field.
If you ran for city council and said something like this to local developers or other businesses, you’d fully go to jail
Trump proposed an explicit quid pro quo to oil and gas executives. wapo.st/3UBf4Fy
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Ancona
Brought to you in part by GOP-controlled state legislatures enshrining anti-LGBTQ+ hate in state law
Nearly 2 out of 5 young LGBTQ+ people considered suicide in last year, survey finds Political rhetoric is a major cause of distress among young LGBTQ+ people, group says. www.scrippsnews.com/us-news/lgbt...
Nearly 2 out of 5 young LGBTQ+ people considered suicide in last year, survey findswww.scrippsnews.com Trevor Project leaders say political rhetoric is a major cause of distress among young LGBTQ+ people.
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students at Northeastern were arrested under the premise that they were shouting antisemitic slurs and now video is surfacing showing that the slurs in fact came from outside people holding Israeli flags while the pro-Palestine protesters tried to de-escalate i cannot imagine this kind of evil
Good if somewhat pedantic point
This is a good meme to keep handy. You're going to need it.
Predictions of a red wave in 2022 fizzled despite Republican fear-mongering about migrants said @zacharyamueller.bsky.social of @americasvoice.bsky.social “Yes, it works to mobilize their base” he said. “But I don’t think the vast majority of people are going to sign up for that level of vitriol"
Credit to @reichlinmelnick.bsky.social for this banger - he's made like one meme, he's an actual immigration policy expert and a brilliant person to follow for better understanding our garbage fire of an immigration system.
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Talk of an Immigrant ‘Invasion’ Grows in Republican Ads and Speech Once relegated to the margins of the national debate, the word is now part of the party’s mainstream message on immigration. www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/u...
Talk of an Immigrant ‘Invasion’ Grows in Republican Ads and Speechwww.nytimes.com Once relegated to the margins of the national debate, the word is now part of the party’s mainstream message on immigration.
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The challenges for universities right now parallel what's been happening in my field (journalism.) An industry with liberal (in the political theory sense) values is hated by the right. A deep desire to make peace with the right and maintain support from funders creates tension with the left.
If this doesn't win an Oscar, a Pollie and a Clio at least, there is no justice
The only sensible thing to do with Trump's "Gettysburg, Wow" speech in Pennsylvania was to make a one-minute documentary film of it. These are all his real words. I added some "bing bongs" at the start. "Never fight uphill, me boys! Never fight uphill."#FunWithPhotoshop youtu.be/4FTMXWgP5R4
Gettysburg, Wowyoutu.be My one-minute documentary that uses Trump's rally speech, Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, April 13, 2024.
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Wasn't expecting Trump to endorse full social democracy but here we are
Trump reportedly “bemoaned a lack of immigrants to the US from ‘nice’ countries ‘like Denmark [or] Switzerland’, offering millionaire donors at a FL fundraiser a reprise of infamous racist Oval Office remarks about ppl coming to America from ‘shithole countries’. www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024...
Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the USwww.theguardian.com Ex-president avoided past ‘shithole countries’ racist invective, but said the US hadn’t gotten enough immigrants from ‘nice countries’