Dana of the Dead πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈ

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Dana of the Dead πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈ


Anxious mess, cruncher of numbers, player of games, lover of horror.
I downloaded Dave the Diver as one of my PS+ games and it’s all I can think about. I want to be diving and absolutely wrecking the local fish population with my buddy right now.
Just going to note, regarding "political violence" that three and a half years ago, Trump was encouraging a mob of people who wanted to hang his own VP.
Lmaoooo yeah well someone tried to kill me twice
I wanna say what I’m thinking about the breaking news, but it will reveal a lot about me & some folks will find it to be in poor taste. Buuuuuut basically, damn, so close!!!
They did a good job of tying the The First Omen in with the originals and they nailed the vibe. Loved some of the special effects, had some surprisingly good gore! Nice work, team! I love a pleasant horror surprise.
"The voice of Bart Simpson is Sabrina Carpenter's aunt" is great trivia because there's this tiny sliver of the population that definitely won't say "who?" about one of them.
The psychic damage I just took! Humiliating to humble myself before MommyMilkMeNOW in order to get a raid invite. SMH the things I do for this silly game.
Danagotosleep.exe please you silly goose, get some damn sleep
There’s always some degree of nudity in BioWare games, calm down people* *this is directed at myself
Stephen Miller is back in the news and folks love to compare him to vampires and lizards/lizard people and just a reminder those are both really insidious, long standing antisemitic tropes. That man is extremely evil there are lots of other ways we can criticize him without doing antisemitism.
Hey so just FYI, there's an antisemitic connection between Jews and vampires (that invokes blood libel - the idea that Jews drink the blood of babies) and even though Miller is a disgusting evil piece of shit it's best to refrain from saying a jew is a vampire.
I feel second hand irritation for the DA devs, seeing the same randos asking them questions about DA lore day after day. They are such kind, patient souls. I could never.
fuck neil gaiman btw
Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.
My latest coping mechanism for dealing with all *this* (aside from getting two new tattoos last week) is playing cozy games on my Steam Deck while watching horror. Currently playing Stardew and having an Alien marathon.
Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
One of the tattoo artists I’ve been going to for the last couple of years wants to be my friend?! Like, IRL! Is this what winning prom queen feels like? I was like, oh, gosh, I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression that I’m cool? I didn’t mean to fool you into liking me πŸ˜…
Just finished my first playthrough of Times & Galaxy - LOVED IT. Will be starting a 2nd playthrough right away so I can experience the thrill of the trashy tabloid writer πŸ˜…
"would u fuck an elf if they were real" shut up loser id fuck a whole dnd campaign worth of consenting fantasy creatures u think I'm gonna slip on "elf" I'm doing petrificationplay with a beholder you lightweight
I hear there was a secret ooze That turned four turtles into dudes
[leonard cohen hallelujah voice] cowabunga