Descartes a Cant

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Descartes a Cant

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I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
My sleep paralysis demon is adorbs
Pretty sure he's just the shape shifting ambassador from Faerie, here to see the old alliance is honoured.
...or hang together
this is the point I keep making and I don’t want to be making it but it’s correct no matter how much the opposition sucks and how much this feels like the same old uninspiring message, the danger of letting Republicans hold power is getting worse they are bad and must be defeated every time
Let's make this happen
Armageddon sequel, but this time to crew is redirecting the asteroid to hit the earth
to me it's wild they just jumped from baby boomers to millennials. you'd think there'd be a whole generation in the middle. alas
Jimmy Carter has only served one term
My favorite version of this is where someone building a system creates a workflow, then hands the system off to another, bigger team And that team treats that workflow like it's gospel because they didn't build it Meanwhile it's built that way so I could avoid worrying about working weekends
Everybody wants a fucking pony so bad and meanwhile the wolves are gonna eat us all
Dems: No no not like Kamala either
This can't be said often or loudly enough
the Gang of Six is a political body and their decisions - both in timing and content - are designed to give maximal electoral advantage to Republicans.
Armageddon sequel, but this time to crew is redirecting the asteroid to hit the earth
I'm not the only one who needs to see this today
my company has a permanent CAT ROOM and today there are THREE TEENY KITTENS IN IT 😭😭😭
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma Supreme Court rules state approval of first publicly funded religious charter school in US is unconstitutional.
It's Just Math
I literally warned y'all about exactly this kind of harmful outcome from GPT integrations, & even told you *why/how* it'd happen. And if it's showing in résumé sorting, then bet it's about break as having been happening in patient portals & police reports & lending application sorters & on & on & on
Cape May Warbler - Huntsville, AL 🪶
Great news about HIV protection: “Results from a large clinical trial in Africa showed that a twice-yearly injection of a new antiviral drug gave young women total protection from the virus.” []
New Drug Provides Total Protection From H.I.V. in Trial of Young African An injection given just twice a year could herald a breakthrough in protecting the population that has the highest infection rates.
People, some at least, have empathy for the stoned teenagers trying to get through their shift the best they can Crappy chatbots fucking up your order makes it a little too obvious what the company thinks about it's customers
Hundreds of billions of dollars invested in this technology thanks to our visionary tech betters promising it will replace all jobs and it can't even outcompete a stoned teenager
McDonald’s pauses AI ordering at drive McDonald’s will halt the pilot for an artificial intelligence-powered ordering assistant, potentially marking a setback for the technology’s takeover of daily life. The fast food giant will end its…
Actually curious what's going to happen when (if) self-driving can be supported en masse. Will it be the problematic drivers forced into it first? People who want/need to save on insurance? Commercials drivers
also also cops ticketing speeders is just as much a "profit-making tool" Sure, it's important that there be clear notice that the cameras exist, that's part of how they work, but no one has a right to break hte law in ways that obviously kill and it's absurd that people are arguing that
Taco Bell CEO : find this motherfucker and break his legs or pay him whatever he wants, we're having that recipe
Another moment in the grocery store when I’m not sure whether to be deeply ashamed or incredibly proud to be an American. Just look at that innovation.
This is the most pathetic dating thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve dated multiple drummers
Pure rizz.
'Undisclosed personal reasons'
The officer in question made frequent use of Clearview AI's facial recognition technology for personal reasons, often employing the tech to track down social media users not linked to any crimes
Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition Indiana cop easily hid frequent personal use of Clearview AI face scans.