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I'm simply saying I have never seen a picture of JD Vance where he did not look like a wax figure of himself 30 seconds into being melted down for scrap
Philosopher: "Would you kill baby Hitler?" Vance: "No, of course not." Philosopher: "Let's explore that. Is that becau—" Vance: "I would work for adult Hitler."
I really, really wish the tone was: this guy whipped up violence with his rhetoric for years and now he’s reaping the whirlwind.
This is McCain 2008 suspending the campaign weirdo loser stuff
From a Biden campaign official: “The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.” — Matt Viser, WaPo
It seems bad that American civilians can just walk around with these things and shoot whoever they feel like!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Law enforcement recovered AR-style rifle at scene of Trump rally shooting, AP source says.
can we please go one week without a decade happening
looking for my phone under the couch
“So you hate waffles” syndrome is getting worse on here
There’s too much stuff in existence. We only need like 7 stuff
The Guardian, where I’ve written for years, recently disclosed that much of its founding endowment came from the fortune of a British slave owner. It’s something I’ve grappled with privately, but have never, ever been bothered about on here. What do you think the difference is?
Shit, I think Jamelle Bouie quit Bluesky. This sucks. I like him a lot.
this is by far the craziest longshot candidate replacement idea I’ve heard, but if the technology’s there I’ll hear them out
I want to start an ad campaign: "Instead of high speed rail we got... Theranos." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of universal healthcare we got... Juicero." TAX BILLIONNAIRES "Instead of clean tap water we got... NFTs." TAX BILLIONNAIRES
I have severe doubts about the scalability of social media. One big problem is what I call the long tail of shitweasels. Any post, no matter how innocuous, gets nasty responses once you have enough followers. Case and point, this response to the weekend thread about befriending crows.
What pisses me off to no end is how the coverage of the candidates exists in two separate vacuums. Rather than being compared to EACH OTHER, Biden is compared to an ideal and Trump isn’t compared to anything at all! He’s just “the GOP nominee, popular with his base.”
“I’m not answering that until my five-time-bankrupted, rapist, convicted felon opponent is posed the same question, bub, and if you want to make a stink about it, Cornpop and the boys’ll be more than happy to give you the time of day.”
Also, apropos of nothing, if I was a presidential candidate who was also the incumbent I would simply refuse to answer any questions that were not also asked exactly the same to my opponent.
Me restraining my cat while accepting my pizza delivery.
"Hustle Culture" by Poorly Drawn Lines
"why isn't there a white history month" the cubs are playing the cardinals. it's white history month right now
hard to think of better support for Biden's argument that rich elites are behind all this
Breaking News: Some major Democratic donors are said to be freezing roughly $90 million pledged to the largest super PAC supporting President Biden if he remains on the ticket.
Donors Tell Pro-Biden Super PAC Roughly $90 Million in Pledges Is The decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from President Biden’s poor debate performance at the end of June.
Think about which groups fall under "unhuman." Those are the stakes.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
Joe Biden is living my nightmare (someone you thought you were vibing with talking about how weird you acted at a party)
Can we talk about how they're trying to convince us Biden has dementia because staffers give him a ton of material to MEMORIZE before an event?
It is extremely normal for upper management to receive briefings well in advance to review them and pre-submit questions to the briefers to be ready to address. This sounds like Nate confessing that he’s the shittiest boss in the world.
idk what the right thing to do is but it's pretty telling to me that the people in politics who I respect like AOC and Bernie are saying "we gotta make sure the leaky rowboat doesn't sink" and the people drilling holes in the bottom are like, Scott Peters
Like my feeling since Biden wrapped up the nomination has been that Biden is a leaky rowboat we've all been crammed into, and while being on a leaky rowboat sucks I'm rooting for it not to sink and annoyed at the other people on the boat who are seemingly determined to drill more holes in it.
So, while everyone is returning to their corners preparing for the next round of very important Biden discourse, Trump is meeting with Orban who is coming directly from a meeting with Putin. Cool, guys. Very cool.
Coincidentally, many of the major data center projects are in the desert around Phoenix, Arizona. Legacy water rights come with land and major corporations are skilled at buying up the resources they need.
On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
wild that Israel can literally bomb its competition at the Olympics and still be allowed to compete
Get Israel out of the Olympics NOW
Me: Service I haven’t used in 10 years: just letting you know we’ve updated our terms of service
in hindsight I think it was all over for industrial design the moment someone signed off on this procedure