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History professor, Delaware & Lehigh Valley native, "tri-racial," transit & rail fan, there's more...
My guess is that Trump knows very little about P25 *and* it will be the blueprint for his administration. He’s famously bored by policy. He’ll appoint these people because they’re loyal. They’ll then go to work on the plan while he grifts, golfs, and gives two-hour speeches at rallies.
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
This was one of the favorite tactics of southern segregationists governments. It’s why freedom riders buses were bombed and so many organizers were disappeared and murdered. It’s ‘good’ (effective) if the state’s goal is to let civilians do the dirty work of eliminating dissident
there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
Summer 1964: Miss. Sheriff Lawrence Rainey & Dep'ty Cecil Price taking the charges against them re the killings of 3 civil rights activists very seriously in local court-
Oh my God, I didn't realize this is literally the exact story I told in ONE NATION UNDER GOD. The Fraternal Order of Eagles was instrumental in spreading these Ten Commandments monuments across America in the 1950s ... as part of a promotional tour with the Cecil B. DeMille epic.
Eleven Commandments. Louisiana's law mandates a specific text. Not from Exodus, or Deuteronomy, but from the Fraternal Order of Eagles. They used a KJV-sounding pastiche adapted from the Bible and paraphrased by a Minnesota juvenile court judge in the 1950s. It's not the Bible. It's the Eagles.
Steve Bannon = Gerald LK Smith without the public speaking skills.
The current cowardly establishment take is that the nyc trial of Trump was unserious and the only legitimate things to try Trump for just happen to involve getting past the veto of federalist society stooges who would support a violent overthrow of the government if it meant putting Trump in power.
I think a lot of people, including "elite media," have convinced themselves if you do anything against him, it will be to Trump's benefit somehow. He's a counter-puncher! This has led to a learned helplessness when it comes to Trump and his followers.
look at this juiceless, dehydrated, criminal motherfucker
Was previewing the American Exper. episode on the 1970s Boston antibusing protests/riots for class. Always try to maintain academic reserve but it's hard when events were SO violently offensive, of course color film makes it more immediate.
Gore Vidal's 1961 analysis of the evergreen "we're a republic not a democracy" discourse, of which Bannon is the latest to articulate, seems strikingly relevant today: "What the Reactionary really means to say is that the will of the majority as expressed through elections should be circumvented."
Steve Bannon brings forth the right-wing perennial that the United States is "a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy." wrote a good piece on this a few years ago for, which includes quotes from me on this history of this claim.
Sen. Mike Lee’s tweets against "democracy," A prominent Republican senator set off a controversy by tweeting that "we’re not a democracy." Here’s what he actually meant — and why the seemingly minor controversy actually matters.
ah, I see we've progressed to the "trying to fire yourself so that you can begin your career as a professional censorship victim" phase of defending the dignity of journalism
Beginning a project on 1940-41 US "isolationism" specifically in Phila & eastern Pennsylvania area, any good recent resources appreciated!
College hist prof here, mixed-race, believer in racial equality but what is the actual measurable goal of DEI initiatives? I know they'rr targeted by reactionaries but what do they actually intend to achieve? Help me here...
What depraved unChristian lunacy.
Remember the reason for the season
When right wingers tell us that they want to turn the US into a carbon copy of Orban’s Hungary — where press and academic freedoms are subordinated to an all-powerful one-party dominated state — believe them.
Of course I KNOW that after 1490s the framework shifts, the once-subjugated become the oppressors (of Jews & Moors) & the conquerors of a huge new colonial empire. I know! But still...
As part of my US history 1 survey, I set the context for Columbus etc. by briefly teaching the Spanish "Reconquista." I've begun framing it as an early example of militant decolonization (in the context of its times). I don't think I'm wrong.
I was in Spain again recently & realized the "Reconquista" was actually militant decolonization.
I've called myself a "Carville Dem." He's a LITTLE bit right in what he had to say.
Interesting passage here by Twain.
should have put a 🗃️ in there
“Hamilton’s main concern was that America compete successfully to build industry to defend itself….With neo-Hamiltonian securonomics, Mr. Biden is doing the same.” Sharp fr historian of early-to-modern economies Jake Soll on those enduring oft ignored continuities. 🗃️
Opinion | There Is a Secret Hamiltonian in the White America needs a strong industrial strategy to support its long-term security.
Canada will require visas for Mexican nationals to enter the country, officials announced on Thursday. The mandate comes amid a major increase in asylum requests from Mexicans arriving in Canada.
Canada Restores Visa Requirement for Mexican The immigration minister said Mexico had not done enough to address the surge of asylum seekers arriving in Canada.
exactly this. anti-woke inc. is little more than an insular circlejerk of rich reactionary narcissists who think they are iconoclasts because they occasionally experience social friction.
I'm not joking about his, they all hang out at these weird little gripe salons and then a few weeks later you get an article about whatever it is that came up there injected straight into the discourse
Be warned-
Just so we are clear what the agenda is and how the media is helping with the moral panic about wokeness and DEI: the goal is for an authoritarian party to shut down any independent sources of dissent
How the fuck is this not front-page news? How on Earth are we not getting 24/7 round-the-clock coverage on the fact that Trump doesn't know *his own wife's name* after the weeks worth of Biden is Old and Senile concern trolling we've received from the national media?
Watch this & see where that loathsome menace Rufo is heading next.
The dumbass who only telegraphs his arguments in public is telegraphing them again, they’re coming for birth control
Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 18, 2024