Doug DeJulio

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Doug DeJulio

If you follow me and I have no idea who you are, I'm likely to block you.
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
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Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
I mean. Damn.
Bluesky went down for 10 minutes and that's still longer than most straight guys are willing to.
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
Trump was shot with an AR-15 by a 20yr old registered Republican while protected by Trump Loyalists in the Secret Service. There is literally no part of this story that works for them anymore & they have to spin as fast as they can & move on. This is 100% what it's going to feel like in three months
2024 is such an insane cycle that in three months we’ll all post “Remember when someone tried to shoot Trump? That feels like four years ago!”
“I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”
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Pelosi's Twitter account put out a generous expression of sympathy for Trump this evening, and the top comments are all people mocking the attack on her husband
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Know how when you watch Star Wars and see the storm troopers firing wildly without hitting the thing they're aiming at and you're just yelling at the screen like, "Aim! What is wrong with you? Fucking aim! Anyway, Star Wars is great, is my entire point.
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
guess the "biden old" discourse is about to take a back seat.
Well, *this* is going to be fucking annoying.
Forgot about “block and move on”. Sorry.
So, I've heard that in some places, instead of "bachelor party" or "bachelorette party", they call them a "stag do" or "hen do". I've also heard that some couples combine the two parties into a single party. I think I shall refer to those as a "chimera do".
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
It really is grotesque that we have to tolerate, and accept as fellow citizens, these despicable subnormal freaks who delight in evil and threaten everything that makes America great with their sick fantasies. On the other hand honestly the furries can be kind of irritating too.
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
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Also - Dear furry tech people: Heritage is run by people who are connected and well-resourced, although not necessarily all that sharp. So please remember that even if nothing else you did or know about is remotely illegal, it's a felony to lie to the feds and every day is STFU Friday, m'kay?
I'll bet beer money that any IP evidence from this hack traces back to the public wifi at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
Perfectly normal conversation in our house: Her: "I'm going to take this diamond file upstairs and try it on something." Me: "What are you going to try it on?" Her: "Barbie arms."
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
This is gold. Hard to decide which line to pull, but I'll do with this: "[the Cybertruck's owner was surprised] that the people taking his car out for a joyride worked for the press. He suspected we were going to say mean s—t about Elon, and he was right. Elon Musk is a penis."
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
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SCOTUS votes 6-3 that Le Pen gets to be President of France
Reposted byAvatar Doug DeJulio
Oh, wow. Truly good and inspiring news.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
New news: latest diagnostics didn't rule out metastasizing to the thyroid. Found enough to justify another biopsy. Whee!
This is beautiful.
I just noticed that the UK election was on Independence Day and the US election is on Guy Fawkes Day.
"What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?" "Don't know; don't care."
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Star Trek 🤝 Cassandra Prophecies
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
Twain got this right.
“Patriotism I s a word which always commemorates a robbery. There isn’t a foot of land in the world which doesn’t represent the ousting & re-ousting of a long line of successive ‘owners,’ who each in turn, as ‘patriots,’ with proud swelling hearts defended it… 8/9