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delete the internet
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Just remarkable how "old person won't retire" has driven history for the last 15 years. Kennedy not resigning after brain cancer diagnosis -> Scott Brown Feinstein staying on past prime and bungling hearings -> Kavanaugh/Barrett RBG Biden
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
If only spry, youthful Joe Biden hadn’t gone to that crazy beach on his vacation 😞
incredibly irresponsible to have joe biden on the ticket, it should have never gotten to this point
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
I can't stop looking at Rumble's front page
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
but doctor, pagliacci is out of network
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
They’re getting mad at the Onion’s annual Mother’s Day re-post
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Yes let’s have some sensible and perfectly normal News Analysis of removing one in every twenty people from the country; something on the order of the population of New York State, or the Netherlands. Will you see a difference in your electric bill? How will it affect your daily commute?
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O Mediawww.nytimes.com The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Probably the worst social harm caused by facebook is that it deprived us of local businesses having a website created by someone’s nephew
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
I can’t believe Taylor Swift put this song on her new album. Disgusting.
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
In a drastic attempt to protect their beachfront homes, residents in Salisbury, Massachusetts, invested $500,000 in a sand dune to defend against encroaching tides. After being completed last week, the barrier made from 14,000 tons of sand lasted just 72 hours before it was completely washed away
$500K Dune Built to Protect Coastal Homes Lasts Just 3 Dayswww.thedailybeast.com The handmade barrier, which used 14,000 tons of sand, quickly crumbled.
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
If I called a conservative talk radio show and told them there’s a player on my son’s high school basketball who identifies as a dog, how long would it take before they realized I was summarizing the movie Air Bud?
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Every two weeks a judge in a different state bangs a gavel, announces "it is the finding of this court that the accused, Donald Trump, is an absolute turbo shithead" and then fines him an amount roughly equal to a MLB team's entire payroll. This is expected to continue for months.
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
i alluded to this last night but it is genuinely wild to see these antifederalist dudes basically ask supporters of the constitution, "what if there is a trump?" here's patrick henry at the virginia ratifying convention.
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Strain of weed that is specifically for going to the store
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
How we used to have to buy weed
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
"Just how bad is it in Gaza?" - 1% of population killed in 3 months - 85% displacement - 1 shower per 4,500 people - 1 toilet per 220 - 2/3 hospitals closed 706,000 people are starving to death worldwide -- 577,000 of them (82%) are in Gaza. www.economist.com/middle-east-...
Just how bad is it in Gaza?www.economist.com As Israel is accused of genocide, we look at the humanitarian crisis
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
what are we doing here buds
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
me shoveling a foot of snow trying not to throw my back out
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
thinking of this incredible series of Jan 6 tweets from Kevin Sorbo on this third anniversary of that day
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
happy anniversary to this post, featuring one of the greatest kickers of all time
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
check out this guy in the flashlight reddit having the best day of his fucking life
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
people who do coke are so funny to me. yeah man nobody noticed that you went to the bathroom for 20 minutes and came back as an insane person
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
this edible ain't shit *gets up to go to the bathroom*
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
Oh god this just fucked me up
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
*to the tune of build me up buttercup" 🎵I need a hamburger, A hamburger baby or I'll kill myself, I'll do it right now, and then Worst of all, Hamburger better come with frenchy fries, Or everyone dies 🎵
Reposted byAvatar diarrhea2000
I am never not thinking about this