
The Vibes today are Very Bad and if you're out there mansplaining fascism and its ills right now after ignoring our warnings for years, I hope you have an even worse week than my own
This is a subskeet of a whole bunch of people who may think I've forgotten their condescending bullshit. but I never do
Grateful that having a long memory and endless grudge space came baked into my neurology
My memory isn’t great, but my mom said I had Irish Alzheimer’s. I forget everything but the grudge.
I specifically said "this is a subskeet of [name redacted]" and I'm glad to know I was right.
There is almost no one who isn't an anarchist who doesn't do the condescending thing to anarchists. My "favorite" was Erik Loomis who wrote a bunch of Labor History notes one of which was extremely condescending to Emma Goldman. I objected and he said he meant it to be condescending.
Ultimately the best time to do something was the time when they decided to tell everyone raising the alarm they were over-reacting, and while there's certainly much that can still be done I think a bit of mourning the failures to do more earlier is perfectly in order this week.
I just hate that warning people around me about all of this while living in the south made me the crazy guy for years and strained some relationships. None of which will be healed by it coming to fruition because there is no reward for being the canary.
Me too. Solidarity. I'm sorry. I really thought people would be grateful that we gave them the tools to avert disaster
I remain hopeful that "the kids are alright" vibes will be strong enough to let me see the tide turn in my lifetime. I just hope it doesn't until my 60s. (Late 80's child here) Stories from the elders about how progress isn't linear have helped somewhat.
They'll just say "oh, now you're going to say 'I told you so' aren't you? So annoying and unhelpful" before you can open your mouth. Already seen it happen.
And that's when we say "welcome to hell" and smile instead.
Absolutely rancid vibes today. Amazingly worse than the last two days. How?
The Democracy and Fascism Understanders not shutting the fuck up
They’re not going to until after the election. Fascists don’t take a holiday and neither should we.
I think it’s sinking in that this is real and that they don’t have any idea of what to do So they’re lashing out as a way to feel less helpless It’s counterproductive AF but these folks don’t understand collective action
No they do not. But they have convinced themselves they're now the experts
I’m one of those bright kids who learned (fortunately?) that having someone else be the smartest person in the room is actually not a threat. And I’m not saying this as a way to defer leadership (or let someone else do it) as much as an appreciation for expert knowledge.
Non-marginalized (plus many young marginalized) people have no idea what collective action is because they’ve never had to do it. They need their hands held. I don’t mean this in a derogatory or dismissive sense. It’s a practical reality. They need to be told exactly what to do.
This is my read. I’m surprised I’m not more annoying, TBH, but I am humble enough to recognize “holy shit things are way over my head and we fucking need to leverage collective action and expertise if we want certain things to survive”
Also, I keep thinking that people’s stress personalities are off the scale right now! My belief is that when stressed, one almost has a distinct different personality than when relaxed. Think of people in airports during the holidays versus during other times, for example.
Definitely. That's getting leveraged by bad people also
Well YEAH. That’s why stoking fears and anxiety is part of manufacturing consent, as it was quaintly known.
The reality of the ruling is soaking in. It was so bad it was unbelievable, but like any sudden shock, you eventually start to accept reality. And this reality bites.
Love to have people born this century tell me I don't understand the threat I was being told I was making up while they were shitting themselves as infants
Planning ahead for 7/4 when my big dog will be anxious as can be (fireworks) and for the foreseeable future where I will be
❤️awww. Hope he does ok. I used to make a bed in the closet for my one cat who was a bit freaked out. It never bothered the other ones, but it was quieter for her in a closet in the middle of the house.
Sadie is a huge fur baby but now has a cool quiet space. Big 4th display downtown is far enough away but sounds like thunder & is over quick. The random pops & booms from neighborhoods is what puts her on edge (for me it’s the gunshots)
The gun play is an issue for everyone, but especially for pets and vets. It’s awful. Not sure what kind of an asshole thinks this is ok. (And hope I’m never around them. )
I told people years ago that at least I earned the black bag….they thought I was being alarmist.
I won't There is nothing i can say that hasn't been said already *except maybe for giving updates from Europe - we not doing hot either*
No thoughts, only bad vibes :(
I have no idea what you're talking about but if I see one graph with the economic vs social authoritarianism axes with communism and fascism and libertarianism and all that shit I will fucking lose it
Lots of people being really fucking annoying as though they knew this was gonna happen all along, like those of us actually warning about it don't remember how condescending those exact people were to us about our warnings, for years before this week
I’m ashamed to say I used to roll my eyes at Sarah Kendzior’s work, because I just could not believe things were as bad or advanced as she said they were. She was right, all along, and I was wrong. At least I had the good sense to keep that ignorance to myself at the time.
The force is strong with that one.
🔥🇺🇸🔥 In the face of Monday's #treasonous #SCOTUS' presidential immunity ruling, this #July4th #IndependenceDay is MUCH diminished. We have a new monarch called the "President." King George III must be 🤣🤣🤣 laughing his ass off in his grave. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Steph
Easy, we’re all going to have to team up eventually…
Sounds like someone needs a {{{HUG RIGHT NOW}}}