Bi King Gent πŸ‘‘ πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’™

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Bi King Gent πŸ‘‘ πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’™

alias Matt β€’ chaotic good hacker β€’ agnostic β€’ he/him, bi πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’™, sex positive β€’ speaking at 2024-02-17 and 18
we're living through a generational, life-changing technological revolution and it's getting almost zero attention compared to AI spambots
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
somebody bring me adam wren's wallet, i guarantee you that i could take it out of his hands, waive it in front of his nose, hand it back to him, and then take it again, and he'd never connect any of it.
shot / chaser, man of destiny edition
When you’re absolutely fΜΆΝ†Μ…ΜΏΜŠΜ½ΝƒΝ‘Μ’Μ˜Ν™Μ€ΜžΜΉΜ§eΜ΄ΜšΜΝ‰eΜΆΝ€Μ™Μ¦ΝˆΜžΝœΜ™l̸̼̯̱̯͑̋̈́͐̑̀͝iΜ΅ΜŒΝƒΜ…Ν†Μ₯Μ¨Μ³Μ­Μͺ̝̻͚nΜΆΜ‰ΜΏΜ‘Μ«Μ­Ν•Ν™Ν…β€™Μ΄Ν€Ν€ΜΜ“ΜŠΜΜŠΝ†ΝŒΜ—Μ±Μ―ΜΌΝ“Ν‡Ν” ΜΈΜ•Ν—Μ›Ν‚ΜΝ†ΝΝ Μ‡Ν“Μ–ΝˆΜΊΜ±gΜ΄Ν†ΝΜ…ΝŠΜˆΝΜΏΝšΝ–ΝœΝΝ…Μ±rΜ·Μ›ΜŒΜžΜͺ̳̞̞̟eΜΈΜ‹ΝŒΜ™ΜͺΝ“aΜΆΝΝ„Μ…ΝΜŠΜΜ†ΜΎΝ”tΜ΅Μ‹ΜƒΝ˜Μ˜Μ¦Μ±ΜΉΜΊΝΝ™ΝšΜΊ
This was agreed to back in May to deal with the fact that the convention is after the Ohio deadline and the GOP had made noise about him not being eligible for the ballot! What are we doing here!
This is the story they're linking to, which describes a plan to accelerate the confirmation of the nomination by holding the vote via video call by the end of July (imo, making a move like this to staunch the silly alternatives and just close off the discussion isn't a terrible move)
D.N.C. Aims to Push Biden Toward Nomination Next Week, Despite Leaders of the Democratic National Committee are aiming for a process that would formalize the nomination by the end of July, even as Democrats remain fiercely split over his candidacy.
DNC to virtually nominate Biden and Harris to bypass Ohio ballot The DNC will move to conduct virtual party proceedings to certify President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party nominees.
basically indistinguishable from a Klan rally but the media wants you to think it's Trump pivoting to the center after a Republican kid tried to cap him because that's the narrative they think will help Trump the most.
"Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they want to protect our children." β€” Ted Cruz with one of the grossest, most dishonest attacks I've heard in a long time
Gee, I wonder what kind of things happen when people like AOC and Bernie are standing firm behind the candidate in the face of pressure and pushback from the more 'traditionalist' wing of the party.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I sincerely never thought he would get to this point and I am delighted to see it even if he cannot enact it himself this changes the conversation about what’s possible within the Democratic Party, which has been badly needed for years fantastic news
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Going back to the core of the discourse, I find the "but they're not real Christians" argument disingenuous. 1.) They're part of the community. 2.) All Christians benefit from the oppressive systems of power they're leveraging, as well as the ones they build. We are accountable for our communities.
it is remarkable how heavily major media outlets are jamming their thumbs on the scale to make this a more competitive race while trump fucks off to play golf instead of campaigning
two fucking probablys in a row, what in the fuck even *is* this speculative tumblr-ass shit, does anyone at the NYT even get edited now?
No he fucking wasn't, Jesus H. Christ
biden spending over an hour with house progressives and then telling the centrist loser new dems to shut the fuck up before ditching them to go to mass probably explains a decent amount of the backbiting we’re seeing, lol
adam schiff can enjoy his newfound status as the chairman of the committee to discover the causes of dog vomit
The reason they keep quoting panicked donors in the "Biden is DOOOOMED" story is that the donors are all extremely online and watch cable news etc and so its just a feedback loop. You make a new story in the NYT out of the donors repeating shit they read in the NYT
anyway, all these splitters and backbiters are going to come home for the convention and we should all vote for them long enough to beat the fascists in the fall and then spend the next two years keeping their office voice mails at capacity
california dems shut the fuck up challenge 2024
β€œIf Mr. Biden remained, not only would he lose to [Trump], he could be enough of a drag on other Democratic candidates that the party would most likely lose the Senate and miss an opportunity to win control of the House, Mr. Schiff said at a fund-raiser in New York.”
Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Representative Adam B. Schiff of California told attendees at a Democratic fund-raiser that the party would lose the Senate and miss a chance to take the House if the president did not drop out.
most extremely online people assume the marginal swing voter is someone like them except a little more moderate when the actual marginal swing voter is "guy who's mad at the president because he thinks the president appoints the commissioner of major league baseball"
I think a big mistake liberals make is constantly making up an imagined "normal voter" in their heads to triangulate their opinions around. NO! What do YOU THINK? What do THE PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW BELIEVE?
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
party of grifters, from top to bottom. same dudes who pump crypto and AI are now pumping Trumpism: the image of a robust, dynamic, businessman lifestyle, without producing or doing anything of actual value to anyone
this tweet was not meant to be an instruction manual
Just some cops, in uniform, fanboying with the guy who blew his fortune trying to overturn an election with conspiracy theories so nutty, even the Trump legal team rejected them.
let them crash into the wall and let their ships sink to the bottom of the ocean. let us watch the waves sing their eulogies. let us sing a song of freedom in every language spoken in this land. this land is ours, not theirs, and the future is ours, not theirs.
the party is not β€œthem”. it’s us. no one can tell us that the party is not a brick wall of solidarity, only we can depress each other into that. but we do not have to do that. we are the party. we can define what that means.
we need more go hard, i am tired of the loserdom, if the party won’t do it for us, fuck them, we will do it ourselves. THEY WILL BREAK UPON US. WE WILL NOT BREAK BEFORE THEM.
honestly this goes pretty hard
this is what you tell everyone who thinks we are doomed and everyone who is scared and everyone who needs some hope THEY BREAK UPON US, THEY DO NOT BREAK US
look to your left and find your trans friends and look to your right and find your winemoms and lock your fucking arms together and DO NOT LET THEM BREAK US, and we will fucking win, friends, there are more of us than them and do not let them forget it.
I believe in few things as strongly that I believe that trans joy will win and that these are the fevered lashings of a bunch of people filled with rage at the realization that the world is passing them by and beyond their control
So far this is basically the trans-bashing convention and (1) it's disgusting, and (2) I'm really not sure it's what normal people want to hear from a political party. Also if any neutral media type really care about "lowering the temperature" they should start note the hate speech in Milwaukee.