
Jesus fucking Christ this is collective insanity
I'd like to believe that but honestly I think it seems like Biden is too risky now.
I think they’re falling for a gigantic rat fuck both of mass hysteria, personally.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Biden’s risky because everyone thinks he’s risky. We’re all in a Schelling tipping point game.
That I agree with. But it feels like Democrats aren't just freaking out because the media is freaked - they are legitimately questioning his ability to be reelected under these conditions.
Exactly. “Ability to be reelected” is directly linked to what everyone is saying about the risks of him staying in the race. Perception is creating reality.
But it's linked to the reality we all saw of him faltering at the debate. Beginning to feel like we have to choose between what they say or our lying eyes.
I mean, Trump is an insane felon rapist and a lot of people still voted for him. There’s no rule that says we have to honorably give a shit about if our candidate comes off as slightly addled, especially when we’ve got a perfectly good VP who can take over as soon as he makes it past the post.
I could not give less of a shit about Biden or his mental abilities, but I do care about winning, and I am not sold that ditching him improves our odds of winning
People keep saying to me, "WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE BIDEN?" as though I give a fuck. He can swear in on the Bible and immediately walk to a separate podium to resign for all I care.
Like, is Biden's age damaging? Sure seems to be! Is it as damaging as pausing active campaigning for a couple weeks a few months from election day so we can re-tool and launch a new candidate who may not be legally entitled to use the resources he's gathered? Who's to say, not me.
I do know that if there's any ambiguity at all from a legal standpoint it'll end up in front of SCOTUS. Which, you know. Ask Al Gore how that goes.
Exactly what’s keeping me up at night
I would rather have a senior citizen than the guy who’s been supported by the worst people on the internet for almost 10 years, wants to install himself as eternal boy-king god-emperor, and was all but outright revealed to be a child molester by the recently unsealed Epstein court records.
Also, Donald hasn’t been coherent the entire time he’s been a politician. He just babbles a word salad of racist buzzwords that his devotees project their own personal desires & hatreds upon. He just says it with enough confidence that it sounds good enough to be on the teevee.
I totally agree with this, btw
This is the interesting twist in my conversations with Trump voters. They talk to me as if I support Biden in any meaningful way. No, fuck that guy, but fuck your guy infinitely more.
😄 Well, sure. But also, yes. Of course Biden is preferable. He can be in office for five minutes and be a better President than Donald. That's a bar so low an ant couldn't shimmy under it.
Yeah, if Biden's brains slid out onto the table like a jell-o mold I can still bet real money his handlers wouldn't appoint people to cabinet positions who are actively hostile to the concept of good governance.
It really does entirely boil down to “how much does this stuff sway people other than me, because I absolutely do not fucking care but other people might”
Exactly, and personally, I think we can sell this if we just *nut the fuck up and stop running around pissing ourselves in fear in public*
I have been yelling “GROW A FUCKING SPINE GOD DAMNIT” at my phone all day
I'm deeply unsure of whether this is enough to sway the ppl who have to vote for Biden to win or if there's still a chance. but ppl in charge need to make a choice NOW
I just can't get behind ditching the guy who has been the most effective president in my lifetime because a bunch of candy asses have their panties in a twist.
The NYT ownership clearly wants trump to win because they hate Biden. There's no other possible explanation.
I strongly doubt ditching him and throwing everything into disarray would improve our odds of winning. Did I vote for him in 2020 thinking he'd remain President the entirety of his first term? No. That's why we have a Vice President. Nothing has changed.
With the exception of Blinken, Biden has a great cabinet and VP.
Eh….Garland sucks. Still, they are mostly good.
Garland isn't great, but he's way better than Barr. The Barr is on the floor.
Biden already beat Don the Con when he was an incumbent! And he will do it again…but Media gonna do their thing.
I mean this, and also at the point I'm even more invested in him staying in and winning because it would make A. G. "Dick in the Pickle Jar" Sulzberger have a sad.
Same. I just think it's a whole big unknown and that sounds like too much risk this close to the GE.
I wish I had the certainty of some people though, since I'm up to 5 changes of mind in the last 3 days.
I don’t think enough attention is focused on young voters. The youngs I know are telling me they will *not* vote for Biden (because Gaza) — but they *will* hold their noses and vote for Harris.
Meaning they think Trump getting in is less of a bad thing than them voting for Biden.
Hey, I'll vote for a literal puppet on a stick if that's who the Democrats nominate. They can weekend at Bernie's him for all I care. But will everyone, is the question.
Well, they sure as hell won’t if we continue to publicly hand wring about it, which is pretty much what I’ve been saying comes down to. We have to sell it.
I'll try but I don't know how to convince people they didn't see what they saw
Biden has to step up and use his SCOTUS-granted immunity to do some things. That would change the narrative real freaking fast.
It was such a strange, artificial environment. I didn't know what I was seeing - in my eyes it looked as much like he got nervous about how the first question or two went/ by the fact the rules meant he sat through a minute and a half of outrageous nonsense and had no good opportunity to refute it.
I'm not saying he didn't bomb, but how much of it was because of age... I think it's all being boiled down to that and it's not the whole story. The reemergence of a bad stutter isn't a classic sign of aging, but is something that happens when people get nervous.
Yeah, the debate put paid to that strategy
"The ticket is Biden/Harris, the same ticket that defeated Trump in 2020. If for any reason Biden is unable to carry out his duties in a second term, VP Harris is prepared to serve ably as his successor."
This is the essential thing. We need to suck it up and think of the alternative.
Yeah like Agree or disagree with him (I honestly don't know which camp I'm in yet!), I'm pretty sure that what's motivating Mark Warner of all people is genuine, honest panic that Biden isn't up to winning this election He's not someone who like, has axes to grind with Biden
OK but if Warner is worried about Biden losing (or Trump winning), where’s he been? He’s been more vocal about the threat of Tik Tok than the threat of Trump. He’s willing to go to the extraordinary measure of pushing out the Dem candidate last minute, but court expansion was too drastic for him.
I think Warner has probably been paid. Maybe even paid to help Trump win.
that’s all beside the point though.
I don’t think he has an ax to grind with Biden. I do think that jumpy Democrat politicians in the DC bubble aren’t exactly immune to mass hysteria.
Yes, for sure I mean for me it just comes down to What is the underlying truth of the matter??
This week SCOTUS killed Chevron deference, gave Trump total immunity, and Trump was credibly tied to Epstein, and it seems to me if your campaign somehow seriously can't find a way to then change the topic of conversation in the newspapers or stop your party panicking, what are we doing here exactly