
It’s maddening to see skepticism of ejecting Biden treated like cultish loyalty. Some of us have been out here saying Biden’s too old for years. The problem is that what is being proposed is a shocking, almost unheard-of remedy, and every historic precedent tells us it’ll end in catastrophe.
It’s very, very clear that the loudest voices calling most excitedly for this remedy are not especially politically sophisticated or even worried about Biden losing - that’s why they didn’t freak for the months of lagging polls and why they’re doing nonsense fantasy-draft replacement picks.
I think it’s pretty clear that the worst-case scenario for a lot of them is President Harris
So it's really weird that they're taking this course of action when she's the most realistic alternative is Biden steps down. They aren't smart!
well, that wasn’t how the NYT framed it, mostly
dog caught the car
I guess I'm a weird case because I do think there's a strong case to make that Harris is the better car. But people who say their only concern is beating Donald Trump haven't made that case and have instead made arguments that would be *fatal.*
yeah, I mean that the car is "Biden might resign", F=ma is "Harris is next up". You've been consistent on that, these jokers think she should interview for it with The Donors or some shit
She's their elected vice president, and I don't know what's going to get that through their thick heads.
yup. like, this whole wheelbarrow of horseshit sounds like donors in their feefees because Biden and Harris haven't been gladhanding them? so of course Harris isn't presumptive, The Donors Don't Like Her. but counterpoint: fuck 'em, voters said Biden and Harris
They don't want to deal with it because they don't want a n****r w***e as their President, they want a Republican that doesn't scare them (but they'll take Trump as compensation).
Like, that's all this shakes out to to me- I'm now an enemy of all the major newspapers, because they're the enemy of me.
I find myself wondering how much of this donor revolt caused the newspaper bedwetting and how much of the bedwetting caused the donor revolt. That is not, to be clear, exculpatory in either direction. I want both flayed
Do you have a local paper/independent news source you can rely on?
Already seen people demanding Biden step aside post pictures of Kamala Harris with Willie Brown. It's going to be so bad, & a lot of people who really ought to know better will claim they're justified because "she's a cop"
at this point I’m willing to believe Harris might be a better candidate but you do kinda have to add a grain of salt to account for the negative campaigning that right now is mostly not happening against her
like, I don’t think it’s at all a clear case and the costs of switching cars are plausibly very high
It really rests on what you think Biden's actual capabilities are, something none of us really know, but which people who know him haven't (IMO) been able to really reassure us of. Tomorrow's interview will be interesting.
This is the thing that all the fantasy league politics seems to just skip. If he can do it, it’s best he does. If he can’t then, it’s best he doesn’t try too much longer. It doesn’t seem too much more complicated than that and none of us know the answer.
did you listen to the radio one that dropped this morning by chance?
regardless I don’t think this is the actual fulcrum. Biden can resign in favor of Harris any time, and doing it ~any other time than now is likely easier. the electoral math is what matters
I did. I thought he did well. I think he really does thrive in informal environments like that and should do more of them. The strategy to wall him off hasn't served him.
Also, if they believe what they claim to believe, she’ll be President in 2026 when Biden dies.
I think it’s more likely than not we have President Harris by 2028 if we reelect Biden and I’m totally on board with that
this is a thing that I find curiously under-discussed, is that if people are genuinely worried about biden's competence, or his dying, there is an actual plan for that built in to the constitution and everything
The racist and misogynist artillery fire that would be trained on her from all sides would be unsustainable.
I think she comes out ahead vs doing this 24/7 for months. What I think is most important for shielding her is making it a Harris/Biden ticket. A large portion of the old bigots are going to assume Biden's running the show. Very few alternatives
I think this goes badly, but it would be very funny to watch Biden beat up whatever sub-Pence jackass Trump gets hold of.
there will be slurs on cable television by November.
(and they will not hurt Trump)
That's the detail that scares me.
Just chatting with friends here in Ohio (all Dems), I suspect that the bluesky/NYT discourse may be severely underpricing midwestern white resistance to Kamala Harris. The phrase "Even less likeable than Hillary" came up twice. We're about to learn how badly ~55% of voters want to avoid Trump II.
I don't know what you are asking. Biden is a familiar figure perceived as weak or something. There is no affinity for Kamala. The people I am talking to would universally vote for Kamala (not happily) but they are "reading the room" in the state and to them it's obvious it's not going to go well.
I’m not asking, I’m saying that Biden has strength with Midwest whites relative to other D plausibles (ex Obama)
Right, that's my counterargument to switching. Because Democrats improving the margins with young and minority voters doesn't help if they crater with 65+ moderates, and it's possible the polling about young/minority voters is wrong, anyway.
This has been a sticking point for me - there seems something Obviously Wrong with polling for younger and minority voters as-is, I don't know if that's a pot you have to fling off the stove in alarm
Sure. But I'll say that Clinton nearly won with decades of negative oppo against her, so the question is if Harris can do better. I think she can.
well no the big question is mostly “does switching to Harris give us a better chance of winning this election than sticking with Biden”
if the answer is “no” there is no further discussion If the answer is “yes” than we probably should if the answer is “maybe” there’s a lot of arithmetic and a lot of shouting about modeling assumptions
Even if the answer is yes, it only matters if it’s like turns a 30% chance of winning to a 60% chance or something.
We can't know the percentages, but we've seen a clear Biden ceiling and can infer he hurt himself irrevocably. Harris by default has a higher upside, with the benefit of being able to form complete sentences.
Kamala fans don't want her to run, they want her to be the vp, why compete for a job you will get if the very old person you're running with can't do it anymore
The one thing that I’m mildly hopeful about Harris is the fact that she was a former prosecutor. That’s exactly the style of campaign that we need against Trump: prosecutorial. We need someone to prosecute the case against Trump on the campaign trail.
if she were good at this they'd already be doing it
Believe it or not, it’s easier to get attention and press as the Presidential Candidate, than as the Vice Presidential Candidate
And oh my god once that starts it will make the whole “Joe’s old” attack look gentle by comparison.