Keezy Young 🌼

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Keezy Young 🌼

I make graphic novels! Gay, they/she, a ghost with a skeleton inside it.
Kurestin Armada
honestly, it's kinda weird, but it has a kitchen (!) so that's neat
Let's take a peek at the kitchen shall we? Hm. Odd how it's got a sort of cabinet built around...all of it? And is that a roll top desk style sliding door I spy at the far end? Can you enclose this whole setup? Yes. Yes you can, because this is your living room. Good lord.
michi, who has given up on ever being loved (laying about an inch and a half out of arms' reach)
michi ignoring me because I was on my phone instead of petting her
Another gorgeous piece by that i had to add to my collection. I didn’t add her to the wall, instead she has her own spot on my desk.
michi ignoring me because I was on my phone instead of petting her
michi hanging out with me in the daisies
michi hanging out with me in the daisies
sometimes I see stuff that's like...a grift. but genuine? like you're attaching a super hot (yet innocent and youthful) photo of yourself to an ask for needed aid, and I don't condemn it, you do what you have to, but I feel bad that that's what we have to do, and worried for people who can't do it
Hey Washington, Senator Cantwell did something! Send her an email:
ZOMG. FINALLY. Senators Cantwell, Blackburn, and Heinrich have stepped up and written legislation to stop AI from stealing creators’ work without permission. As Cass Morris says, call your Congress Critters!
someday I'll get a real camera instead of a $150 phone that can't ever focus on the right thing and my flower pictures will be so great. you'll see. you'll all see
lmao today I found out that my best friend dusty covered in twigs black cat michio is a GIRL
wondering if I can get away with cannibalism in this YA GN pitch if I refer to it as "absorbing the essence of"
ZOMG. FINALLY. Senators Cantwell, Blackburn, and Heinrich have stepped up and written legislation to stop AI from stealing creators’ work without permission. As Cass Morris says, call your Congress Critters!
Hey, a reminder I give people every now and then: a friend of mine got blackout drunk and emailed Bush on the night of the 2000 election and said “I’m going to kill you and you’ll never find me.” Six hours later he was in cuffs and it cost him thousands in legal fees and he’s still on a list.
can't decide if it's embarrassing to crowdsource this or not, so I'm going for it: where do people buy underwear these days? like everyday underwear. i have places for nice fancy stuff. i need boring undies here. like I really want to thoroughly emphasize that they do not have to be cute, only comfy
wow okay I missed stuff being offline all day
alright i broke my offline from 9-5 rule today because i needed to do research but now it's work for the rest of the day! i'll be back at 5 to follow up on panic attack research, thank you for your help everybody!
does anybody happen to have on hand any kind of in depth writing about anxiety (specifically anxiety) panic attacks? in terms of like, personal experience, or maybe how to help someone (ideally vetted by people who have them)! not as interested in medical studies and that kind of thing atm
WHEN when will the seattle public library bring back placing holds and checking out ebooks and stuff, i want to reaaad (context: some hateful motherfuckers did a ransomware attack on the entire system on memorial day weekend and they only JUST got public wifi back online like two days ago)
that ain't johnny cash, that's the chicken in black
Good morning here's Johnny Cash eating a cake.
Comics folks who ship— any help for someone trying to switch off ULine?
Any reccs for shipping boxes? UL has them in 1" increments and I've had a hard time finding that selection elsewhere 😕
235 pages of comics is a lot of pages of comics. I’m at the halfway-ish point with my inks and there’s just so much more book left to make. If you know anyone making graphic novels or who has ever made a graphic novel, please give them a hug they worked so so hard.
The purpose of stickers is to Never Use Them so that when you die your friends can put them on your coffin
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair #art
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair #art
At events, kids will straight out ask me how much money I make from books, but adults are always curious too. One example I give is that, because Ireland is such a small market, you could make the bestseller lists every year and never make minimum wage.
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make