
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
When Trump says things like this, if and when it's covered at all, it's treated as a minor source of humor or a zinger rather than as a damning indictment of his unpreparedness or ageing cognition. It doesn't lead to weeks of serious media coverage & revolt by anonymous party members.
I feel like I should add that I'm not trying to suggest the author had it easy. 😁 Point being that there is more than ample evidence that can be assembled and presented if someone wanted to run a story like that. And that raises the obvious question: Why don't they?
When did TFG say all this? I try not to watch him. Or other stuff.
The part about not knowing who's associated with Project 2025? He posted it on his social media platform in the past couple of days...might have been yesterday. I will look for a link.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
No doubt he didn't write this. The word 'abysmal' kinda gave it away too. Plus, he can't form a sentence much less a complete statement. : )
Yeah, his trying to fool us is way past working. Well, it still works w/his cultist followers. They believe everything he says. Thanks.
Yes, we heard about how his MIT uncle's gene's were somehow passed on to him thru osmosis. Very smart. Very very smart. Stable genius. 🙄 Someone should stop him. From speaking.
Well then, we can assume he's degenerated further in the ensuing 6 years. Thank you for pointing that out. By the way, Trump invoked the legacy of his uncle a month ago, in his unhinged batteries and sharks rant.
Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It’s Par for the course. Trump is Trump. But imagine the response if Joe Biden had said it.
Well now, that's just gross. Thanks. 🙄
Sources/timelines are in the attachment.
Yes, thanks. I was wondering about the above nonsense he was spewing. Was it currently in a rally? If current, it should definitely be out there in msm. They do it to Joe, they should do it for TFG. Lately msm is too concentrated on Joe.
Fox isn't even covering 34-felon. They don't want the public to know.
Thank you for posting this. Joe Biden has been eviscerated by the pundits. It is high time the candidate who DOES have dementia is eviscerated.
This isn't fair, because he doesn't realize that ANY other person exists.
There would probably be one for moral decline as well, if he had any...
Malignant Narcissism. He’s unable to feel any empathy. One of the biggest reasons for Convicted Felon Donald to never have the nuclear launch codes again.
This is really good! Deadly serious and it still made me laugh.
Reagan famously failed to recognize the Secretary of Housing he’d appointed just five months into his first term.
Maybe dementia explains his obvious lies that he’s never heard of Project 2025.
I rather have this (stupid) inclination to think he's only behaving in his normal way. Dismissing what may be construed as oppositional, giving himself some sort of plausible deniability. But then again, let him go crazy and the crazier he gets before the elections, the better it'll be.
Are you sure casting Trump's lies as cognitive decline is a winning strategy? He's obviously, consciously distancing himself from Project 2025. His claims not to know certain people very well, or at all, is something he's done throughout his political career.
There’s a podcast tracking Convicted Felon Donnie’s dementia and malignant narcissism. It’s Shrinking Trump on Apple Podcasts and you-tube. It’s hosted by two practicing psychologists. Who bring on a weekly guest mental health pro so we don’t have to take just their word on about crazy Don.
Yes, I have no doubt that he's got all kinds of mental problems. I just think that we won't win the battle in that dimension. It sounds too much like the projection that Trump/MAGA regularly practices.
A lot of folks want to know the full diagnosis for Convict Don, not the pathetically oversimplified downplayed BS coming from the Lamestream media. While his diminishing cognition is frightening, what scares the crap out of me is Drumpfy's malignant narcissism.
"Trump is scary, but he's fun-scary. Like a rollercoaster. America loves rollercoasters."
He's been this stupid all along The reason he has traction with a part of the public is that his feral sociopathy jibes with their own antipathies
I am *fully* in agreement about the bigger point about a double standard, but I will quibble and say the GOP has been totally reshaped by a decade of putting down such revolts
I'm surprised that he didn't mention any "Orientals", for God's sake.
Whether they are or not is irrelevant to whether there is a profound disconnect in how each's fitness is being treated/covered. I care about people having a reality based view of the world and two of the primary means people form their views (cultural elites & journalism) are off the rails here.
If you could turn this into a slogan that fits on a poster or a button, it MIGHT matter
One of the weird little Trump things that doesn't get enough mockery is that he thinks he's smart because he had an uncle who went to MIT and he is OBSESSED with this and brings it up regularly
Like he brought up his "connection to MIT" recently, I think during the debate, and that's it. That's his connection. An uncle who a professor 50 years ago.
It’s the eugenics. He’s convinced it proves he’s got those MIT genes in him.
He has explicitly made this point before.
Trump believes he's smart by osmosis because some 50 years ago his uncle was MIT level brilliant. We can't let him come close to the nuclear codes again!!
I'm sure Wharton loves all the free advertising he gives from being associated with him.
It wasn’t that long ago that high energy Trump slept and farted his way through a trial where he became a felon.
And Trump refused an interview with George Stephanopoulos because can you in your wildest dreams imagine Trump being asked questions about his cognition knowing the answer would doubtless be drunk Ronny Jackson gave him the "Person Woman Man Camera TV" test that he aced like no dementia patient ever
What if Biden punked the media by repeating a direct, crazy quote of Trump’s as if it were his own? Wait for them to pounce and expose the double standard.
It would be amazing and really why not?!