mask over nose wearer

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mask over nose wearer

Treehugger. Hockey yeller. Weird brain haver. Albaphile. Friends with some ridiculous cats. Foodbag. Lawful good gnome spores druid. Jersey blood. Philly heart. USDA Zone 6a. He/him.
i literally just want a roof over my head, a warm meal in my belly, a body im happy with, and purpose and meaning in life. and all that without having to fear losing it every fucking month
The heat has gotten so bad on the East Coast that it's now routine to see large men wiping their brows with slightly smaller, drier men.
A man came in with no shoes and was trying to see if we had anything. This girl I was ringing up added a gift card to her purchase and gave it to him 😭😭 He was still a few bucks short, so I covered the rest. He was so grateful and honestly that shit was the most wholesome thing I've seen.
Right before takeoff from Ohare, we got a tornado warning so they evacuated air traffic control and left planes like mine sitting on the runway. This little plane is swaying like an old lady in church. Can barely see out the window, it’s raining so hard. This is all very irritating.
JD Vance is what happens when a McRib goes to Yale
JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
somebody lying
Looking at the finalists in the "Weakest Chin" category, this is going to be a close contest.
lol, lmao
I'm low on spell slots these days, but my ADVENTure Calendars have been a big income boost the past few years. Trying to gauge interest for this year. Please let me know if you would like one! Shares appreciated 💚 A- YES! $60 range B- YES! $80 range C- YES! $100+ range D- Not for me this year
My radical leftist agenda is food water shelter healthcare and education for everyone
Manufactured famine
All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Hi! It's been almost a week and there's been barely any movement, please it's important that I pay bills, since I get hit with daily surcharges when I pay late 😭 Anything helps! Every penny counts! Please help me spread the word! 💕 ⭐ Mutual aid | Helpsky | MAV | 💕💸
Help an injured trans SWer & artist get out of the debt hole, this month I'll be able to pay off half of my loans ;w; & have significantly reduced my only remaining card bill! Looking to gather $295 (tips/donations) All help is appreciated 🩷 🩷 🩷 ⭐ MA | Mutual Aid | Helpsky | 💸💕
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Maybe the lesson here is that the people who built a political movement out of the vigilante revenge fantasies of socially maladjusted and heavily armed people overestimated their own ability to control where, when, and at whom the violence they encourage would be directed.
I just explained to my dad that I don’t believe any conspiracy theories that this was fake because I’ve seen the man try to sell a Stone Cold Stunner, there’s no way he could pull this off convincingly
This is how you do it.
Yes, requests for non-fascists to "lower the temperature" is just a nicer way of putting the Heritage Foundation's statement that the revolution will remain bloodless if liberals allow it. It's a demand for acquiescence to the conditions of violence they created.
Seen a lot of comments like “hey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
I’m bawling my eyes out. I won’t be able to go to my aunts funeral who was like a mom to me if I don’t raise $811 by Monday. I’m so heartbroken and my mental health is spiraling. A quote boost doesn’t take very long.
if you're transgender, your first duty is to live. if youve got anything to give after that, your second duty is to help someone else live, because it's not easy and no one but you and I and those like us will ever understand. your third duty, if you can make it that far, is to live happily.
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
if we’re facing fascist takeover one of the most accessible and principled antifascist acts you can take is to mask. disabled people are often among the very first victims of fascist regimes, masking makes us materially safer and is the kind of solidarity that is all we can count on now
My business partner once had to visit the Secret Service due to a bad tweet. It involved hiring a top international law firm's EXTREMELY expensive head of white collar crime to accompany him. You don't want this smoke.