Cowbo Bebo irl

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Cowbo Bebo irl

Tech writer, voice actor, DC Sports fan too used to Moral Victories.
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If Chucky the famous horror doll bothered me I would just step on him. Big deal.
DC United already down by 3 to Orlando before the first half is done. This team is cooked.
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Bubblegum Crisis hits different these days...
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currently the only effective forms of political organization in the US are "be a right wing media org funded by anonymous donors" and "already hold the reins of power" and the second group takes a 2 hour nap at 3 pm
if you’re asking what my solution to the ascendance of fascism is i don’t have one. if you’re asking what’s better than larping and nihilism I’d say literally any form of political organization.
Call me a wet blanket or whatever but I'm already tired of the "ironic" Kamala support popping up right now. It's like everyone quickly forgot how quickly "Dark Brandon" got unironically adopted by Biden's stans and made them even more insufferable.
Oh my God can this Nats team please stop fucking up in the clutch.
No worries about the latest SCOTUS rulings, liberals have already explained multiple times that the President is just a fragile smol bean, just a powerless figurehead, just a little birthday boy whom can't do a politics or be responsible for anything bad. Eat Arby's (if you can still afford it).
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SOTOMAYOR: The President could [steps on foot] *order a political assassination*, or [steps on foot] *organize a coup* or— [steps on foot repeatedly] BIDEN: [to Jackson] ...I think she's talking to you
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
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The only blue wave coming is the sea level rise and salt water intrusion coming to surely kill us
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The head of Fanatics getting jerked off by Stephen A Smith on First Take for several minutes with no actual pushback makes me feel like it has never been more over for ESPN.
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Biden did his job. He stopped Sanders and that’s actually all that mattered to them.
If there's one thing that "debate" proved it's that, barring a miracle, America will get the President it deserves.
No matter how good or bad your digital work is, it can and will be sacrificed to Mammon on a whim by MBAs who have never created anything in their miserable, barren lives.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so.
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
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decided to become a conservative political cartoonist
same, MC from Rosen Garten Saga
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I'll forever keep my simple explainer of FMVSS compliance: Put a sticker on it. That's it, the end. Just need a sticker stating that you think your product meets all required safety standards and you accept civil liability should this be proven false
On a semi-related note this older skeet popped up in my notifications again:
It's always "We believe in 95% of the same things! I don't understand why you're so angry?" until you mention the people they elect are doing the other 5%, then it's "I HOPE TRUMP SENDS YOU TO THE CAMPS YOU COMMIE."
The drama with Haus of Decline on the other site further convinces me that anyone who refers to themselves as a Sock Dem or a YIMBY or unironically watches Vaush/Destiny needs to be thrown into a locker and never let out until they recant for the good of humanity.
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Reposted byAvatar Cowbo Bebo irl
we are all calvin's dad
I am an engineer and have this same thought about the speed of work when drawings were done by hand and not on the computer and that was way less than 200 years ago.
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oh wow, that’s so crazy dude. quick question, who are literally any of the people you’re talking about
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As always, fuck Chuck Wendig and every stupid bootlicker who thinks big publishers will give them a cookie if they succeed in burning down the Archive.
📚 Attention Readers & Researchers More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers' lawsuit. Have you been affected? Share your story with us and help us fight to restore access. #LetReadersRead 👉
Share Your Story: The Impact of Losing Access to 500,000 The publishers' lawsuit against the Internet Archive (Hachette v. Internet Archive) has resulted in the removal of more than 500,000 books from our lending library, including over 1,300 banned and cha...
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It's pretty incredible to think they somehow spent fifty BILLION dollars on this as of a year or two ago and not only can I not fathom where that money went, but we barely even talk about it because it's overshadowed by even stupider wastes entirely by guys named Sam.
Learning so much about detective work in Limbus Company. Also it's all but stated that Agatha Christie is/was a high level Seven Fixer in this universe.
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Reposted byAvatar Cowbo Bebo irl
us: hey it might be cool to get on the front page again our partner rep: i got fired 3 years ago twitch: we got you. we can put tony robbins on there for some reason. 👍