PG Lee

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PG Lee

Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
biden needs to go on TV and say that SCOTUS has just given him, joe biden, the power to commit any crime he wants as president, and that this erasure of a bedrock principle of the rule of law and the constitutional order terrifies him as an american citizen
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
This one, from 1974, echoes strongly.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
My friend texts: orange is the new orange
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Once again posting this screenshot, and asking any of you if you can recall a single economic news story under Biden that had this tone (the Dow just hit 40,000 for the first time in history a couple weeks ago)
a lot of people misunderstand the "vibecession" debate. the question isn't "is the economy good?" the question is "what explains the unprecedented disconnect between consumer sentiment and economic performance?"
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
I call this passage The Discovery of America
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Happy Mother's Day!
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Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Another way to phrase it would be corporate america never really quit slave labor
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
The term "AI" was such a colossaly good marketing move, because people bought it immediately and even those of us who know it's bunk STILL call it that. It's not AI by any stretch of the word. But the fact we keep calling it that means the lay person thinks we finally have star trek computers.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
The NYT getting awarded a Pulitzer for its coverage of the Gaza crisis at Columbia University a week after Minouche Shafik teargassed students is the kind of ham-fisted scene you'd put in a movie to show the bad guys triumphing as a bridge between the second and third acts
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
and this literally ties into costumers' fight for equal pay in this year's IATSE negotiations The Costume Designers Guild is 87% female, with more than 20% of members identifying as LGBTQ, and 45% lower on the IATSE pay scale than male-dominated creative department heads (per the Guild).
For anyone who feels like complaining about the Met Gala, it exists because the museum doesn’t deign to fund the Costume Institute like it funds literally every other collection in the place. It’s the only area that has to self-fund. The Gala is how it does that.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Gonna have to say, that’s a “yes” from me, dog.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Texts between Keith Davidson, the lawyer who did the hush money deals, and Dylan Howard, the top editor at the National Enquirer, as they’re realizing Trump won the 2016 election.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
1-I’ve seen a version of this argument floating around on Bluesky & hellsite this last week. I’ve also seen “if Trump wins & usher in authoritarianism, we [young folks] would fight it & restore true democracy to America.” Let me tell you why this is absolute bullshit, & you will restore nothing.
I think it’s important to point out that people who think that they will escape the United States if it falls into fascism are wrong, because there will be nowhere safe on the planet from America’s reach and fascist America will reach out and touch anyone and everyone it pleases with impunity. 
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
It's interesting and telling that Sanders, the most prominent Jewish politician in the US is calling out Netanyahu and the idea that being anti genocide is pro Hamas while non Jewish officials are calling for the National Guard to attack student protesters.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
The day after the Kent State shootings in 1970, a Gallup poll showed that 58 percent of respondents placed blame for the students' deaths on the protesters, while just 11 percent blamed the National Guardsmen who shot them.
Not gonna lie, I feel kind of stupid only just now realizing that the unquestioned historical legacy of Kent State I grew up knowing had to have taken a decade to solidify and that at the time most people, or at least most of the establishment, probably thought those little bastards had it coming
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Via Vincent Proce on Twitter (@vproceart) some hope vs the Ai glut (repost to add alt text)
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
dave. dave. this is way too much information to put in public. i could figure this out in like half an hour
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Why does it feel like most tech these days is driven by revenge instead of innovation? Gen AI, artificial wombs, deepfake porn. It all feels very "you won't do what I want, how I want, so watch me replace you." So much resentment and vindictiveness
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Twice a week now a Silicon Valley company issued a press release like, “We have invented a new technology. It’s only use is for crime. Accordingly, we are all now billionaires.”
A new OpenAI tool can recreate human voices — from just a 15-second recording. The technology, called Voice Engine, is currently available only to a small group of early testers.
OpenAI Unveils A.I. Technology That Recreates Human The start-up is sharing the technology, Voice Engine, with a small group of early testers as it tries to understand the potential dangers.
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
you repost miette? you repost miette like the meme? Joy! Joy for internet for FIVE YEARS!
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
Imagine if the NYT front page had side-by-side stories, one saying, "Trump can't get $$ to save Trump Tower" and the other saying, "Trump plans to rehire confessed money launderer who conspired with alleged Russian spy." Now ask why NYT is not reporting it that way?
Reposted byAvatar PG Lee
I'll never get over how the best line in all of noir – "I've got eight slugs in me. One's lead, and the rest are bourbon" – doesn't come from Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett, but Calvin and Hobbes