Emma Addams

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Emma Addams


Sometimes I write. I go to the movies a lot. I’d post the trans flag here to let people know I’m trans but I really don’t like the colors much, so I’m not going to do that.
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the french have voted: france is now bi
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
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The NYT's Growing Social Media Gaffes Lead To Serious Questions Regarding Paper's Viability
Okay, looks we may be jumping the gun here. Lorenz says the NYT says they didn't delete their Threads account on purpose.
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Reposted byAvatar Emma Addams
Reposted byAvatar Emma Addams
the Munsters could start acting and dressing normal and people wouldn't notice they're draculas or franklinsteins or whatever. whereas with the Addams family, one of them is a hand
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in real life when a piano falls on your head you'd be lucky if even just one or two keys became your teeth
Reposted byAvatar Emma Addams
Reposted byAvatar Emma Addams
It's genuinely helpful that the press has successfully signalled that they will not treat Kamala Harris generously or fairly if Biden steps aside for her. Clarifying!
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"Look, we can't help it if this is the prevailing narrative," say the folks working at the country's largest narrative-creation factory.
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Reposted byAvatar Emma Addams
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
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Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration. project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/project-20...
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It's almost like there was another dude in the debate who spent the whole time saying insane shit like everybody wanted Roe overturned and J6 was good actually
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I mean, I know this is useless to say almost but if Biden were retweeting right now a meme grown out of a violent conspiracy theory movement that says Republicans and Hollywood are running a satanic pedophile cult, he’d be immediately forced out but it’s Trump so media & politicos are all 🤷‍♂️
In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great! www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Crazywww.rollingstone.com Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
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Data point. I’m not interested in hearing about why this doesn’t matter or why I should actually be panicking that Biden is peaking too soon or whatever. I just want to put this out there to help build the case that panic is not merited or helpful right now.
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"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
In the exact same nine day period that Biden and his White House and campaign have been flailing, Trump has offered voters a window into his own mental state and vision for term 2 It’s not great! www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Crazywww.rollingstone.com Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden
Also the stuff he does believe in and promises to do are as bad and worse as anything else: mass deportations, shooting protesters, etc
I believe Trump hasn’t read a word of Project 2025 because he hasn’t read a word of anything, but he’ll happily let his little zealots try and implement the whole thing to the letter while he watches tv and plays golf.
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this is causing me to bluescreen
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
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I feel like way too few people appreciate just how much of a watershed moment the swiftboating of John Kerry was for this country. It proved to the far right that they could just say things that were provably, objectively untrue during a campaign, and the media would always aid and abet those lies.
I don't take the age thing seriously. THEY PICK A LIE ABOUT EVERY DEM, and the press knows it's some BS but plays along. They know that the other guy is worse in every way, especially his brain. They turned being a war hero into a liability against a fortunate son draft dodger.
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If Democrats are confused about how to handle tough questions about their nominee's fitness for office, they can just look at the thousands of examples of Republicans avoiding, deflecting, and redirecting similar questions about Trump over the past 8 years.
Leftists for the record have been agitating against Biden as the nominee for a long time and intensified efforts during the primary It's the center-left elites that were fine with Biden up until the second the media began asking them hard questions
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Listen, if the Biden campaign wanted to quell concerns about his age, they would have put him out there, like in the post-debate pressroom, a rally, an event at the Stonewall monument, a national address, a medal of honor ceremony, a meeting with governors, another rally, and televised interview.
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an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
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Once again, political reporters loudly insist that speaking with them is the single most important thing the president can do for informing the public and then spend all the time they get with him demonstrating why they’re completely full of shit in claiming that
20 minutes of uninterrupted time with the President and not a single policy question. What a missed opportunity to actually educate people.
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TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
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If "for the good of the country" pundits truly considered Trump a genuine danger wouldn't it be much more logical to try and help Biden win -- a thing he has literally shown he can do already -- in a few months and then go nuts telling him to resign? This version just seems like they love the drama.
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For everyone on here that is worried that voters are as willfully credulous as our news media, the Biden campaign understands that Trumps post about Project 2025 is an admission of vulnerability and they are leaning in harder on tying him to it.