E. Allyn (aka Norton II, Emperor of the United States)

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E. Allyn (aka Norton II, Emperor of the United States)


Aka Eric Bloomquist.

I make jokes about metahumor.

He/him, cis-male-adjacent. Devout agnostic.

Black lives matter.
LGBT+ lives matter. (very much including trans lives)
Immigrant lives matter.
Facts matter. Science matters.

Hope is an axe. 🪓
An amazing movie. I'm usually blasé about remakes or reboots or whatever, but if anyone tried to remake Casablanca I would mock them ferociously. It is *so much* a product of the time and of the people who made it.
I mean, I suppose you could transplant the general plot and themes into a different time and location, as has been done with Shakespeare. But even that would be damn hard.
I've had people get *pissed* at me for saying that I didn't know enough about a subject to have a meaningful opinion. "But you *must* have a opinion about it!" Nope.
Trump falsely claimed that in 2020. Evidently, Democrats have figured out a way to make millions of undocumented immigrants invisible, and drive them to the polls in invisible buses. Neat trick, huh?
Yeah, farmers are *not* going to like this idea. More to the point for oligarchs, nor will agribusinesses. Or *anybody* whose livelihood depends on knowing the weather.
Well, sure. I mean, that's been true for a while - since before 9/11 even - but between that, the resurgence of white supremacy after the 2008 economic crisis and Obama's election, the "payback" for Obama with Trump in 2016, and the pandemic starting in 2020, we've been riding the edge for a while.
Oh, and - nods to Chicago - the worsening effects of the climate crisis.
Despite the GOP having chosen a law-breaking insurrectionist as their nominee.
If Dems were as petty as Republicans, we could start wearing Purple Heart bandaids on our ears.
They're all hoping for the juicy government contracts that could come with a 21st Century authoritarian regime. Surveillance, tracking, the banality of "AI"-backed oppression ... "Gigabucks, baby!" (And then there's Social Security being redirected into easily-plundered "private" accounts.)
Is it just me, or - except for the crushed windshield - does it actually look a little better this way?
Looks like someone forgot to CC Fox News with the relevant gaslighting script.
By yesterday noon the story had already lasted several hours longer than most news stories about shootings these days.
Do not obey in advance.
They don't need to. They already have a huge supply of it.
"Bend"? That's generous. I think we're well into "ignore or rewrite" territory.
... who is on a much nicer beach, of course, or on-route to one.
Not all of them, but for those judges who didn't play along, they retroactively became Democrats. (At least according to Republicans.)
That's pretty clearly not a problem, either. (It's still worth pointing these things out, of course. It just doesn't seem particularly relevant to their employment status.)
I have not seen that meme and I'm now desperate to find out where to get $10 Thai food.
Revenge, mostly for things which never happened, is a central appeal of his campaign. In some cases, revenge on some people for simply existing.
Being wrong is not a professional problem for a pundit as long as they're wrong in the right way.
"Pivoting to the political center for the general election." Despite the last 8 years, much of the chattering class continues to desperately try to squeeze Trump into standard political stories. They *really* want to normalize him.
If a Republican advocates political violence, blame Democrats! "Democrats have forced us to aggressively defend ourselves."
I wonder how many of those tips are variations on, "Biden used the Antifa BLM to set it up duh even I know that."
"The inhuman vermin on the left should tone down their rhetoric or some people [cough] might tone them down permanently." Hmm. It does kinda have that modern Republican spin.
Hahahaha ... nah. I doubt that it has even *occurred* to most of them that it might be interesting to call those GOPs up and ask if they wanted to retract their earlier statements, and if not, why not.
I'll tell you what surprised me - during the 4 years of the Trump administration there wasn't a workplace shooting at the West Wing. Nor even a knifing, though that might've been logistically easier.