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Liberty and justice for all. East coast liberal.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Hey! If researching to help make infographics about Project 2025 sounds like a thing you’d like to do, @amyhoy.bsky.social is thinking about putting a team together. ⤵️
i was thinking i could make a collection of these (graphic design IS my passion (actually i’ve worked on some really successful visual design for covid awareness etc, millions & millions of views & got into higher offices) i need help with the research tho if anyone wants to team up??
Reposted byAvatar Wren
It's up to us to SAVE ourselves & our country!!!
Reposted byAvatar Wren
This is a great source for information on US elections - particularly for important down ballot races. If you just dropped your NYTimes subscription, consider redirecting your attention (and funds).
For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... @bolts.bsky.social is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free! boltsmag.org/newsletter
Reposted byAvatar Wren
🗣️ Pollsters largely said LePen was going to win in France and she just got blown out. Polls don’t vote. WE DO. #Vote #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024
Keep Calm and Vote
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far rightwww.npr.org Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Reposted byAvatar Wren
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
I’ve been sorting and cleaning up thousands of music files 😵‍💫 for my latest project, untethering myself from streaming music Music 🎶 is the shit I’ve listened to songs I haven’t listened to in years and I’m reminded that musicians are a powerfully creative force What would life be without 🎶?
Reposted byAvatar Wren
This Syrian man's name is Ahmed. The Lebanese authorities forcibly deported him to Syria. After his arrival in Syria, the Assad regime arrested him and took him to prison. A week later, he lost his life as a result of the torture he was subjected to. Syria is not safe.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Sulzberger and the New York Times political desk are engaged in an interesting experiment, to wit: whether it’s possible for a newspaper to direct the outcome of a campaign and election through sheer, relentless posting
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Not everyone has gotten that the piece I wrote below is satire. It is, intended to convey how the media would cover Biden denying connections with his closest aides. But the reality is that when Trump does it, it barely merits a mention. NYT front page is all Biden. Trump's lies not covered.
Trump said “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” But Project 2025 is run by Trump's closest aides, raising concerns about cognitive fitness for a candidate who seems unable to recall those around him. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/troubling-...
Troubling Signs of Cognitive Decline as Trump Struggles to Recognize Closest Aidesdonmoynihan.substack.com "I know nothing about Project 2025" statement triggers new concerns about his fitness to serve
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Citizenship can be stripped if someone lied on their immigration paperwork, which gives me an idea for something Biden should fast track
Watch Elon Musk Talk About Being an ‘Illegal Immigrant’ in Video From 2013gizmodo.com Musk called his immigration status a 'gray area' while discussing the 1990s.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
There was no GOP party platform in 2020, and Trump wants to shrink the proposed 2024 one. He opposes providing detail on how radical his second term will be because he knows its unpopular. Make no mistake: Project 2025 was written by Trump appointees & loyalists. Its their shared agenda.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
It’s amazing that he got away with repeatedly publishing a daily schedule that just said “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.”
Reposted byAvatar Wren
That undercounts it! He spent NINE HOURS A DAY "tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day." www.politico.com/story/2018/1...
9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidencywww.politico.com The president’s schedule shows huge swaths of his day unplanned, allowing his whims and momentary interests to drive White House business.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Correct, every damn day that he wasn't at one of his own stupid properties pocketing the entire secret service budget
And he flew to one of his personal country clubs to play golf almost every weekend.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Rolling into the oval office at 11, zoning out for the intelligence briefing, whining until they let him wander away and watch fox. That was Trump every damn day
Reposted byAvatar Wren
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Reposted byAvatar Wren
I put together a 🧵 on Biden's speech in Madison that you can check out from the link below, no Threads account required It was a very strong showing, though it certainly won't be enough to silence the discussion about whether he should stay in the race.
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Threadswww.threads.net Quick 🧵 on Biden's speech in Madison On the debate: "Can't say it was my best performance. Ever since then, there's been a lot of speculation ... well here's my answer: I'm gonna run and I'm gonna...
"The members of the mainstream media are human beings (despite frequent appearances to the contrary) and human beings respond to incentives. There is an enormous personal financial incentive to another four years of Trump in the White House" www.oliverexplains.com/p/the-media-...
The Media Rigs The 2024 Electionwww.oliverexplains.com History Continues To Repeat Itself
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Look at this link at the bottom of the New York Times' "Don't vote" opinion piece. They didn't run this as a one-off. They're trying to turn non-voting into a thing. Repugnant.
That’s the way you do it
Folks have noted that including links rewards the NYT with traffic for running this article. They're right! So I'm going to delete the first post in this thread - here it is as a screenshot for context.
Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸💥 the day an unruly people agreed that a tyrant will not rule these lands Government for the people, by the people
Trump has no plan to end the russian invasion of Ukraine Trump has a plan to end Ukraine
Here's what we are reading today: If Trump has a plan to end the war, he should share it, but it must respect Ukraine's sovereignty, Zelenskyy told Bloomberg. He pointed out delays in Western arms deliveries and said he is considering meeting Trump to discuss his plan.
Zelenskiy Challenges Trump to Reveal Plans for Ending Warwww.bloomberg.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Donald Trump should come forward with his plan to quickly end the war with Russia, warning that any proposal must avoid violating the nation’s sovereignty.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
Reposted byAvatar Wren
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
AP story waits until paragraph 16 to mention police & prosecutors are accused of conspiring to protect the cop who's apparently the real killer, until then making him seem like a lone wolf
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man. innocenceproject.org/missouri-cir...
Missouri woman who has served more than 40 years for murder is declared innocent by judgewww.nbcnews.com She must be freed or retried for the 1980 murder within 30 days, a judge ruled, but the Missouri AG has asked an appeals court to review the judge's decision.
Reposted byAvatar Wren
January 2010: putin’s friend Viktor Janukovych was elected president of Ukraine. He immediately removed Ukraine’s NATO application, and signed a deal that prolonged russia’s Black Sea fleet lease of Sevastopol in Krym until 2042. Both devastating for Ukraine’s security. #NAFO Source: Sergio Plokhy
I am ripping cd’s Really I feel young again!