
i don't even get where you go from here as the editorial board of the new york times. if biden doesnt step down and polls stay stable, then what? do you just keep insisting he should step down anyway? write another editorial being like we were wrong? pretend it never happened?
like i get posters online venting their frustration about what they see as a shitty choice in the election. but as the paper of record man, what are you doing?
they will be exposed as what they actually are: a bunch of old farts yelling at clouds and also jamelle bouie
bouie once patiently and politely explained to me why I was being a dumbass when I was being extremely drunk & communist in one of his threads. Man has the patience of a saint.
Almost feels like a bunch of GOP hacks trying to give the Democratic party intentionally bad poison pill advice
oh no to be completely clear I mean he is the one person there who seems to have an actual grasp of political reality
Congratulations on being a Summoner, Micah! I will of course always hear this in my head in the Mechwarrior voice of “THUMMONER”
I was the one not clear actually, I knew what you meant. 🍺🍺
I need Biden holding up a physical copy of this NYT OPED on Nov 5th
If we get a brokered convention maybe we can also figure something out to get Bouie in charge over there while everyone is distracted
It’s an op to get everyone behind Biden, and it worked on me. I wish we could have anything else but fuck anyone trying to wishcast that, especially the “adults in the room.” Anyway I donated to his campaign today, because I guess once again we’ve got to do the work
Honestly they might start pushing for exercising the 25th Amendment
NYT bout to catch hands in its nepobaby kitten slaughter fetishist face.
You go even harder and publish shit advocating for humanely euthanizing him
I mean, is there is any question? It is a thousand percent the last one, and they will all keep their jobs, because they all belong to the same club, or whatever the New York version of belonging to the same club is.
That fat wordle money keeps them afloat. It certainly ain’t the reporting anymore.
they’ve been doing it more or less continuously for ever
The last one. “We were wrong” isn’t really in their wheelhouse.
it will be very funny when they invariably endorse him
isn't the last one exactly what they did for their iraq war cheerleading?
Just love how the only context in which the NYT will go red alert on the threat of Trump is to attack Biden.
They do what they've always done; ignore their record of being wrong about almost every important issue they've ever written about in order to shit out another godawful, baby-brained tantrum about the latest subject of immense importance that they are totally unqualified to opine on.
Quite amazing that one bad debate performance from Biden is enough for them to call for him backing out of the race but Trump being convicted of 34 felonies gets crickets from them.
Sorry but since when has being wrong ever stopped a pundit from continuing to pundit?
Think of another fresh and innovative way to set your credibility on fire. Maybe endorse RFK, or try to enlist Andrew Yang to run
When will they call for the convicted felon, also found liable for rape, decades of corporate and tax fraud, whom we all saw attempt a coup and also credibly charged with stealing and likely sharing our nation’s top secrets, to withdraw?
Quit your fucking job because you're embarrassingly bad at it. And they should do it first thing Monday morning
Maybe that Sulzberger guy could just go to therapy
November 5 should be interesting when editorial board sit down to breakfast of humble pie along with their hats lightly sauteed
Do the same shit they've been doing since 2016-- campaign for Trump some more.
It’s real fail son shit right? Continually pretending to be bold and stake your own course, inevitably to crawl meekly back to dad.
NY Times, the 1%ers, and Republicans would just love it if Biden stepped down. If we panic and throw out Biden, we lose the country for the weakest reason: lack of courage. If US can't choose a good public servant like Biden over Trump, Democracy is gone anyhow.
as a socialist i will be voting for jill stein regardless, but we have been saying this man is senile since 2019, and he should step down.
I don’t know what state you’re in so I am unable to properly calibrate my response but the Greens are a scam.
my mother is margaret flowers who was the senate candidate against van hollen in 2016. the baltimore party made a few decent attempts in the last few years. the national party is a joke. but hey jill's the only leftist with ballot access so i'll take it.
Don't worry, they'll find other angles ... "Opinion: Despite criticism, Biden refuses to be less old-seeming" "Does Biden's age mean he should be catapulted into the sun? It's complicated. "
They’ll post an argument against it and sell more papers/clicks in a day or 2. Liberal outrage is very lucrative!
A lot of them will pretend it never happened by mid-July
Double endorsement like they did in the 2020 primary, but for Biden and his mythical replacement that would definitely win.
But Biden is behind the polls. He has to change that otherwise he’s on track to lose. The debate was his chance to do so and he did the opposite. I don’t think he’s capable of doing anything at this point to change the race, hence the calls for him to step aside.
“Pretend it never happened” has been the favored approach of the folks who pushed the Iraq war
I don't see much issue in saying Biden should step down but then vigorously supporting him when he doesn't - that's the responsible thing if the reason for asking him to step down really is a desire to maximize Dem election chances
"What is 'pretend it never happened', Alex?"