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Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
You shouldn't even have to screenshot it. Right next to every DM (in any social media platform) there should be a button labeled: "Make this DM public for all". Even Signal should have this. It'll make it super clear that your privacy is maintained only by the consent of the receiver.
IMO men on this site consent to their creepy messages getting put on the fucking skyline the moment they hit women's DMs
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Someone said AI will get "exponentially better". They've got it backwards. AI isn't an "exponential growth" field. It's a field where the computational requirements must increase exponentially to deliver a LINEAR increment in ability. It's not sustainable in its current form.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
yeah, it is entirely possible to have a Normal Functional Discord!
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Even for those who currently have no medical vulnerabilities, or who don’t mask regularly, wearing a mask should be as simple as using an umbrella when it rains or a bandage when you’re bleeding. You can protect yourself from flu season or smoke, or others from your cold. Easy, practical, courteous.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
This is fascinating stuff. The TL;DR is that pH massively affects the longevity of viruses in the air and the CO2 we breathe out makes the air more cozy for viruses. Therefore, poor ventilation is bad both for keeping viruses in the air and significantly extending their lifespan in that air! 🧪🦠
A UK research team has discovered that the more CO2 air contains, the longer viruses can stay alive in that air. This is a tranmission double-whammy: poorly ventilated spaces with lots of people in them increases potential viral load and longevity. []
A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation CO2 is a good proxy for how much exhaled — and potentially infectious — air is in a room. New research suggests the more CO2 there is, the more virus-friendly the air becomes.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
The fact that everybody is taking it as given is probably the most searing indictment of what's left of the US political system. If the country had a soul to save, every republican would demand Trump withdraw.
Not a surprise by any stretch, but just think still worth calling out: it is wild that Trump won't, and nobody expects him to, drop out of the race
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
My boyfriend and I just went on a quest through his books. We actually found one of those in an old shadowrun novel published by heyne 😂
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
I'm sorry Slack, you're doing fucking WHAT with user DMs, messages, files, etc? I'm positive I'm not reading this correctly.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
If you own a Tesla, your car is covered in cameras that take images reviewed by Tesla employees, who share them with each other, joke about them, and make them into memes.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
All these companies promoting “ai assistants” want you to imagine how great it would be if you had a servant who made up lies and also sold all your information to Facebook and the government.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Do you work for a company that uses Python and would benefit from brand exposure? We are still looking for conference sponsors for Kiwi PyCon in August.
Sponsor Kiwi PyCon Sponsoring Kiwi PyCon gives your organisation and your team unparalleled reach to the most active members of the Python community.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Genius CEOs in shambles after learning for the first time about the concept of supply and demand and that people prefer favorable working conditions
Return-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies — Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX — were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week.
Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study In the months following return-to-office mandates, an increased number of senior employees departed Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX, often to work for competitors.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
All the unidentified phone numbers you block are calls from your future self trying to warn you about your terrible choices.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Internet! You know what to do!
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports:
Hotline Complaint
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
You don't get to say 'we regret that the protesters escalated' and 'community safety is our top priority' when the protesters are students who haven't hurt anybody and your response was calling in, like, a hundred unaccountable guys with guns
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
That signed Good Omens is being put to good use: our raffle for Undue Medical Debt has already raised enough to abolish ~$1 mil in medical debt...we opened the campaign last week! h/t to Eric Kripke for his help w/raffle + reach in the other place
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Once you've "made it", keep the network going. And give back. Give back to the nonprofit that lifted you up. Stay in touch with the people who helped you out. Pay it forward to another person in need. Don't just disappear once you've "got yours." Everything is temporary.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
the fact that we saw the largest vaccine rollout in history, like 10 billion doses administered, there were almost no serious side effects, and the result was a large increase in anti-vaccine paranoia is proof of the power of propaganda
If there is anything that really gnaws at me it’s the realization that a lot of people are going to fight hard against any kind of public health measure including vaccination even for a disease that might have a fatality rate as high as 30-50%. Hope we don’t find out
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Adult ADHD and autism diagnoses have exploded because until relatively recently they didn’t believe girls could have those, so many adult women have been diagnosed late as adults, often after their sons and daughters do
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
Just to recap: -The Kansas Reflector posted a column critical of FB on Thursday -Meta blocked/deleted all their links across platforms -Meta restored all Reflector links except the critical column -I reposted the column on The Handbasket Friday -Meta blocked/deleted all my links across platforms
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
I got a notification at the Bad Place informing me that they have reviewed my account and generously granted me Premium for free, along with a blue check. I also haven't been able to log into the website on Firefox for about a month. So that's how things are going over there.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
This week is the last week for the earlybird pricing for Kiwi PyCon XIII, the offer ends 31 March. We've also got accommodation offers online, so you can get your ticket and accommodation sorted! Kiwi PyCon is being held in Wellington from 23-25 August, see you there!
Earlybird prices and accommodation It's the last week for earlybird ticket pricing discounts, and we now have accommodation offers available on the Kiwi PyCon site. Kiwi PyCon 23-25 August.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
This is not the service I pay Spotify for. Stop cramming ChatGPT into every fucking thing.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
still working through Moby Dick and I really needed this passage tonight perhaps you do as well
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob
The fact that the only type of content warning Bluesky STILL has is “Adult Content” is the most America-brained thing imaginable.
Reposted byAvatar FunkyBob