Gelasto Paidi

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Gelasto Paidi

Il avait le jugement assez droit, avec l’esprit le plus simple.
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Reposted byAvatar Gelasto Paidi
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
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No, wait, hear me out: in the time between when the leopards are loosed, and when they start eating our faces, we can generate SO MUCH shareholder value—
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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fuck man, I don't even know what to say anymore. One political party wants to burn everything to the ground and institute theocratic, kleptocratic autocracy. I think this is bad, just one man's opinion.
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Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
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There is one solution to the problem of people without homes and that is to give them homes. We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness just as we cannot arrest our way out of addiction. And yet incarceration remains our one single solution to everything.
The cruelty of the Grants Pass decision perfectly distills the soul of this country down to its ugly punitive essence. Instead of using our vast wealth to help those in need we will use it instead to punish them. And hey if it ushers thousands more into the warehouses then all the better right?
Nothing but Micah Herskind joins us today to write about the latest developments in the Stop Cop City movement, including a major fuck up by the Georgia Attorney General’s prosecution of 61 activists that could p...
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I found a wet vhs tape in the woods behind the old church cemetery and snuck it into the house so my dad wouldn’t see it and it was this debate. Then my family died.
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You two are old men: tell me one thing that I shall ask you.
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Happy Bloomsday to those that observe. It's probably the one day in the year I miss Dun Laoghaire the most, seeing the devoted dress up in their finery, the tourists looking bewildered at the sky and wondering when the rainy season stops, though it does look like a great day for it today
Happy Bloomsday! Ch 11 - Sirens
Bronze by gold heard the hoofirons, steelyringing. Imperthntbn thnthnthn. Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips. Horrid! And gold flushed more. A husky fifenote blew. Blew. Blue bloom is on the Gold pinnacled hair.
Bronze by gold heard the hoofirons, steelyringing. Imperthntbn thnthnthn. Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips. Horrid! And gold flushed more. A husky fifenote blew. Blew. Blue bloom is on the Gold pinnacled hair.
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Reposted byAvatar Gelasto Paidi
They’re really trying to redefine “Christianity,” aren’t they?
Morbid curiosity got the best of me, and I read this. The argument is literally that Dolly Parton is a fake, destructive Christian because despite a lifetime of kindness, decency, philanthropy, and spreading joy around the world, she won’t explicitly condemn gay people for their wickedness.
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I know it's cringe or whatever, but if you vote for Biden then these Nazis don't take power. It's not complicated and there isn't one weird trick that doesn't involve pulling the lever for the old man.
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democracy dies in the hands of billionaires
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The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
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is that good for him, somebody with big pundit brain help me
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why would i recuse simply because of a flag? what is a flag other than a bit of fabric? where does one piece of fabric end and the fabric of the universe begin? who am i to know and who are you to tell me
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Imagine how it would be covered if Michelle Obama did this: 'Mrs. Alito ran toward their car and yelled something they did not understand. The couple continued driving, they said, and as they passed the Alito home again to exit the cul-de-sac, Mrs. Alito appeared to spit toward the vehicle.'
The Alitos, the Neighborhood Clash and the Upside-Down Inside the escalating conflict on a bucolic suburban street that Justice Alito said prompted a “Stop the Steal” symbol at his home.
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A second Alito flag has hit the NYT home page.
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Please remember (or learn) that your dental and healthcare are not all “healthcare” because some doctors way back in the day didn’t want to acknowledge dentists were doctors because the trade evolved in barber shops. It’s spite.
Why Doctors Don’t Fix Teeth | Maximum We’ve joked a lot about how Dr. Sydnee doesn’t know much about teeth, but this week we’re explaining exactly why. It all goes back … to The Historic Rebuff.
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Gov. DeSantis continues to be the pettiest of tyrants. Absolute loser.
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"The most charitable read is that after a neighbor accused Mrs. Alito of being an insurrection enthusiast, she reacted by hoisting a symbol of support for J6. A justice’s wife is busy acting out the Matt Bors comic where a MAGA reacts to hearing someone say Trump fans are racist by going full Nazi."
Alito's "defense" of flying the J6 flag is transparent Going full insurrectionist is not normal.
Astonishingly, the British Army has had more number one singles in Ireland than Aslan:
The pictures of DJT talking to the press with a line of adoring MAGA acolytes behind him are like John McNaughton paintings come to life.
Chuck Zito, who was a former leader of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, was among the crowd of Donald Trump’s supporters at his hush-money trial in Manhattan on Monday. He was joined by several other allies who have been charged with crimes.
A Former Leader of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Gang Joins Trump in Chuck Zito, who did time on drug conspiracy charges, has tried to recast his persona as a general-purpose tough guy around town.
What I love is how people are still shocked by the “Danger! High Voltage” video
hard to imagine we'd do any better than the electric six video
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hard to imagine we'd do any better than the electric six video