
you are not crazy, this is an entirely true statement that many, many more people need to print out, tape up to their mirror, and ground themselves with every morning. it is fucking JULY. everybody needs to pop an edible and calm the fuck down.
Am I fucking crazy, or has this been one shitty debate performance, followed by a week plus of story after story about "panic" etc? No new evidence that he's unable to do it, just constant "people are saying"?
look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, look at the calendar don
People are now calling themselves "coconuts" and are convinced there'll be a huge coup for Kamala Harris at the debates because of poll movements well inside MoE.
"Coconuts"? Does this mean something or is it just a slur?
I don't fucking know, man, something about coconuts being used as a secret code-symbol that you want Harris to replace Biden on the ticket or something.
i am avoiding figuring out what that's all about
That's absolutely incredible.
A lot of that is ironic I think but yeah it’s a pro-Harris meme. And no it’s not offensive or anything, don’t worry. It’s some saying of her mother’s or somebody like that that she likes to quote. “You didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree” or something like that.
She told a story in '23 that went viral this week: "[My mother] would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’ You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you”
Ha, my dad would say this, but he said turnip truck.
It’s a reference to an anecdote she told about her mother. “You kids think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” was the punchline
oh the polls are horrible. less than two percent response rates, huge shifts in the hardest to poll groups driving toplin... oh you mean biden's support since the debate, yeah that's hardly moved.
Give the nyt some more time they’re working on it.
Where is the NYT commissioned poll asking: "Should a rapist be president?" "Should a $354 million fraudster be president? "Should a person with 34 felonies for falsifying business records to cover up over felonies to cheat in a presidential election be president?
A federal judge has gone to great lengths to make clear Trump really did rape E. Jean Why state-level legal minutiae impacts what words are used to describe the former president’s criminal conduct.
The NYT is not credible. It's a tabloid for the extreme right Plutocrats.
A recent poll of jurors was unanimous in declaring that Trump committed 34 felonies.
there is a possible world where in february, joe biden sits down with leslie stahl and says, "a lot of people wanted me to fucking quit, but here i am."
Listen, if the Biden campaign wanted to quell concerns about his age, they would have put him out there, like in the post-debate pressroom, a rally, an event at the Stonewall monument, a national address, a medal of honor ceremony, a meeting with governors, another rally, and televised interview.
Look, if Biden really wanted to quell concerns, he'd do all that while standing on his head and reciting the Declaration of Independence backwards.
I didn't even know about the Stonewall event!
I would like this post until my phone died if I could.
Ideally he'd also have unscripted interactions with regular voters late at night, like idk, maybe at a Waffle House or someplace
Biden needs to specifically break up a late night fight at Waffle House
Bro, if I didn’t see any of those events, did they really happen Actually, wait. What if possessing object permanence was disqualifying for journalism and/or punditry?
I hit that like button so hard I thought I might break my keyboard
But what if he did not say this magic speech that I have concocted that is perfect politics? Clearly he's not up to the task.
He can’t. That is why he hasn’t. This is what we need — watch the governor of a must win swing state who won her re-elect by over 10 points. Compare with Biden today and realize how low you have let your expectations become:
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan" | full Watch the full version of Margaret Brennan's interview with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that aired on Jan. 21, 2024, on "Face the Nation with Margaret Bre...
You seem to have missed the joke. He did indeed do all of the things listed in that message.
Here’s what Biden said in the debate about abortion. Please compare to Whitmer answering many follow-up questions in her interview above
That’s a really cool way to be non-responsive to what I said.
I’m not a lawyer just a politics junkie. In everything I have read about this situation, the idea that it would somehow be illegal to have an open convention has not come up. Do you have an expert source discussing these lawsuit concerns?
"antisemitism on campus", "plagiarism in academia", "Biden is old" - New York Times is a leech, it grabs, and only lets go when it bleeds the target dry.
I feel like I'm going insane brother
Trump *fell asleep* at his trial and nobody is like "is this man infirm?" Hell hes a felon and the take is "welp"
I’m not sure I want the people freaking out to take an edible. Many seem the type to need babysitting afterward.
He was slow at the debate, evidence that... He's old. We know that and knew that. He seemed great the very next day. Then I heard some clip of some new "mistake" that... Didn't sound at all off, just, like, old dude talking like an old dude.
I've been popping edibles all week. I can definitely confirm that it does help. 👍
This may be a wild concept, but we don't all actually have to take the media narrative at its word and assume it is a correct analysis of the situation. NYT op-eds are not actually the perspective of voters.
They need to sign up for some door knocking or phone banking or something and be useful. I think the sense of fear and helplessness is driving a lot of this craziness.
One of the single most important thing we can all do for ourselves and each other under sustained attack from would-be tyrants is to remember and remind ourselver/each other nope, it's not just me. NOT CRAZY. Gaslighting is one of their major tools. Kill it with fire.
I’ve been saying.
If Biden drops out the NYT will find whatever they can to destroy Harris with next. Nothing the Democrats could possibly do would satisfy them. Because they want Trump to win. It’s that simple. Deal with the fear that fact inspires however you want. I’m watching Futurama and doing dabs.
In my defense, I'm in an airbnb with a sick toddler and have basically nothing to do during said toddler's naps besides doomscrolling.
And it's not going to be over by the weekend; it's going to be the topic of Meet The Press or some such--probably all such.