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I've heard tigers are friendly and approachable... (but only from hungry tigers)
Apparently a drone once made it in to the Oval Office.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
The title of MAGA Jack Posobiec's new book, "Unhumans," does sound better in the original German: "Untermenschen" or "Lebensunwertes Leben," the label applied to disabled people, gays, Jews, Romani, and Communists before they were forced into camps and exterminated. I'm sure it's a conscious echo.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
So Peter Thiel is investing heavily in a gambling website for news events and hiring a political pollster to "advise" on it and we just happen to be going through what appears to be an almost completely astroturfed weeks long news cycle of pollsters, donors, and media types influencing an election?
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Yep. Biden FINALLY called for Supreme Court reform last week. They could all be talking about that right now. But no. Trump said a dozen monstrously bigoted things at the RNC. They could be hammering him for that right now. But no. Project 2025 is RIGHT THERE. They could be... It's infuriating.
Every day I wake up, and check the temperature, and think you know, they could be hammering the other side for wanting to deport twenty million people, but oh no, it’s more important to write political fan fiction instead.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Weed. Lots and lots of weed.
There really is no standard self-help book for "Your Parent Wasn't An Intrinsically Bad Person and Carried All the Signs of Major Trauma but They Were Also A Lunatic Left Unsupervised With Kids and the Results Were Predictable: Anyway, Here's How To Feel About That Now That They're Dead," is there?
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Reminder on the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The Apollo program was the last to move humans beyond the thin shell of low Earth orbit (LEO).
Dec 17, 1972. Apollo 17 astronaut Ron Evans performs a trans-Earth spacewalk to retrieve film canisters. He's traveling at around 36,000 km/hr (22,000 mph). This is the LAST TIME A HUMAN LEFT LOW EARTH ORBIT. Nixon was President. Pong had just been released.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Hardcorde blackshirts immediately began demonstratively wearing bits of sticking-plaster on their own noses.
Mussolini with a nose bandage after a 1926 assassination attempt
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
The billionaire who's been bribing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito donated a $10 million bribe to Senate Republicans to block Supreme Court reforms and investigations. Everyone understands these are bribes. Normalize calling them bribes.
Facing Dem Scrutiny, Alito Benefactor Paul Singer Donates $10 Million to GOPreadsludge.com The donation, to the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund, is Singer’s largest ever.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
shit up the old one so people will buy the 9 new things. Plus AI *sigh* Anyway, while enshittification would still occur, these essential things should be utlities because they are.
It is easy to get 65% of people to agree that things could be better and be different. Harder to get even 45% to agree on what the desired goal should be beyond mere 'change'. Harder still to implement such a thing in less than 90days.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
(Trump is shot by AR-15) Republicans: Let’s wear fake ear bandages to show how much we love Trump. (countless schoolchildren are shot and killed by AR-15s) Republicans: Let’s wear AR-15 pins to show how much we love AR-15s.
when he says 'unity' he means 'obedience' just like when he says 'peace' he means 'surrender'
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
A bad software update from one company shouldn’t be able to shut down airlines, 911 services, businesses and more. We shouldn’t have gotten into such a vulnerable position, but hopefully this outage will lead to reforms, getting more redundancy and alternatives into these systems.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Oh gosh, goodbye to the great Bob Newhart. ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
If you've not got into SH yet, do yourself a favour.
FUCKSAKE GUYS. I ignored this thinking it wasn’t up for writing or the series itself, just a couple of (well deserved) acting gongs for the famouses. But apparently the people who invented and made the show are also up for awards. So… mention that.
‘Slow Horses’ Lands First-Ever Emmy Nominations; Gary Oldman & Jack Lowden Up For Acting Awardsdeadline.com Apple TV+ series 'Slow Horses' has landed nine Emmy nominations, including acting nods for Gary Oldman, Jack Lowden and Jonathan Pryce.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
huh. wonder what’s happening in milwaukee right now.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
One thing we know now about the mass deportations, the abortion bans, and the executive crimes, which was less clear in 2016, is SCOTUS won't stand in the way.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
He did change his mind once he found out that Iran was the one with the oil.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Even shitty horrible people would express sorrow directly to the family of a man killed attending your thing, by a bullet shot at you that missed you. No one has to be told that. Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist and such a thing would make him feel uncomfortable, and he lacks empathy.
Reposted byAvatar Puppet
Most villains don't really think they're the villain. They only really embrace it when they're batshit or when they know what they're doing is utterly irredeemable to virtually everyone. And what they try to do is say they're the norm. They're the way It Ought to Be They argue their interests.
“The center is whatever position I personally hold” has always been the subtext of these sort of statements, but now the center apparently includes banning IVF and allowing your employer to make you work 60+ hours in a week without OT.
you don't want to convinced that your better? Fine, listen to the woke" and the rubes will fight to be convinced again until it does finally rain. (It will right? )