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Winegrower, progressive, reader, wife, and mom to boys, dogs, and cats.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
I hope the one low-information voter on here reads all our posts.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis!
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Avatar this is why we need accounts that can be locked. Someone harasses a user and then laughs in their face and tells them that if they get banned they will just add another account. I appreciate that this user has been removed but it isn’t enough.
Aside from the general threat of fascism and the end of democracy, climate policy is HUGE. Another Trump term would be an absolute disaster when we already have no time to waste and aren’t doing enough.
Project 2025 will double down on protections for fossil fuel industries while killing clean power initiatives, while this is going on, but the media is mostly focused elsewhere for some idiotic reason
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data Copernicus Climate Change Service says results a ‘large and continuing shift’ in the climate
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
if tasty, why bad for me
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Biden has a bad debate night: calls to step down Documents released that show two underage women accused Trump of raping them on Epstein’s island, under oath: total media silence except in a few blogs and foreign news The media double standard is incredible to see
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
pretty stunning how the billionaire class(and yes that means the legacy media) have completely turned on Biden. They'd rather have a fascist dictatorship than pay taxes and a living wage to employees. Insane power grab in front of the cameras
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
I think of it as group therapy meets open-mic night
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
This is the fundamental problem we’re facing, with Biden, with Trump, with politics. We spend many hours a day consuming media. But the content of that media is increasingly determined not by WHAT IS TRUE, but by WHAT EARNS AUDIENCE ATTENTION. Factoids are harvested and rebuilt into those stories.
there's the larger question about why "a couple anonymous donors speaking on background says something bad about the candidate" is considered to be newsworthy enough to peg a front-page, push-notification-generating story to. Could easily do the same to Trump!
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
“He took away abortion and he wants to be a dictator” should be plastered on every surface and blaring out of every speaker.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
America, you in danger, girl.
While I’m away on a trip with some family, Louis is at home with my husband. I got him some very nice anti-anxiety CBD tincture to ease the separation anxiety since he’s such a mama’s boy. From this photo I received, he looks like he’s contemplating all the mysteries of the universe. Also: ball.
On vacation and met this friend today. would they be friends with Neil Caiman?
Fawn zoomies!
Timeline cleanse: got back from a rainy run and two fawns with zoomies burst out of the woods by the creek. I ran in and grabbed my phone and by the time got back their mom was there and they were already moving off. Wish the pictures were better but it was raining and I'm cashed.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
man lemme tell ya if i could afford to merge you, flaming hydra, 404, forever wars, and a half dozen other must-read substacks/ghosts into a mega outfit, i’d have done so already
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
We’re all sorting through our feelings about Joe Biden right now. I’m as uncertain as anyone. This might help.
15 Points and a Question About Joe Struggling to sort out your feelings about the president? So am I.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
My #UglyDogs, Callie needs our help! She is a one year old spayed female with a really bad history of being abused who has now been attacked by the established other dog in her current home so she's being returned ... but the rescue has no room.
She has some resource guarding but is otherwise good with small dogs and cats in the home. Separation anxiety due to trauma will get better with training and love. Callie is in the northeastern US and currently can't find a rescue to take her. Our shelters are full. Let's get her a home, UDs!
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
literally that shit is causing the internet to have a massive break with observable reality, it is an energy hungry monster, *and* it sucks wholeass rivers dry. AI is destroying us in ways completely unlike the adrenaline-fueled fantasies of sci-fi horror.
It’s so irritating that the conversation on AI in the media centres on the apocalyptic fantasies of nerds who have watched The Terminator a hundred times, and not on the actual real damage it’s doing right now by plagiarising people, contributing to misinformation, etc.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Want to be able to subscribe to the Times and tell them to do nothing with it but pay
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Must be nice to have choices
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Some say the wind isn’t a reliable source of energy in New Zealand. The wind: