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Winegrower, progressive, reader, wife, and mom to boys, dogs, and cats.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Should we break it down? Deep state = Jews globalist = Jews Puppets = Jew controlled Slithering = Jewish lizard people Even Schumer = an actual Jew! Cabal = Jews Elites = Jews
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
all of this is great but the question mark after "old and quite weird" is speaking to me in a way that I really can't quite explain
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
VP Harris isn't "childless." She's been a stepmom for 10 years. That "counts." Can we not buy into the Right's narrative that parenting only happens with one's own uterus, by State coercion if needed? Sing it with me: families look like lots of things, and love makes a family.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
he also visited mar a lago, he sure has a lot of time to troll abroad for a man pursuing a brutal war of occupation
Bibi brought Elon with him to the Capitol as his special guest.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Liberals: Kamala is brat, y'all! Leftists: Kamala's record is spotty at times, though some of her negatives have been overstated, her participation in the carceral state gives me pause, but ultimately defeating fascism should- GOP: *racial slur*
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
No one in this world, and I do mean no one, frightens racists more than black women who speak hard truths without apology
More of this, please.
A lil bedtime snack of hot toast slathered in salted kerrygold butter is my love language.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
This is what Barbara and Karen Fields call "racecraft," the construction of race, racism, and its power structures through language. Go back to elementary school and grammatically diagram this. Whom does the NYT blame for the harshness? Even the possessive here is doing work.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
JD vance looks like a packet of gravy mix became a real boy
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Put Doug on TV talking about his awesome, smart wife, the nation loves a Wife Guy
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
some of you are acting like you have never seen a debate-supreme court shenanigans-assassination attempt-candidate switch month and it really shows
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
"Vote for Kamala and you never have to think about Donald Trump ever again, for the rest of your life." Say it. Believe it. Live it. Spread the word.
I just donated and signed up for monthly contributions. I urge others to do the same. Even if it’s only a few bucks!
ActBlue just announced $46.7 million in donations as of 9pm ET. I still hope they beat this
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Every Black woman - every Black person - knows what’s coming. If you, non-Black person, plan on seeing this through, listen to me: the seething, raw & disgusting hatred on its way needs to be *drowned out.* Not rationalized, not pontificated, not reacted to, not entertained. Hear me now.
The rightwing outrage machine will settle on a new master narrative against Kamala within two weeks, that mainstream media will subsequently legitimize. Wish it wasn't so, but build up resistence now for what your billionaire owned info sphere will look like. Don't get sucked into it
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
The mood shift of Dems in my timeline today has been amazing. Ask your doctor if BidenwithdrawingandbackingHarris is right for you.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
If historians still exist in the future they’re going to have diverse sub-fields within the broader study of Summer 2024. “I’m a late June-ist,” one will say. “Oh,” responds another, “I specialize in the history of the early afternoon of July 13th”
Okay, just took a minute to try to remember every mind-breaking thing that's happened since the debate. It's... mind-breaking! So if you're mind's broken, it's not just you! And I'm sure I've left stuff out - what have I forgotten?
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Threw some dwarf teddy bear sunflower seeds in the tomato bed this spring. Not to be dramatic but I LOVE them.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
this is going to sound like i'm being overdramatic, but one reason i'm happy for the Harris swap is that I think she has the energy and fight if Trump tries stealing this election violently
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Y’all are joking with the dooming and glooming right? Harris has somehow kept herself clean, locked down her team, and is almost certainly aware of what she’s being asked to do. We are about to have a woman at the top of the ticket in a post-Dobbs electorate. Stop crying and buck the fuck up!
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
A woman at the top of the ticket with a post-Dobbs electorate A Black woman vs a white supremacist A former prosecutor vs a current felon A coherent young person vs an incoherent old person Now we have a contrast, a contest, some new doors are open lfg
Y’all are joking with the dooming and glooming right? Harris has somehow kept herself clean, locked down her team, and is almost certainly aware of what she’s being asked to do. We are about to have a woman at the top of the ticket in a post-Dobbs electorate. Stop crying and buck the fuck up!
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
Donald Trump is the oldest presidential nominee ever and clearly suffering from mental decline. Hope the media starts covering it.
Best idea I’ve heard all week.
I have a simple two-step plan to heal America 1. everyone gets July and August off work 2. we turn off the internet in July and August
All the balls for Louis. None for anyone else.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie
what they have in common is a white non labour friendly in the pocket of corporates candidate that will help the investor class continue their robber baron ways
So on the same morning that Sorkin says the Dems should put up Romney, Manchin says Biden should drop out ... and endorses Shapiro or Beshear to take over. What these fantasies have in common is the idea that a thing that doesn't exist—a non-Kamala consensus candidate—can be willed into being.