Veruca Salt

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Veruca Salt

Just Me

Californian. Latina. Wife. GenXQueen.
Mother of dogs and humans.
I like plants. I kill plants.
Lurker. I like politics.
I fight MS
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The Biden administration resumed the shipment of 500 pound bombs to Israel. This was Al-Mawasi yesterday.
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“it costs $0 to be kind” okay well i get paid to be a hater
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An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
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NYPD is using helicopters as a private limo service and/or tour bus. Not even joking. This is why we need to defund the police.
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Plus women spotters were reporting constantly that this was going to happen but who listens to women Now at least 37,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered — and 1500 Israelis—Gaza is flattened, and the horror of these last months will last forever.
A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli army had comprehensive knowledge of the plan by Hamas to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people, via ‘Detailed End-to-End Raid Training,’ distributed on September 19, 2023 - just weeks before Hamas’s incursion, according to an Israeli media report.
Israeli military knew of Hamas's October 7 plans before terror The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and possible negligence by officials, the warning signs were not acted on.
The women soldiers who warned of a pending Hamas attack – and were ***
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The first guest on every Sunday show today was an election denier The news media has not just allowed but fully embraced Republicans' position that the 2020 election was not definitively won by Biden
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Being a millennial means I got raised by parents, teachers, and Sesame Street telling me to be kind, share, don't fight, money doesn't buy happiness, and don't litter because it's bad for the planet and now as an adult when I advocate for that shit I get called a woke leftist fag
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there are frequent reminders that palestinian lives just don’t count in the west, but an operation that killed 200+ to save 4 hostages being celebrated like it’s a success is a visceral one
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Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images. In case anyone was wondering who took the photograph which is popping up everywhere uncredited.
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we gotta start humiliating politicians over here like they do in the UK. we've got all types of milkshakes and teas and various other slurries that are just going to waste lately
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From The Guardian: Two Biden officials resign over the administration’s lying about Israel blocking humanitarian aid into Gaza. One, a USAID official, was pushed out after preparing a report about child and maternal mortality in Gaza. His boss, Samantha Power, famously wrote a book about genocide.
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Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh was assassinated by Israel two years ago today. Here's Israeli cops beating pallbearers in her funeral procession.
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So, Mitt Romney just said it “Why has the PR been so awful?… typically the Israelis are good at PR—what’s happened here, how have they and we been so ineffective at communicating the realities and our POV?… some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok.”
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i'm laughing at the idea that public opinion polling is why they covered a completely made-up plagiarism scandal for harvard's president like it was the world war III
The speaker is Executive Editor of the New York Times, Joe Kahn, in an interview with Semafor's Ben Smith. .
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JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's main cable provider halts Al Jazeera broadcasts, citing government ban.
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there’s a long thread in fascist movements of characterizing themselves as democratic in *spirit* despite the fact that they are anti democratic in practice. the aesthetics are populist, but the politics are always about domination
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Here we fucking gooooooo
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Speaking as college Rather, it is precisely **because** college students are forming strong bonds of community, interaction, and care that all of this is even possible. It's much of the rest of the US that's forgotten how to do that, and so looks on in terror.
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After months of fighting for transparency from the city of Beverly Hills, CalMatters has written a fantastic article about how it appears the BH mayor and a council member, as well as city employees, directly interfered with the lease for an abortion clinic. Please share.
An abortion fight in Beverly Hills exposes the limits of California’s ‘reproductive freedom’ A proposed clinic in Beverly Hills was blocked from opening, highlighting California’s barriers to abortion rights.
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Oh we're back to "pallets of bricks" Discourse
UT Austin claims police found “baseball size rocks … strategically placed within the encampment” and blames protests on outsiders
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well there you have it, folks. case closed!
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Finally got the shot I been trying all week. Breath of a red wing black bird. 🪶
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What's crazy about universities is that there's none of them left in Gaza