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e.g. Artist, dog lover, and avid reader.
“I wish them luck” to people who you think are doing something “abysmal” is very funny
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white house aides say joe biden is privately fuming and running out of patience with joe biden
I would heavily discount this based on the source but FWIW *BIDEN TOLD ALLY HE IS WEIGHING WHETHER TO CONTINUE RUNNING: NYT
I feel like this july 4th is really gonna have “company party where everyone knows there are impending layoffs” vibes
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nixon vindicated and innocent
BREAKING: The Supreme Court overrules Chevron on a 6-3 ideological vote.
He had a bad debate in 2020 and then the entire democratic establishment fell in line to endorse him.
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
I woke up this morning feeling profound anger: at Biden, at his cynical backers and mindless sycophants, at this rotten mess of a supposed democracy—at all of it. I hope you're angry too www.discourseblog.com/p/you-should...
You Should Be Furious Right Nowwww.discourseblog.com I am angry that I live in a country that has produced this nightmare.
Can we get a vibe check on the khive?
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Heard that Sotomayor read her dissent from the bench today, which means she was mad mad, and lowkey I've been thinking that if you're going to do that you should also straight up hold a press conference so more people can see & hear it + it gets more coverage like if it's that bad let's act like it
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This is what I mean. If Trump wins and Democrats lose the Senate, which seems likely, cities are in big trouble. Hochul, who has said she'll start congestion pricing later, is taking a huge gamble that I don't think will pay off.
Really really bleak
WASHINGTON (AP) — George Latimer wins Democratic nomination for U.S. House in New York's 16th Congressional District, beating incumbent Jamaal Bowman.
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Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978. Carter describes what happened next in "The Blood of Abraham": The US notified Israeli Prime Minister Begin we were going to cut off all military aid to Israel & present a resolution condemning it at the UN. Begin immediately said: "It's over."
I’m against involuntary mental illness institutionalization except for one specific person
The logical implication of the majority’s argument here is that a noncitizen would have no recourse to deportation if the government reschedules a removal hearing without notice.
Next is Campos-Chavez v. Garland. Alito has the 5-4 decision for the court in the immigration case. Gorsuch joins the liberal justices in Jackson's dissent. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
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Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act COMPELS the President of the United States to suspend ALL offensive military assistance to a country if the President is aware of evidence that the country in question is blocking humanitarian aid to those in need of it.
Haaretz has documents to show that Ben Gvir ordered the police not to protect the aid convoys to Gaza. www.haaretz.com/israel-news/...
Police chief: Ben-Gvir bypassed me to prevent police protection of Gaza aid convoyswww.haaretz.com
Crack cocaine did not exist at the time of the framing of the constitution. Therefore restrictions on gun ownership for crack users are not in the history and tradition of the US and violate the second amendment under the Bruen test.
Hunter Biden was found guilty in Delaware on Tuesday of three felony counts of lying on a federal firearms application in 2018. Here’s what to know: nyti.ms/4bXfcXo
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One of the strongest cases the left can make for itself in the years ahead is that Democratic moderates are not serious about governing.
The payroll-tax increase that Kathy Hochul is trying to quickly pass through the legislature to make up for the massive budget hole she created by axing congestion pricing is already dead in both chambers, says City and State reporter Rebecca C. Lewis
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"If congestion pricing is canceled as the governor plans, the [$507m] contract will need to be rescinded, cementing the MTA’s reputation as a nightmare client that nobody should want to work with unless they get paid in advance and with a risk premium." pedestrianobservations.com/2024/06/05/h...
Hochul Suspends Congestion Pricingpedestrianobservations.com New York Governor Kathy Hochul just announced that she's putting congestion pricing on pause. The plan had gone through years of political and regulatory hell and finally passed the state legislature ...
When you Weird Insane Unsure Crazy Good Nut but she keep sucking
One word to describe RFK Jr (from the UMass Amherst/WCVB poll of MA voters) polsci.umass.edu/sites/defaul...
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Remember when Obama decided to get “tough on immigration” in 2014 to win over voters in the center and his own staffers were like why did we do that, it won us zero votes and alienated some of our base? Reposting for no particular reason!
This was in 2015.
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The White House continues to work tirelessly to refute the contention that Biden is better than Trump.
Breaking News: President Biden is expected to sign an immigration order allowing him to temporarily seal the border with Mexico and limit asylum. It would be the single most restrictive border policy instituted by him or any modern Democrat. nyti.ms/3VoiwoM
Eight-year-old niece asked me who my favorite YouTubers are. I wasn’t sure how to explain Contrapoints and Cuck Philosophy.