
The payroll-tax increase that Kathy Hochul is trying to quickly pass through the legislature to make up for the massive budget hole she created by axing congestion pricing is already dead in both chambers, says City and State reporter Rebecca C. Lewis
Bernadette Hogan of NY1 confirms this reporting:
Governor Hochul’s new offer to lawmakers is to raid the general fund for up to $1 billion to patch up the capital plan and then to find a congestion-pricing revenue replacement when legislators come back in 2025, multiple legislative sources tell
via The state Senate is done for the night with no resolution on congestion pricing’s replacement, and will return to argue again in the morning
Can they not just override the governor? Require funding come from automated tolling systems and leave it up to governor to determine if she raises tolls everywhere or implements congestion pricing?
First off, the legislature already voted to implement congestion pricing, and the previous governor signed it. It's already law. That's part of why it's already legally dubious whether she has the authority to unilaterally postpone it by executive fiat.
Second: the benefits of congestion pricing aren't just the revenue. There are also public health and environmental benefits that can't be replicated any other way. The $15 billion total tied to congestion pricing (only $1 billion of which is direct revenue) is a lot, but still not the whole story.
Absolutely! I’m not in favor for the transit dollars but for all the positive improvements to the environment and city life. (Not an NYC resident, but looking forward to positive results there spreading to other cities.)
I know New York I know New York I know I need unique New York
I have yet to find an explanation of how, exactly, Hochul is purporting to block this
It’s possible that she doesn’t have a plan other than “the lege does as they’re told”. She’s not actually very good at this.
that was never going to pass - what I want to know is why they bungled this in such a way that makes the governor look incompetent.
Perhaps the governor is just incompetent. 🤷‍♂️
i don't believe she is but this was handled very badly, people need to be fired
As a staunch Democrat... WTF is up w/ Hochul and Adams?
One-party states suuuuuuuuuck. CA is about the best you can possibly do and I expect it to stop working as well as it does relatively soon if the CA GOP doesn't remember how to be a real political party with real positions.
Weird thing is that Rs controlled the NY State Senate until just a couple years ago.
Because Cuomo liked it that way. The idc were all crooks
Only because the Democratic governor (Cuomo) didn't want to have a Democratic legislature, so he organized an illegal backroom deal in which a group of Democrats would caucus as Republicans. Not even a joke! That's literally what happened!
And Hochul was Cuomo's running mate. She's only governor now because he resigned after his sex scandals. So this is all connected, sadly.
As a native of Vermont living in Massachusetts, I have reason to believe you have not correctly identified the problem with New York.
WA does okay besides our insanely regressive tax code.
I hate WA's tax code so much. The state is already pretty damn good by US standards, but a proper tax structure would help even more.
I think we could do a lot better especially since Jim Walsh can push through so many bigoted right wing bills so easily without meaningful opposition
I don't think that's really the complete dynamic in NY. Problem with Hochul and Cuomo before was that they prefer to triangulate and work with GOP and a few rogue Dems rather than the Democratic party caucuses in the legislature.
On the other hand, one of the problem with one-party states is that people who have no bloody business in the side of politics are forced to pretend in order to serve their own advancement.
Colorado's doing pretty well with it.
Honestly even Bill and Hillary is giving them too much credit.
That’s fair. I can’t see either of them flip flopping on congestion pricing. They’d either do it or not.
Yeah. Say what you will about Bill, he understood _politics_. I’m not sure Hochul does.
Adams only won the Dem primary by 7,000 votes in a city of 8 million people. He also ran on police reform, and then did the exact opposite, which shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone, but he only had to fool 7500 people.
In one of the lowest turnout elections in years
Also the election that was the rollout of RCV, which predictably the DoE completely botched the rollout of and no one understood. Working the polls that election was as close as I’ve ever come to being murdered by an angry mob.
He was also going to be “the bus mayor” and bus lanes have stalled out because of opposition from City Hall.
They are exactly the same as everyone else in the party, I don't understand the question.
They're being staunch democrats
Protecting New York City's working class population with new payroll taxes.
Wow I would die of embarrassment if I sucked at my job this much
Lady needs someone following her playing Yakkity Sax on their phone
Hypothesis: Kathy Hochul is actually bad at politics.
I am convinced that Kathy Hochul is the worst politician in New York history, in the literal sense of the word. Just utterly bad at politicking.
Since the Civil War, 3 NY governors went on to be president (and 4 more their party’s nominee) - not to mention one VP - but nowadays the state seems to mostly elect perverts and weirdos.
I don’t live in New York, but I’m well aware of how shit she is at this stuff…. Somewhere I got some great screenshots of her additions to the Covid discourse from a couple of years ago.
I've been living in NYS since 1980
Hochul is not a bad NY governor, she's a typical NY governor. Y'all think this state is "progressive" Lol lmao, it's the seat of Capitalism.
Oh hell, she’s bad at governing!
I find her leaden political skills alternately fascinating and infuriating (and I get to play an old favorite game, Blame Andrew Cuomo, when I think about how she ended up in office to begin with)