J Leahy

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J Leahy


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the Gaiman allegations are incredibly disappointing and I am so tired of famous men using their power and status to exploit young women like this
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
At the end of the day, the team with the most points wins
So, what Biden is going to want to do two things tonight: Score the ball, and make it hard for Trump to score the ball
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Biden putting his political life on the line for a man who hates him and wants him to lose the election is one of the most baffling and infuriating decisions I have ever seen tell him and his genocidal military to go fuck themselves
Netanyahu released a video in English directly attacking Biden and Blinken. "I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel".
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So a bunch of doctors sue based on a loony bin theory of standing, the 5th accepts it, allows it to be the law of the land a while, then eventually the SC strikes down the nonsense theory of standing but gives religious conscience exceptions a boost. Not an untidy bit of legislative work there
make a movie milder no country crock butter for old men
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one of my deep seated beliefs is that elephants are one of the other high level intelligences on this planet and that if there is a judgment day humanity will be held to account for our crimes against them www.theguardian.com/science/arti...
Elephants call each other by name, study findswww.theguardian.com Researchers used artificial intelligence algorithm to analyse calls by two herds of African savanna elephants in Kenya
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This is insane. The country is facing the fall of democracy - why won’t these people fucking fight?
The Biden campaign has no plans for paid ads involving the verdict, a source tells me. That cannot set the tone for the whole party. There's a big opening to use this against not just Trump, but also Rs who attacked our system to put him above the law. newrepublic.com/article/1821...
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Then re-issue the request as a subpoena, c'mon guys, whatchudoin
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice Roberts rejects request by Democratic senators to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy.
Tony Brothers under the impression we're tuning in to watch him tonight
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The Senate Judiciary Committee should publicly investigate the political bias we have seen on display at the Supreme Court – doing so is both the right thing to do and politically popular:
BREAKING: Sens. Durbin, Whitehouse request meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over Alito ethics scandal, call for Alito’s recusal in Jan. 6 cases. www.whitehouse.senate.gov/wp-content/u...
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Make him sit there while you walk through the meaning of Christian nationalist symbols. You think the guy who couldn't keep his mouth shut at Obama's state of the union will be a sympathetic witness?
Just subpoena him. Force him to testify. Of course everyone will lose their minds. Who cares? It's good politics and good for the rule of law.
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i think I’ll probably be angry for the rest of my life at how badly dems flubbed the response to the j6 insurrection
"Strategists and pollsters say that, much like McCammon, many uncommitted voters don’t perceive Trump’s language to be jesting or ironic, nor do they view a potential power grab as a joke." Many uncommitted voters have more sense than Beltway "experts"
A Hidden Variable in the Presidential Race: Fears of ‘Trump Forever’www.bloomberg.com Undecided voters are concerned that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’ll never leave.
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Anthony Edwards has already been in a Hollywood movie (Hustle, it's great if you haven't seen it) but I haven't stopped laughing at his perfect line delivery of 'bring ya ass' to Chuck when he said he hadn't been to Minnesota in 20 years.
Anthony Edwards tells Chuck to bring his a*s to Minnesota after Game 7 winyoutu.be #nba #nbahighlights #nbahighlightstoday #nbaplayoffsAnthony Edwards tells Charles Barkley to bring his a*s to Minnesota after Game 7 win Timberwolves vs Denv...
Rooting for Denver but Edwards is a beast
Finally getting a good game in this Minnesota Denver series
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The city of Las Vegas sponsoring every single player on the Aces and giving them a cool $100k in each of their pockets. For most of them this more than doubles their salary. For all of them this is “I don’t have to play overseas this year” money. Mad respect.
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It's true that Democrats need to thread a difficult needle when it comes to our anti-majoritarian political system. But, as in the Alito example, I think they'd be better served by politicizing the ways our system is anti-majoritarian, rather than simply trying to work around them.
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Kinda fucked up that letting unelectable partisan hacks have lifetime appointments and brazenly take bribes from billionaire perverts isn’t working out better
Jokic with an insane touch outlet pass to force a time out.
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the basic issue with so many of these folks is they don’t think palestinians are people
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It’s incredible how quickly an openly anti-democratic candidate was normalized. This will receive a fraction of the attention given to campus protests.
Buried down in the “updates” like we’re learning he’s in Iowa this week
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The Biden administration announced expansive new protections on Friday for gay and transgender medical patients, prohibiting federally funded health providers and insurers from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Biden Administration Restores Health Protections for Gay and Transgender Peoplewww.nytimes.com The Health and Human Services Department finalized a rule prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, reversing a Trump-era policy.
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The very real way American society has gone soft is an inability to tolerate levels of tension generations past would have laughed at. A country as diverse & (putatively) free as we are will be fractious. If you say things like 'trying Trump will rip us apart' you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
My most anti-media view (for a guy inside media) is that we too often used terms like "chaos" and "civil war" to describe "people protesting" or "people having argumentative meetings."
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My 10 yo son casually mentioned a +400 Wemby parlay he saw that had been promoted while he watching a Spurs game and it made me momentarily blind w rage that we’re allowing the saturation marketing of sports gambling with zero regulation.
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Something that's always perplexing to me about these pieces is that they never seem to interview the white Liberals and progressives working with their white rural communities. SURJ has a whole program dedicated to this as just one example. It's deeply strange.
This piece about how Democrats have alienated rural America because they don't understand what rural Americans want contains not one word describing what Republicans have done that's more attractive
What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost Everythingwww.politico.com The 'White Rural Rage' narrative gets the research wrong. I know, because some of it is mine.