Jesse Harber

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Jesse Harber

They call me Dr Bus Dude
It really is an astonishing feeling to have cautious optimism in the direction of politics and policy. It’s been so long round these parts.
Really feels like passing a bare-minimum data protection law could sort out like 80% of the US’s political violence problem.
“With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda…”
Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump An outside group is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the conservative policies promised by Republican Donald Trump.
A senior colleague once said: academics don’t like it, but we’re writers. There’s a bunch of research that happens before the writing, maybe more than with some writers. But the product of our labour is text so you’d better get good at writing.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
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The Tories’ disgraced candidate for Montgomeryshire has a familiar energy.
This whole thread is quite something. Emblematic of AI in general: wildly casting about for a use case in the face of domain experts patiently explaining that that’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
Inside me there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me, which is degrading the river ecology inside me. I’m attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this, but the ranchers inside me object, and
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
GPT-5 will suffer four consecutive years of severe emotional breakdown trying to say something new about Foucault
There really is something extraordinary about the ultra rich. Worth £37bn and flagrantly breaking the law to save on paying minimum wage.
If my sister ever opens her deli then this dish under this name has got to be on the menu
Surely for a tongue reuben it’s gotta be Loshn Noshn
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Transportation policy can be one of the most infuriating things to engage on, because the solutions are so simple and straightforward, and yet people continually act in ways that are so obtuse and self-destructive
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
Radiohead lied to us. Computer not OK. Computer not OK at all.
Ok a late entry but: forgot my splinter kit on this road trip, so resorted to (successfully) extracting a finger splinter using grill tongs.
Welcome to the Annual Most Dad* Thing You Did In The Last Year Thread. Per tradition, I will lead off: I bought a mitre saw almost entirely because it was on sale, and now I will find the thinnest excuse to incorporate it into any home project. *You need not have kids or identify as male to Dad.
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I’m soon traveling to a developing country that has been in crisis for more than a decade and in economic decline for even longer. Any good recommendations on whether I should get a yellow fever shot for London?
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
No, this is a trap that anti-urbanists always pull. "We can't build more houses, the transit infrastructure won't support it!" "Don't built transit infrastructure, it's not necessary for the level of housing here!" Congestion pricing will help fund transit expansion.
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Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
Housing folks, it's time to pull the big Tax Policy lever! Whether it's land value tax, accelerated depreciation, tax credits & deferrals, or taxing the rich to build public housing, there's a lot that can be done with it.
Peugeot built my worst-ever car and my best-ever pepper grinder.
Me: I need a family car Peugeot: here you go Me: I also need a pepper grinder Peugeot: you're not going to believe this
This will not resonate with most but I remember being taught the brand-new national anthem at school. I’m also (probably just) young enough that I was never taught the old one.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I can still picture a moment when I was running around my school, changed directions quickly, and saw my housekey - I wore it around my neck on a string, like a necklace - floating up into the air in front of my face.
Curiosity piqued/curiosity dispelled
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I’m so glad the Peaky Blinders movie is confirmed, Bridgerton for dumb guys (complimentary) will heal the world
Turns out Skype lets any participant rename a group by default. Before I changed it, this was Bitcoin/Ethereum spam.
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please don’t lump all Jesse tweets together
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
incredible wikipedia detail
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
right it all gets filled into this liberaltarian "well actually theres too many regulations" vs trying to actually create administrative capacity that could distinguish between Good Things and Bad Things
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Harber
I find it maddening that so many people expect a slowly disintegrating pile of bricks and wood to increase in price. that shouldn't be how it works! it should be a consumption good like a car!!
Sigh. These petty internal squabbles of Africa’s Eurasian peninsula.
Thank you to the anonymous referee who accused me of "reverse Orientalism" for comparing European studies to Southeast Asian studies
The Turtle Moves
My friend's turtle who was DEAD AND BURIED AT CHRISTMAS just came back to life and dug herself out of her fucking grave and is currently having a snack in the kitchen and I'm gonna need to sit down.
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In the lab working double shifts to discover the alkaline jazz capable of neutralizing acid jazz
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