

Reposted by Kelli
The authoritarian right has power in America only because the majority of Americans didn't care enough to pay attention, let alone vote. The French saw the danger and stood against it.
Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
Reposted by Kelli
It can’t be repeated enough: transphobia is a warning sign for fascism. The rights of trans people are a canary in the mine, and when they’re assaulted it means we are all under assault.
formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety)
Reposted by Kelli
pro tip: if they can imprison Steve Bannon for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena, they can imprison Jim Jordan for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena. this isn't fucking rocket science
Reposted by Kelli
People keep asking me what this is in reference to, and the answer is not some singular event. It's been decades of political and cultural pressure to erode the right to free speech. None of this is new. Hell, it's been a step by step reenactment of Weimar Berlin from 100 years ago.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Reposted by Kelli
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
Reposted by Kelli
A useful word that isn’t used enough is “democide.” Democide is the mass murder of a demographic group who are not a racial or ethnic group (“genocide.”) So for example the mass murder of queer or disabled people is democide. It can be a helpful word to disambiguate when both are taking place.
Reposted by Kelli
If you think this isn't exactly where US conservatives want to take their anti-trans moral panic, you're kidding yourself
Reposted by Kelli
The way we’re all told to treat all this as normal. It’s fine that half your email is scams. It’s fine that you can’t answer your phone. It’s fine that every Instagram post is full of scam bait comments. It’s fine that people text you weird phishing links. Just adjust your behavior.
The existence of composite memes, at least part of which rely on weirdly specific bits of historical knowledge... like: "Behold, a [category, of which the indicated item is a very poor example]!" "Go home, Diogenes, you're drunk." Is totally my jam.
Reposted by Kelli
Reposted by Kelli
Fuck Elon Musk. This is why right-wing billionaires sue people reporting on them. They know they can't win these lawsuits. But they also know legal fees will cripple the little guy reporting on their lies and crimes.
Bad News: I’ve been laid off from mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).
Reposted by Kelli
CEO of Sony Picture group, an executive finally saying publicly almost all the stuff that needs to be done to make movies profitable again:
Reposted by Kelli
How can he still shock me after all this time? How is it possible? I have the absolute lowest opinion of him and yet he always can go lower.
Reposted by Kelli
We will see whether the law will be enforced. If there ever were an occasion to do so, it would be where a Presidential candidate effectively conspired with a foreign power to keep an American citizen hostage until after an election. Last night's strip may not *supposed* to have been Dutch, and maybe it still isn't, but Google Translate comes back with "Hold your hands and enjoy them"
Reposted by Kelli
Long read, very worth it. This is a spicy one.
Judge Carlton Reeves has a new opinion out condemning qualified immunity as unlawful and egregiously unjust. He calls the doctrine a "perpetuation of racial inequality" and "an extra-constitutional affront to other cherished values of our democracy."
Reposted by Kelli
Oh weird you mean it was a net revenue generator all the millionaires didn't flee the state like they said they would wow that's crazy
The Massachusetts "millionaires tax" has vastly surpassed projections, bringing in more than $1.8 billion in revenue so far this fiscal year — with the prospect of a surplus of hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on transportation and education
State’s ‘millionaires tax’ has already generated $1.8 billion this year, blowing past state projections - The Boston The estimated haul is already $800 million more than what Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers planned to spend from its revenue in fiscal year 2024.
Reposted by Kelli
One of the fun things about The Beekeeper is that the main bad guy is a 27 year old internet scammer who is basically a tech startup bro
Reposted by Kelli
Reposted by Kelli
failing to lock Donald Trump up because you're afraid of the chaos that would happen if you did is LITERALLY how fascism works
Reposted by Kelli
Reposted by Kelli
Trauma and grief contextualize actions, but they don't strip culpability. Thinking a lot about this lately, and cycles of violence and abuse, and the fallacy that someone cannot simultaneously occupy the roles of victim or perpetrator.
Reposted by Kelli
Also Minimum Wage laws.
student loan debt, health insurance, criminal justice reform, real estate zoning, environmental regulations, labor laws …
Reposted by Kelli
Holy SHIT. Willie Nelson still has it at fuckin 90. Also: he is 90. There is every possibility this is the banger he goes out on. And it's. This. It's beautiful.
Orville Peck & Willie Nelson - Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other (Official Video) Official Music Video for
Reposted by Kelli
I cannot disagree. I also think the Dems would see a huge turnout if they ran on this, hard. The Republicans are coming for your birth control. Boom. Jeph… something is wrong with the upload of the latest comic, maybe. It’s showing up as a question mark box on iOS Safari. I will try it on Chrome on Windows 10 and follow up when I get home.
Reposted by Kelli
This has to be intentional (from a "marriages" article available here: )