K Lynn Patterson

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K Lynn Patterson


Lawyer, Writer, Transplanted Texan. Queer. She/Her
Codify abortion everywhere it’s on the ballot! Pick off numerous small state races from coroner to (especially) election commissioner! Vote for Democratic state attorney generals because fewer GOP AGs means fewer people to launch trial balloons for SCOTUS to shoot at!
At the end of the day, I don't need to be excited about the top of the ticket to be excited about this election. The presidential election is a root canal. Unfun but probably important not to avoid. DOWN BALLOT IS WHERE IT'S AT! Let's codify abortion! Let's kick these bitches off school boards!
Want a beautiful floral sticker that expresses a common sentiment? A ten buck donation to voting rights orgs will get you one.
For no reason whatsoever, this seems like the perfect moment to reveal this year's exclusive Romancing the Vote sticker (generously sponsored by a wonderful anon donor) www.32auctions.com/organization...
In the meantime, this is me, a person terrible at naming things, asking for new nicknames for this corrupt court majority. We don’t name shit anymore and it makes it hard for normies to know what we’re talking about. Gimme your best shot!
Can we haz an expanded SCOTUS plz? 🥺
What do you do when your childhood best friend/long-time infatuation shows up with proof that you're actually a lord? 

If you're Andrew Uchida, and you've worked hard not to be an earl, the answer is steal the evidence. The situation can't escalate that quickly. Can it?
Sex is great but have you ever watched an absolute sleezeball shitheel of a human being who has previously escaped punishment get rightfully convicted on 34 felony counts?
The act of NOT taking this when it was first floated to them and then taking it when the CADC issued an authoritative opinion in itself should be considered a decisively political act that condemns the Court.
Chrome browser extension that replaces "they should just move" with "Fuck the poor lmao"
“They should just move” is not the take, y’all
::blinks:: This is amazing.
Still one of my better pieces of writing
Exactly! All this “let the people decide” talk is remarkably backwards. The people decided in November 2020: Trump lost, and attempted an auto-coup in response. That is the sole reason why the insurrection clause came into play at all: January 6 was the anti-democratic part. 1/
It's bewildering seeing Smart Takes like 'not enforcing the Constitution is good bc Trump should be beaten at the ballot box: vote!' when the whole reason we're having this conversation is because we *did* vote, Trump *was* beaten, & he didn't give a damn! ballsandstrikes.org/scotus/the-s...
The Supreme Court Officially Picks Trump Over the Constitutionballsandstrikes.org The rules are different when the conservative supermajority’s preferred candidate is asking for a constitutional hall pass.
The way this scene I'm adding unexpectedly fills a huge information gap in the WIP is delighting me. I have an entire *other* reason for putting this scene in here, but it is the biggest windfall.
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being a trans author is fucking weird right now. Hell is actively unfolding all around us but I still need to be like, "hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book? It won't make anything better, but it's kinda fun?" So....hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book?
… the continual commitment to everyone having a flat analysis of 4cham and the failure to intervene on Twitter is why stuff like this keeps happening Sam is right about the AI But the manner of leak and the accounts serve a much more sophisticated purpose That keeps getting erased
My perspective on this is that it’s a category error to call it a free speech question since AI image generation isn’t speech, it’s a big slurry of other people’s copyrighted images made into Image McNuggets by the scofflaw princelings of Palo Alto
Bobbi Althoff deepfake spotlights X’s role as a top source of AI pornwww.washingtonpost.com A lack of moderation and a flood of clout-chasing accounts has turned the platform into “4chan 2.”
There needs to be an independent autopsy for this poor kid.
ok one more thing, I'm seeing a lot of posts w/ historically influential female fantasy writers and...I don't think I've seen one author of color 😉 let's fix that! 😆 All writing decades ago: * Octavia Butler! * Isabel Allende! * Angélica Gorodischer! * Nalo Hopkinson! * Tananarive Due! (ctd 🧵)
Man, I want to gently gather so many people from every genre into my arms right now and whisper, "you don't have to call the things you love trash just because you're afraid someone will think you're stupid if you don't"
In 7th grade (1992ish) I started at a new school. Below is a rough transcription of my attempts at making friends: Me, bouncy, exuding friendly excited vibes, "Hi! My name is Katie. I like to read fantasy novels. What kind of books do you read?" ::winces:: I eventually found my people.
I have had men who shared D&D tables with me in high school sit across from me at adult tables and tell me, in absolute sincerity, that they didn't date in high school because "no" girls were into D&D, or DOCTOR WHO, or the X-Men. We were there! The boys just didn't choose to see us.
"Women have discovered fantasy." Nope. Diana Wynne Jones and Diane Duane and Robin McKinley and Mercedes Lackey and Jane Lindskold were THERE, you just...didn't choose to see them.
Speaking of romantasy existing forever, if I were a publisher with the rights to The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown I would re-release those SO FAST your head would spin.
My husband will not let me buy one of these for the baby goats. Any chance any of y'all have one you're ready to get rid of? (Houston to Austin)
This story is hitting me really hard.
The Independent has made some major headway on the story of Nex Benedict, a nonbinary OK high schooler who died after being brutally beaten by older teenage girls at school. They've found reason to believe Nex was bullied for being nonbinary, making it likely this led to their death.
Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is deadwww.independent.co.uk Nex Benedict died one day after a fight in a school bathroom. Their mother Sue Benedict tells Bevan Hurley that the gender fluid teenager endured more than a year of abuse simply for being who they we...
Is it time for me to move my absentee ballot instructions from twitter to bluesky? If you live in a state with easy accessible voting, consider this. And maybe shut the fuck up and donate to an organization fighting for voting rights.
For everyone shitting on people in Alabama (where I live): the legislature/judges are mostly corrupt, evil, and backwards. The humans who live here are complicated, and mostly, this state is full of decent humans gerrymandered and voting rights act cancelled out of turning this state purple. STOP.
Given everything that went down with the Hugos, I thought I'd spend sometime uplifting voices. Who are some Chinese and Chinese diaspora SFF/H writers, from novels down to short fic, you recommend?
If you want to be one of the ones who resist tyranny, then pay attention to how people fold to it, and ask yourself what you would do under the circumstances. People who fold to petty bullshit often haven’t thought about it and we are socialized to go along with what authority figures say.
As diaspora, I cannot tell you what it feels like to see my name, work, and politics -- - were noted in a secret dossier - where my work & sentiments were identified as concerning - by *Americans* - and then used to harm a colleague and associate. You took the thing we fear, and you made it truth.
This revelation throws into question every Hugo Award ever given. If the US & Canadian admins quietly disqualified people for political reasons this time, have they done it before? Will they do it again? People keep asking me if this is worse than the Puppies. YEAH. THIS IS WORSE THAN THE PUPPIES.
For the last few weeks I've been working with Chris Barkley @cmzhang42.bsky.social of @file770.bsky.social on a report about censorship in the 2023 Hugo Awards. Leaked emails and files indicate authors and works deemed “not eligible” for the awards were removed due to political considerations. 1/3