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Live, laugh, launch me into the sun.
The thing about the march to fascism is that aside from the terror and the consequences it’s also so goddamn embarrassing
You can tell a lot about someone's personality from what they're like
The next James Bond should be weird. Like he wears welding goggles and he’s afraid of balloons
Teacher: remember class, there are no stupid questions Me: *raises hand* Teacher: no stupid questions i said Me: *lowers hand*
Dickens: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. AI writing assistant: This should be changed to "It was an average time."
finally, pies cooling on windowsills are safe again
BREAKING: The Supreme Court rejects Steve Bannon’s request to stay out of prison pending any remaining appeals of his contempt of Congress conviction. He is due to report to prison for a four-month sentence by Monday.
Thank you for your service, Mr. Bannon, but we have the deconstruction of the administrative state covered from here.
BREAKING: The Supreme Court rejects Steve Bannon’s request to stay out of prison pending any remaining appeals of his contempt of Congress conviction. He is due to report to prison for a four-month sentence by Monday.
Seinfeld under fire over new Comedians in Cars episode
Did they void the warranty by just placing those bags in the bed? Also, it’s definitely voided by the self welding.
Every time I see one of these cybertruck dudes try to convince everyone it's a real truck, it has unprompted "I'M STRAIGHT" energy
This morning my large adult son, Mechano Teppanyaki X, was howling with big greasy tears flowing down his large adult face. "Why do they mock our cyber truck, Pappa?" I paused eating my bowl of raw chicken and told him, "because your mother left us after the Horse Incident"
International Brotherhood of Shitposters Local 69
Supreme Court rules along ideological lines that it’s ok for Kyle Rittenhouse to murder anyone he doesn’t like.
Fox News guy in the universe where they talk about all music the way they talk about hip-hop: This David Byrne thug is singing about how he's burning down a house and we're supposed to think this is okay? We're supposed to celebrate this?
The Hunt For Decent Republicans is never-ending among some members of the media. Simpson will align with Trump whenever it matters to him. As will Susan Collins. And Willard Romney. Sure, they dislike him. No idea what that has got to do with him.
A version of “never have I ever” where you just take turns saying that phrase in the most offended southern belle voice you can muster
Never underestimate how dangerous a stupid person is.
So few famous Black people are in the dictionary either. I still have to manually correct Dred Scott. Frederick Douglass, same. DuBois too. Coretta is straight up red-lined. And those are just Americans imagine international Blackness I cannot 😭
The Bill of Rights only exists because during the ratification process everyone agreed that it needed some amendments! The Constitution only got ratified because they promised a Bill of Rights! The Founders are the ones who changed the Constitution the most! And they expected we would do more.
This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
Remember when all these guys were talking about HIPAA because they thought it meant you couldn’t ask if they were vaccinated
Asshole doctor Does Harm by leaking medical documents to Chris Rufo, is now charged with 4 felonies. (Calling this guy a “whistleblower” and Rufo a “journalist” are some good examples underscoring just how detached from reality this entire ecosystem is)
DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a surgeon who exposed Texas Children's Hospital for secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.
NARRATOR: I didn't want to just be a "good boy." I wanted to be a great boy; the greatest boy that ever lived
Exactly right. Biden set records for deportations and the right is still screaming that we have "open borders." Stop trying to meet these psychos halfway.
I have posted before about how the average very offline resistance lib's opinion of Trump at this point is "someone should shoot that motherfucker on fifth avenue" what people are really begging is for someone, preferably the entire party but at the very least Biden, to match that energy
i honestly think a hot mic leak of biden saying “fuck that racist motherfucker” would be worth more than every speech he’s ever given or will give. tack on a “and is it just me or does he want to fuck his own daughter” & we’re into exponentially more than every speech he’s given or will give.