Michael C. Bailey - Indie Author

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Michael C. Bailey - Indie Author


Indie author, writer, stage combat director/choreographer/instructor in the central MA area. Native Cape Codder. Shares a bed with my wife, two dogs, and four cats. He/him/his. https://innsmouthlook.com
@colleendoran.bsky.social posted a screenshot from her Facebook page analytics. Every time she includes a link to content outside FB's walled garden, the algorithm hides it from the majority of her fans. If she posts a photo/artwork and no link, the views are 10-15x greater.
Prime Day, Schmime Day. Hey, listen, indie bookstores are out there being awesome every day. And they tend to ship directly to you, even if you're not local to the store. They're where the books live! And booksellers are book wizards! Bonafide bibliomancers fast with the recommendations.
Basically, the Batmobile/Tumbler from Nolan's Batman movies with fewer angles.
I'm on break, and this has been stewing a minute I want to bring up an uncomfortable memory for people panicking about polls. Hillary Clinton, data quality, the inherent trouble with political polling.
I'm shocked, shocked
Any writer who has ever researched gunshot wounds is looking at Trump and his casually bandaged ear right now with a very high degree of skepticism.
I live outside Worcester, MA, and I'm going to say ignore the ballpark and partake of the arts and theater community. There's a lot going on throughout the year so you can always find a show or an exhibition or demonstration or class somewhere.
Let's have some fun on Bluesky tonight! Tell me where you live and one thing everyone should do in your city! #flythefriendlysky
give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer 1. Angus Young 2. Joe Satriani 3. Alex Lifeson
give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer 1. SRV 2. Eric Johnson 3. Jeff Healey
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
Heading to the day job shortly, where I will spend the day listening to people comment about how hot it is. YES. I KNOW. Seriously, people, obvious remarks about the weather are the lowest-hanging conversational fruit, and customer service workers really don't want to hear them ALL DAY LONG.
It's allegedly "A.I. Appreciation Day" today. I'm going to guess the only ones celebrating the day are the A.I. bros desperate to push their snake oil on gullible businesses, and failed artists who are now able to pretend they have a shred of skill.
Just blocked an account seeking people to be her sugar daddy, so that's new.
Panelists Wanted! We are currently accepting panelist applications for Arisia 2025. To participate in programming as a panelist or to lead a workshop, fill out the form at tinyurl.com/arisiapaneli.... The deadline to sign up as a new panelist is August 12, 2024. Details on the linked page.
I'm working on policy proposals to protect consumer rights when companies brick smart devices. So please share devices that you've owned that stopped working because the company that made it killed software support or went out of business. Also, please share this request. Thank you.
As a 501c3 corporation, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, much less publish manifestos. Download the Project 2025 pdf from their website & attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status. Here's their EIN # 23-7327730 And instructions (email!)
IRS Complaint Process - Tax-Exempt Organizations | Internal Revenue Servicewww.irs.gov If you suspect a tax-exempt organization is not complying with the tax laws, you may send information to the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.
Retweet to save an artist's life
Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Biden reached out to Trump to see how he was doing, condemned the violence, expressed sympathy for the man killed at the rally, and dedicated resources to investigating the incident and securing the upcoming GOP convention. Guaranteed, Trump will not acknowledge any of this, ever. "Both sides."
Whenever I read a "WTF?" review of one of my books, I take solace in the words of Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor: "Some people can read 'War and Peace' and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."
Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
This would be a good time to remind folks to block early and block often. Block the trolls and bad actors, the pendants and the "well actually" reply guys, the sealions and the devil's advocates. Block because the vibes are off. Block because someone jokes when they shouldn't. Cultivate your feed.
No, you don't understand, this is meant to be the app where people give me little hits of dopamine, not the app where everyone is angry and pointlessly cruel to each other. I demand a refund.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say the last people who should be gatekeeping manly bona fides are men who are so bereft of basic self-confidence that they have to keep making up standards for manliness that, quite conveniently, they meet.
quite concerned about the heterosexuals in this historic moment
As always, conservatives are all in favor of a Thing until the Thing is used against them, and suddenly that Thing is now bad -- but they don't want the Thing addressed for the benefit of all; they just don't want "them" to do the Thing anymore.
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay: www.the-reframe.com/gambling-in-...
Gambling In Casablancawww.the-reframe.com Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
I'm honestly pleasantly surprised any year my tax guy tells me my writing was profitable.
Two publicly known authors I'm friendly with once said at a writers' get-together that maybe -- MAYBE -- three percent of trad-pubbed authors make their living solely off book sales, and everyone else has a regular job or side-hustle(s). The money in publishing is not going to authors.
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
Since I'm spending the day inside with my fuzzies and the AC working on this very project: Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Two girlfriends irk local police with their shenanigans.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Girl goes on a journey and realises she forgot something.
could we stop with the WE’RE DOOMED whenever literally anything happens
look i know we're all clinically depressed leftists but automatically going WE'RE DOOMED does not seem prudent
It's astounding to me that so many pop culture websites continue to post stories about how "John Carpenter's The Thing" telegraphs a major plot point in the opening sequence like it's a brand-new revelation that no one else has ever heard of or written about.