
This article seems to posit that Peter Thiel, David Sacks, Keith Rabois are somehow "moving to the right," which kind of ignores the history of the three of them all the way back to their Stanford days when they were already extreme rightwing trolls from basically the start.
The professor Keith loudly wished death by AIDs upon was one of my favorites.
This story is fun: "He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly strident neo-reactionary tech political movement that sees American democracy as an enemy" “The speech won roars from the audience at Y Combinator, a leading start-up incubator”
The Tech Baron Seeking to Purge San Francisco of “Blues” If Balaji Srinivasan is any guide, then the Silicon Valley plutocrats are definitely not OK.
Rabois was reprimanded for standing outside a gay professor's home wishing that he died of AIDS -- allegedly due to his love of free speech. They've honestly not changed or grown at all.
This episode was even more disturbing, to me anyway, when I learned that Rabois is a gay man who came of age in the 80s. Nobody should act like this and harass people at home, but it's esp callous for a gay man to wish this on a person. He is depraved.
I mean, the pop psych temptation is to say he was working something out, but every other indication, including every time I met him, just suggest he’s an awful human being.
I honestly believe there should be an entry in the DSM-5 for "asshole".
I'm not inclined to be generous in my interpretation.
I just think you shouldn't loudly wish death by AIDS upon anyone, especially not while standing right outside their home.
I can't remember if Thiel was with him
Generally speak, the more you learn about him, the worse he looks.
In 2005 I had a startup that Reid Hoffman gave a few desks to at LinkedIn HQ -- this is when they were maybe 50 people. I have STORIES about Rabois.
That's how they have to frame it to absolve themselves of having missed it in the previous couple of decades.
I agree with this 100% - just like all of those articles asking what Elon's political views written AFTER HE HAD ALREADY ENDORSED RON DESANTIS
"Peter Thiel and his merry band of shitheel fellow travelers are moving to the right!" is the sort of technically-correct-but-functionally-pointless analysis I love Bonus points for the unflattering pic, though, like he just ate a piece of bad prosciutto
I think that's just his face cause I've never seen a photo of theil where he looks anything other than disgusted.
For Thiel and Sacks, don't you mean back to their South African Apartheid school-boy days? Or possibly since birth.
Wait. So you’re telling me the guy who said women shouldn’t vote because they are too liberal was a right winger all along?
There's a strong reluctance to draw obvious but unflattering conclusions about powerful people. Donald Trump is - quite straightforwardly - an idiot. Elon Musk is a right-wing bigot. Clarence Thomas is grossly corrupt. But to write a story you have to dance around it.
Thiel, of course, is the co-founder of one of the most profitable "surveillance capitalism" firms in the world...and I don't think one can claim to be a libertarian and simultaneously be a corporate ally and beneficiary of the Surveillance State. But perhaps I'm too judgy.
They are dropping pretenses that no one paying attention ever believed.
Also, please remember that Peter Thiel is “married to a man” from Goldman Sachs and also has a surrogate daughter. Who in the midterm elections donated $140 million to Republican big lie candidates in #Ohio and Arizona. JD Vance. So great that he made a fortune in the collapse of silicon bank 🤡
Going from alt-right to full blown Blood & Soil
bunch of them were already somewhere beyond there with the dark enlightenment shit they're neofeudalists
Oh I'm well aware, Peter Thiel and I used to have a mutual friend from college I knew a bunch of folks who went on to join that circle
I enjoyed his "wrong. i know more about residential real estate that probably any one person in the US." Especially given that this was a discussion about how everyone was leaving SF (and it was recently reported that Keith himself has quietly moved back)
That is incredible because that's the whole problem with these guys, they rolled three 7s in a row one time and it made them think they are geniuses across all domains
Read up from this one to see his death of the web bullshit
Lol. Incredible. This exchange... he's so full of himself.
He's predicted "things". Best laugh I've had all afternoon. Thank you! 😂😂😂
I claim this tweet as predicting the problems we have with LLM bullshit generation
I remember going to a talk on Bay Area housing about a decade ago where Rabois was one of the speakers. I asked him a simple question in the Q&A and the dancing he did to avoid answering it erased any chance of my taking his opinion seriously.
I'm not sure what you'd gain from randomizing a bunch of n's anyway, that stuff works much better with *different* letters
That's a random distribution that has all of its weight on one result. At the risk of being pedantic. People often take "random" to mean "uniform distribution," but it doesn't.
i mean seriously mike are they including rabois in this list lol
The media forced them right.
"inexplicably moving even further to the right"?
I'm not sure that the direction of a shift from Objectivism to Fascism is "to the right".
There was a brief moment of time the tech industry was sucking up to the Obama admin, only it was mostly a "not get in the way of innovation" deal, but so much of the press still used to show how SF/SV is a liberal wonderland, not a "libertarian" hellscape.
Except they love the state bailing them out when they get into trouble-no libertarians in bank runs.
I wish the programmers at their companies a very happy "did you know you can unionize"?
What is the source? That should be the focus, the names and motives of the people disingenuously portraying these men as ever being 'moderate'.