michael4171.bsky.social follows

Soraya Nadia McDonald
Soraya Nadia McDonald
works in publishing. used to play naked in mark darcy's paddling pool | she/her | sorayanadiamcdonald.com
DMs open / i work on a podcast / reposts ≠ endorsements / mid at best / trust the process / go birds / periodically delete posts
Alex Wellerstein
Alex Wellerstein
Historian of science, technology, and nukes. Professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Author of RESTRICTED DATA. Creator of NUKEMAP. New book about Truman and the bomb in 2025. Now also publishing "Doomsday Machines": https://doomsdaymachines.net/
Costa Samaras
Costa Samaras
Climate, energy, emerging tech, & policy professor. Director of the Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Energy Innovation. Former Biden White House OSTP Chief Advisor for the Clean Energy Transition. Personal account. He/Him. costasamaras.com
Osita Nwanevu
Osita Nwanevu
Contributing Editor | The New Republic
Columnist | The Guardian
Newsletter | ositanwanevu.com
Dr. Damien P. Williams: The Birthday Beast
Dr. Damien P. Williams: The Birthday Beast
Read threads

Asst. Professor of Philosophy & Data Science, UNCC
Degrees in Science, Technology, & Society; Philosophy; Religious Studies
Thinking on Algorithms, 'A.I.,' Human Values, Marginalized Lived Experiences, Magic/Occult, Pop Culture
Julia Angwin
Julia Angwin
web3 is going just great
web3 is going just great
tracking only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, defi, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects since 2021 • created by @molly.wiki

The Nation Magazine
The Nation Magazine
Founded by abolitionists in 1865. Committed to progressive journalism. Subscribe: http://subscriptions.thenation.com.
Alex Hanna
Alex Hanna
Director of Research, DAIR Institute. Roller derby athlete/announcer, BayAreaDerby. 🇪🇬⚧ She/her/هي
📸 Ryan Young (http://instagram.com/ryaneyoung/)
Politics Theory Other
Politics Theory Other
A podcast on radical politics, critical theory, and history. Hosted by Alex Doherty

Listen: https://linktr.ee/poltheoryother
Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
Professor, UCLA Law; Director, http://SafeguardingDemocracyProject.org; 2020 CNN, 2022 NBC/MSNBC Election Law Analyst; electionlawblog.org
Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום
Lux Alptraum לקס אלפטראום
Journalist, author, podcaster, bon vivant.
לפעמים אני כותבת בעברית כי אני לומדת עברית ורוצה להשתפר. תיקונים מדוברי עברית תמיד מוערכים.
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz
Editor/Co-author, “Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of US Nuclear Weapons Since 1940” • I write primarily about nuclear weapons (including history, costs, accidents, and policy), and the Presidential Emergency Satchel (aka the nuclear “Football”).
Abigail Nussbaum
Abigail Nussbaum
Blogger, critic, 2017 best fan writer Hugo winner.
Blog: wrongquestions.blogspot.com
Twitter: @NussbaumAbigail
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Review collection TRACK CHANGES coming 8/24. https://briardenebooks.uk/shop/
Joshua Erlich
Joshua Erlich
civil rights lawyer, exhausted
Taylor Lorenz
Taylor Lorenz
Journalist writing about technology and life online for The Washington Post.

Host of Power User podcast
The UnPopulist
The UnPopulist
Defending liberal democracy against authoritarianism in the U.S. and around the world.
Tech Won’t Save Us
Tech Won’t Save Us
A left-wing podcast for a better world and better tech. Hosted by @parismarx.bsky.social. Made in partnership with @thenation.com.

David S. Bernstein
David S. Bernstein
Journalist. Politics and policy. Contributing editor Boston Magazine, bylines Politico Magazine, Atlantic, many more. Formerly of Boston Phoenix. Substack: https://goodpoliticsbadpolitics.substack.com
Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent
Politics, politics, politics
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sean Carroll
Sean Carroll
Physics, philosophy, complexity. Johns Hopkins & Santa Fe Institute. Host, #MindscapePodcast. Married to @jenlucpiquant.bsky.social.
In May: Quanta & Fields, book 2 of The Biggest Ideas in the Universe.
Kat Tenbarge
Kat Tenbarge
Tech and culture reporter at NBC News
Paris Marx
Paris Marx
i criticize the tech industry

🎙️ @techwontsave.us
📬 https://disconnect.blog
📖 https://roadtonowherebook.com
Jill S. Russell, PhD
Jill S. Russell, PhD
National Security and Military Strategy. Currently focused on Urban Security/Warfare, and a new theory of LOGPOWER.
Mike Godwin
Mike Godwin
Lawyer, author, EFF's first hire, Godwin's Law creator (he/him). Retweeting!=endorsing. My opinions here don't necessarily represent any employer or any client. You may know me as @sfmnemonic on Twitter.
David Roberts
David Roberts
I run a newsletter/podcast called Volts about clean energy & politics. Subscribe & join the community at http://volts.wtf!
Eric McDaniel
Eric McDaniel
Politics Gremlin and Co Maestro of the NPR Politics Podcast | DC Transit Enthusiast
Jonathan Cohn
Jonathan Cohn
Editor. Political director for Progressive Mass. Opinions are my own. Phone-banking-while-walking evangelist.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
Eric Blair
Eric Blair
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and the New York Times Opinion section will say we are all overreacting.”

Longer-form: https://deepnarrative.io
co-host of the daily beast podcast “the new abnormal.” "one of the former greats" - paul f tompkins he/him https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-abnormal/id1508202790
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Postdoc researching exoplanet biosignatures, Univ. of Arizona | Astrobiologist | Trans Lesbian | Wife | SFF Writer | Lukewarm Ecosocialist | Union Woman | One Half of the ASAB podcast | She/Her
Words and opinions are my own.
Jeff Sharlet
Jeff Sharlet
Author, NYT bestsellers THE UNDERTOW: Scenes from a Slow Civil War & THE FAMILY, also a Netflix series. + other books. My fave is THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS. Words & pics Vanity Fair. Professsing, Dartmouth. He/Him.
Colin Dickey
Colin Dickey
Writer of books, most recently Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy. Also Ghostland, The Unidentified, Afterlives of the Saints, Cranioklepty. He/him.
Matthew Cortland (they)
Matthew Cortland (they)
🖋️ Lawyer, advocate, writer, public health nerd
🦠 Immunocompromised, chronically ill, disabled

Then: SSI, SNAP, Medicaid
Now: data & policy, disability, healthcare.

🔗 linktr.ee/matthewcortland
Thomas Zimmer
Thomas Zimmer
Historian at Georgetown - Democracy and Its Discontents - Newsletter: Democracy Americana https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/ - Podcast: Is This Democracy https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/is-this-democracy
🇵🇸Martin “Doomsday” Pfeiffer🏳️‍🌈
🇵🇸Martin “Doomsday” Pfeiffer🏳️‍🌈
Anthropology PhD Candidate.

nukes, cats, semiotics, FOIA, existential threats, secrecy, etc.

gonzo journo


RT/Fave/etc ≠agree




Jill Filipovic
Jill Filipovic
Journalist, author, writer at jill.substack.com, cnn.com columnist, recovering lawyer.
Sarah Posner
Sarah Posner
Newsletter: The Looking Glass

Author, Unholy. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/605774/unholy-by-sarah-posner/

MSNBC columnist. TPM contributor. Moment columnist.

More: https://www.sarahposner.com
Brian Merchant
Brian Merchant
author of Blood in the Machine, tech writer, luddite

newsletter: https://www.bloodinthemachine.com/
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
Julia Carrie Wong
Julia Carrie Wong
senior reporter at the guardian us but not right now
Mr. Am I Being Detained
Mr. Am I Being Detained
Chief of da autism police and boss of the Irish Mob at the same time. Cousin, I’m a union man.
Markos Moulitsas
Markos Moulitsas
Founder, Daily Kos
Podcast: Daily Kos The Brief
Robert Farley
Robert Farley
Co-founder Lawyers, Guns and Money. Works at Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky
Coverage of January 6 and other legal investigations. An American-Irish in Ireland.

Legendary potty mouth!
Dan Nexon
Dan Nexon
"'A man without a plan is not a man.' Nietzsche."

Professor in the Department of Government and SFS @ Georgetown.

I study international order, power politics, & empires.

dhnexon.net | https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com | duckofminerva.com |